Robert Seeger

Email: <ro be rt DOT see ger AT usa SPAMFREE DOT net>

My Patches

My Projects

Universal MoinMoin export

One of my main issues is how to export parts of a MoinMoin wiki (or even the whole wiki) into other document formats that are used in the business (Microsoft Windows-oriented) world. (I know that MS sucks and I used to love Latex etc., but in the "real world" I have to deal with customers who demand MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc.)

Starting with MoinMoin 1.1. I have worked on a server-based exporter tool that is based on the idea of and combines some core patches, modified parsers and special formatters to create external documents.

The one that is in productive use on our 1.1. wiki farm produces CHM (compressed HTML) files, the standard format for online help on Microsoft Windows, from selected parts of the wiki, including TOC and index pages that are maintained (or generated) as wiki pages.

We are in the process of migrating to 1.3.5 and I currently have an intern working on enhancement of the exporter to:

Stay tuned or contact me if you are interested. At the moment we need a number of core patches including a slightly different "wiki for export" parser, this is why I haven't published it yet.

The other issue, obviously, is how to get content into a wiki from business documents, so he will also work on a MS Word to wiki importer.

The final goal is to support a full roundtrip Word -> Wiki -> Word with the ability to edit in both formats an convert without any need for manual rework.

code sample to use TX TextControl

   1 """
   2  Testing TX TextControl 12.0 ActiveX Server with Python and Win32COM
   3  sample based on step1.asp
   4 """
   6 import sys,os
   9 bin_path="E:\\Programme\\TXTextControl12.0\\Bin"
  11 #sys.path.append(bin_path)
  12 import win32com.client, win32com.client.dynamic
  14 lc = win32com.client.Dispatch("TIS.TX.LicManager.12")
  15 tx = win32com.client.Dispatch("TIS.TX.TextControl.12")
  16 tx.EnableAutomationServer()
  17 tx.Text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
  18 # Save in Adobe pdf format (format identifier 12)
  19 tx.Save("E:\\Programme\\TXTextControl12.0\\Samples\\Python\\step1.pdf", 0, 12)
  20 vbTrue=-1
  21 vbFalse=0
  23 tx.Text = ""
  24 tx.ViewMode=1
  25 tx.FormatSelection = vbTrue
  27 tx.HeaderFooter =win32com.client.constants.txHeader
  28 tx.HeaderFooterSelect (win32com.client.constants.txHeader)
  29 tx.SelText = 'The story of the fox'
  30 tx.SelStart=-1
  31 tx.HeaderFooterSelect(0)
  32 tx.SelText = 'The quick'
  33 tx.SelStart=-1
  34 tx.FontBold=1
  35 tx.SelText = ' brown'
  36 tx.SelStart=-1
  37 tx.FontBold=0
  38 tx.SelStart=-1
  39 tx.SelText = ' fox'
  40 tx.SelStart=-1
  41 tx.SelText = '\n'
  42 tx.SelStart=-1
  43 tx.SelText = 'jumps over the '
  44 tx.SelStart=-1
  45 tx.FontItalic=1
  46 tx.SelText = 'lazy '
  47 tx.SelStart=-1
  48 tx.FontItalic=0
  49 tx.SelText = 'dog.'
  51 tx.Save("E:\\Programme\\TXTextControl12.0\\Samples\\Python\\step2.pdf", 0, 12)
  52 tx.Save("E:\\Programme\\TXTextControl12.0\\Samples\\Python\\step2.doc", 0, 9)
  53 tx.Save("E:\\Programme\\TXTextControl12.0\\Samples\\Python\\step2.htm", 0, 4)

See the current source based on 1.3.5 (core patches, plugins, other) at /MoinExporter


Thanks for the DiffPage action, I'll definitely have a look at it. -- VillePekkaVainio 2007-06-07 08:26:05

-=Robert, any update on this? -- Mujtaba

Things to look at

Better RSS?

Synchronized Wiki Distribution, Offline-Wiki

MoinMoin: RobertSeeger (last edited 2009-11-05 01:54:24 by ThomasWaldmann)