Short description

If you have setup hierarchical acls (acl_hierarchic = True) it can become difficult to create a homepage for a user.

After adding to MoinMoin/script/account You can call it by e.g.

moin --config-dir=/path/to/my/cfg/ account homepage --user=UserWithBeforeWriteRights

The script assumes that the users want homepages and the user was created beforehand.

If you call that script please make sure that afterwards the new pages do belong to the same webserver user as all the others. Best you call it with the user who owns the pages.

CategoryFeatureImplemented cs: 1.9 4659:1b3b177719ee

MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/CreateHomepageByScript (last edited 2009-03-16 23:17:20 by ReimarBauer)