Short description

This patch allows users to authenticate on wiki trough php session cookie of Vanilla Forum and is basicly extension of current php_session module

   1     myconfig=dict(host = '',
   2                 user = 'dbuser',
   3                 passwd = 'somedbpassword',
   4                 dbname = 'dbname',
   5                 table_prefix = 'LUM_'
   6                 )
   7     from MoinMoin.auth.php_session import PHPSessionAuth
   8     auth = [PHPSessionAuth(apps=['vanilla'], s_path="/var/lib/php5", s_prefix="sess_", autocreate=True, appconfig=myconfig )]

auth has the following parameters:

   1 auth = [PHPSessionAuth(apps=['vanilla'], s_path="/var/lib/php5", s_prefix="sess_", autocreate=True, appconfig=myconfig )]

Patch follows:

   1 ---      2008-08-31 21:00:51.000000000 +0200
   2 +++ /usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/auth/     2008-11-19 00:28:10.000000000 +0100
   3 @@ -15,25 +15,71 @@
   4  import urllib
   5  from MoinMoin import user
   6  from MoinMoin.auth import _PHPsessionParser, BaseAuth
   7 +from MoinMoin import log
   8 +logging = log.getLogger(__name__)
  10  class PHPSessionAuth(BaseAuth):
  11      """ PHP session cookie authentication """
  13      name = 'php_session'
  15 -    def __init__(self, apps=['egw'], s_path="/tmp", s_prefix="sess_", autocreate=False):
  16 +    def __init__(self, apps=['egw','vanilla'], s_path="/tmp", s_prefix="sess_", autocreate=False, appconfig=None):
  17          """ @param apps: A list of the enabled applications. See above for
  18              possible keys.
  19              @param s_path: The path where the PHP sessions are stored.
  20              @param s_prefix: The prefix of the session files.
  21 +            @param appconfig: configuration for connecting to mysql if used with vanilla forum
  22 +            example would be appconfig=dict(host='',user='mysql',passwd='root', dbname='somedb',table_prefix='LUM_', role='Member')
  23          """
  24          BaseAuth.__init__(self)
  25          self.s_path = s_path
  26          self.s_prefix = s_prefix
  27          self.apps = apps
  28          self.autocreate = autocreate
  29 +        self.appconfig = appconfig
  31      def request(self, request, user_obj, **kw):
  32 +        def handle_vanilla_forum(session):
  33 +            """ just get LussumoUserID and SessionPostBackKey so we can get into db and see what to do next with it """
  34 +            if self.appconfig is None:
  35 +                  logging.exception("Please configure this authentication agent (mysql config missing)")
  36 +                  return None, None, None
  37 +            import MySQLdb # only needed if used with vanilla auth method
  38 +            #logging.debug(self.appconfig) ## WATCH OUT THIS ONE!!! will leave password for mysql in log if enabled and not supervised
  39 +            try:
  40 +                m = MySQLdb.connect(host=self.appconfig['host'], user=self.appconfig['user'],
  41 +                                passwd=self.appconfig['passwd'], db=self.appconfig['dbname'])
  42 +            except:
  43 +                logging.exception("authorization failed due to exception when connecting to DB, traceback follows...")
  44 +            # now lets party :)
  45 +            query = """SELECT
  46 +                            LUM_User.FirstName as FirstName,
  47 +                            LUM_User.LastName as LastName,
  48 +                            LUM_User.Email as UserEmail,
  49 +                            LUM_User.Name as UserName,
  50 +                            LUM_Role.Name as RoleName,
  51 +                            LUM_Role.Permissions as RolePermissions -- will look what to do with it ...
  52 +                       FROM
  53 +                            LUM_User, LUM_Role
  54 +                       WHERE
  55 +                            LUM_User.RoleID=LUM_Role.RoleID AND
  56 +                            LUM_User.UserID=%s ;"""
  57 +            if self.appconfig['table_prefix'] != 'LUM_': # no need for regexp if will not gonna use it...
  58 +                import re                                # it is nice to have it tho :)
  59 +                rpl = re.compile('LUM_')
  60 +                query = rpl.sub(self.appconfig['table_prefix'],query) % session['LussumoUserID']
  61 +            else:
  62 +                query = query % session['LussumoUserID']
  63 +            logging.debug("query=%s" % query)
  64 +            c = m.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
  65 +            c.execute(query)
  66 +            row = c.fetchone()
  67 +            dec = lambda x: x and x.decode("iso-8859-1")
  68 +            FullName = "%s%s" % (row['FirstName'], row['LastName'])
  69 +            logging.debug("Username=%s UserEmail=%s FirstName+LastName=%s" % ( row['UserName'], row['UserEmail'], FullName ) )
  70 +            return dec(row['UserName']), dec(row['UserEmail']), dec(FullName)
  71 +
  72 +
  73          def handle_egroupware(session):
  74              """ Extracts name, fullname and email from the session. """
  75              username = session['egw_session']['session_lid'].split("@", 1)[0]
  76 @@ -59,8 +105,15 @@
  77                      if "egw" in self.apps and session.get('egw_session', None):
  78                          username, email, name = handle_egroupware(session)
  79                          break
  80 +                    elif "vanilla" in self.apps and session.get('LussumoUserID', None) and session.get('SessionPostBackKey', None):
  81 +              "calling handle_vanilla_forum")
  82 +                        username, email, name = handle_vanilla_forum(session)
  83 +                        if username is None:
  84 +                    ("no user from this session data, possible breakin maybe?!?!?")
  85 +                             return user_obj, True
  86 +                        break
  87              else:
  88 -                return user_obj, True
  89 +                return None, True
  91              u = user.User(request, name=username, auth_username=username,


CategoryFeatureRequest CategoryFeatureImplemented

MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/PHPSessionAuthVanilla (last edited 2008-11-18 23:33:11 by BorisManojlovic)