Collapse or Expand Nested Subpages in Site Map

It would be very helpful if the site map page was somewhat more like many file explorer views found on typical operating systems. In particular, having a leading folder-like icon for entries with subentries which allowed you to close (collapse) or open (expand) the section of the site map to suppress or show ancestor pages.

For example:

- FrontPage
  - EditingOnMoinMaster
    - MoinMasterBranches
  + FeatureRequests
  - HelpContents

In the above example, all the pages below FeatureRequests are suppressed and a plus sign (or suitable icon) indicates that you should click on the icon to view the subpages. Conversely, a minus sign (or suitable icon) provides a target to click on to suppress subpages.

Also, there is no such thing as a hierarchycal structure... see PagesHierarchy, FacetedClassificationInMoin and HierarchicalWiki.

If this is strictly so, then how does the SiteMap page work? :-) Obviously, it is not a strict acyclical tree, but the vast majority of wiki content is hierarchical because that is how human beings tend to organize information.

We have a custom CGI script add-on to our wiki which does what I'm suggesting for a subset of the wiki and people gravitate to it immediately (we defined a page as the 'top' for generating a table of contents). I submit that the wiki purest mentality that "because a wiki isn't strictly acyclical" we should basically ignore the utility of such organization tools is bogus.

Why not have the best of both worlds? All the hierarchical view shows is a layered set of relative page links--not an absolute structure of the entire wiki universe for that site.


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/CollapseExpandSiteMap (last edited 2007-10-29 19:10:53 by localhost)