Short description

It would be useful to have the name of the user who performed an update in the subject line of the notification message.

I mean like this:

Subject: [Some Wiki] Update of "SomePage" by SomeUser

I find it useful to be able to see at a glance, i.e. without delving into the body of the message, who it was who edited a page. That way edits by trusted and non-trusted users can easily be identified and separated for different treatments.

The change to is trivial to make.

Make sense, we should add this. -- NirSoffer 2005-02-01 22:39:50

Our users also prefer to have the editor comment in the subject line and we also use a different mail body template. To avoid patching for this kind of things it would be a good idea to implement template strings like mail_subject and mail_body in the config that can use a defined variables dictionary -- RobertSeeger 2005-02-02 00:23:16

Mail subject and body are localized - if you use custom text, you will loose the translated messages, e.g everyone will get English.

The user comment might be too long for the subject line. You want the wiki name, the page name, type of change and user name. All these hardly fit in a typical messages list that contains message status icons, From, Subject and Date. If you put the comment only in the subject, lot of users (if not most) will not see it because the text will be cut. So its make sense to put it only in the mail body.

The message is simple and short, there is no need for customization here. If you think you can improve the text - please sugggest better text. -- NirSoffer 2005-02-02 02:39:40

I'm not suggesting a better text (what is better for me might be worse for you), merely saying that it would be nice to have more freedom here, e.g. to adjust to company mail standards. In my case I put the comment in both subject and mail body, so nothing is lost. And I have shortened the introductory text "Dear Wiki user...", being less polite but bringing the relevant facts (which wiki, which page, who changed it) right at the beginning. This is how my intranet wiki users want it, but will definitely not fit for a public wiki community. I understand that localization is a problem in such communities. As I said, all this is easy to achieve by patching - it would just be nice not to have to patch. -- RobertSeeger 2005-02-02 12:56:45

I added this feature in patch-612; it will be available in MoinMoin 1.3.4. -- AlexanderSchremmer 2005-02-05 17:49:38

The text displayed in the mail body is difficult to read, especially for users not accustomed to the wiki markup language. I suggest a flag (wiki wide or in userpreferences) to suppress this part of the mail. -- JeanJacquesKahn 2006-03-21 16:49:21


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/EditorInUpdateNotificationSubject (last edited 2007-10-29 19:06:04 by localhost)