Delete all spammers that register in a wiki

In one of my wikis I estimate that every day a new spammer is registering - and they sometimes dont post spam immediately. There is no registration procvess in Moin so they can post from the first moment. The user names look silly like: "521jingke8899999999999". I would like to have a mechanism to:

  1. deny users with such silly names
    • that won't help (it is no problem making up less silly looking names)
  2. have the option to be asked if I want to disable a user who I just despamed (as this is 99.99% of all cases that I want do delete a spammer)
  3. Maybe also allow some rules where i get a mail if a new user does things that are propably spam.
    • if we know it is spam, we don't let it through anyway
  4. have a tool to disable new users or users with a certain pattern
  5. I also would like to have extended maybe in the way to be able to select multiple users and disable them all.

    • SystemAdmin macro was extended in 1.6 to not only show users, but you can also disable users (the spammers)

BTW. funny enough users can post anonymously in most parts of the wiki - so the fact that they do register rather helps to identify.

I think such spammer blocker features additionally to the BadContent page would help very much. So I think the problem is clear and there are different ways to work on these problems.


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/DeleteAllSpammers (last edited 2007-10-29 19:10:35 by localhost)