Short description

Although edit links for included pages (produced by the Include macro) contain a backto parameter, this only seems to do anything if the user cancels their edit of an included page. Moreover, upon cancelling an edit, the user is returned to the referring page and not to the section (provided by the included page) being edited. It would be nice to have the backto redirection occur when the user actually saves the included page, and it would also be helpful for the user to be sent to the edited section and not just to the top of the referring page.

Attached is a patch which adds a section parameter used to send the user to the appropriate section of a page, and a mechanism for redirecting the user after an edit (in the edit action), building on the FeatureRequests/IncludeMacroPageContainers patch. A combined patch is also attached.

CategoryFeatureRequest CategoryFeaturePatched

MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/GoBackToIncludedPageSectionAfterEditing (last edited 2011-03-26 20:06:13 by PaulBoddie)