Edit by double clicking on the page content only

For mainly tree reasons it seems better to restrict the edit page functionality to double clicks on the page content only:

  1. As double clicking allows the user to modify the page content only and not the header, footer or navigation parts it doesn't seem logic that even double clicking on these parts opens the page in edit mode.

  2. It would allow you double clicking on a word in the search form field to quickly mark a word for replacement.
  3. It would allow enriched themes to use double click events on UI elements for different actions.

It is not an important change as none of the above is critical. Themes can use the stopPropagation method in their javascript event handling procedures to prevent opening the page in edit mode when double clicking certain UI elements (see the split bar in the ExplorerTheme for instance).

This can be easily done by modifying the theme base class. The double click action code from the send_title function must be moved to the startPage function. This will bind the ondblclick event to the page div instead of the body element.

Implemented by FeatureRequests/AutoScrollingTheEditorTextArea


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/DoubleClickOnContentOnlyToEdit (last edited 2010-04-04 22:55:46 by ThomasWaldmann)