Short description

Whenever a Exception is thrown, a link to<ExceptionName> should be generated and displayed as a Exception-Info Button. This way, the community can put together guidelines and information for administrators on how to best handle the situation when that specific Exception happens.

I made several migrations, and always got a CacheNeedsUpdate exception afterwards, but it´s hard to find out what to do about it. Instead of shipping guidelines included in MoinMoin directly, a Link to the wiki on the internet is a better idea, since it can also be updated in case a broken version of MoinMoin is shipped to the users, to inform them that they should upgrade to the next, fixed version, when an exception happens.

That feature should be useful for all users and admins that happen to experience an exception.

(!) For most exceptions, this does not make sense (e.g. AttributeError, ValueError, etc.). You should also never see CacheNeedsUpdate, so maybe rather report a bug than a feature request.


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/ContextSensitiveExceptionHelp (last edited 2008-03-18 00:30:10 by JohannesBerg)