Move Smileys images into a common directory
Smileys images are located in .../wiki/(themes)/img/ directories for each theme. But the configuration is only available via for all wikies of the farm. We cannot specify the image size for each theme. (Although we can change the colors, ...)
- Maybe just this "change the colours" could be essential, in case the default smileys don't look good in a dark theme.
Therefore it is wasteful. How about to move to common directories, if we are not willing to allow configure smileys for each theme.
Just move all smileys icons into a directory (wiki/smileys/) and put configuration in as:
smileys = .... smileys_url = url_prefix + "/smileys/"
Or move smilies configuration into the MoinMoin.theme, so any theme can override them.
- Smiley icons currently using the same image for different themes, doesn't mean that has to be that way for ever or for every theme. So putting them into some common dir would just make it more complicated and less powerful.