Corporate Wiki
Wiki's are largely unused in large (international) companies. These companies have needs and habits that are not completely covered by today's wikis.
The aim of these pages is to open a discussion on how to make moinmoin more attractive to these potential users.
Here are some subjects, I want to develop :
Graphical user interface |
Subdivisions of a wiki |
/SubWikis , /AccessRightManagement , /PartialSearch (see MoinOfficeSuite) |
Structuring of the content |
/StructuredContent , /EasyNavigation (see FacetedNavigation and FacetedClassificationInMoin) |
Search features |
Multilingual content |
Feel free to participate to this discussion group.
-- JeanJacquesKahn 2005-03-15 10:33:13
Hi and welcome! Please use the existing pages for your topics instead of creating new ones. -- ThomasWaldmann 2005-03-15 19:33:16
I would suggest to go to MoinMarketing -- ThiloPfennig 2005-09-18 13:57:52
What about calendars? In a corporate environment, we all need calendars - for groups and personal calendars. MonthCalendar is a good start, but it lacks support for recurring events, and a standard way to enter events at a resolution finer than one day. -- AmirRaveh 2005-03-22 18:11:16
If you have good ideas, add them to MonthCalendar page. The problem is mainly integration into wiki concept not just doing that stuff in some non-wiki way. -- ThomasWaldmann 2005-03-22 21:01:55
Hmm. Wouldn't it be best to establish a human- and machine-readable format to define events, put them on a wiki-formatted group-specific announcement page to which group members should subscribe, and then use some parser to export it as ics? There are lots of nice calendar apps available. I wouldn't reinvent the wheel here. Just my 2 cents. -- MSt 2025-01-22 15:52:24
You could do this with EventAggregator and then have people subscribe to a calendar, getting iCalendar or RSS feeds. It even supports events within days; recurring events are not implemented as of release 0.8. -- PaulBoddie 2011-10-14 14:38:23
We would like to have some additional UserProperties. eg. Department, Location etc. This could be useful for SpecialPages like a UserList(with Macros?!), or something similar. -- RogerMeier
Can be done with subpages under their homes, and a Include macro using "from" and "to". Or one of the database macros on the MacroMarket.
Printing can be an important issue for corporate users. We are using MoinMoin to collaboratively develop product specifications and have had to resort to our own cobbled-together external tools (modified version of HTMLDoc) to easily extract a set of pages as a stand-alone distributable PDF file. In our case we use special forms of page links (e.g., insert [:PageNameAsContents:] vs. insert PageNameAsCrossReference) to differentiate a page's location in the document (from a table-of-contents point of view) vs. cross references to the page from elsewhere in the document or wiki. We also make use of categories to constrain the boundary between a "document" within the wiki vs. the wiki itself. Having similar capabilities built within MoinMoin would be very helpful. We modified HTMLDoc to accept hierarchical number specifiers and impose a hierarchical structure on the document portion of the wiki to achieve a traditional result. -- TonyGarland 2006-03-20 15:32:36
To support ISO and FDArequirements a Review/Approval mechanism is necessary, as implemented in the ApprovePageAction. -- FrankSteinhauer 2008-04-21 09:56:04