Be able to create pages with different templates depending on user status
The problem I have met is that if you have a wiki where everybody can create a page but you also have parts that are only ment for internal usage it is easy to create a non-read protected page by accident. The reason for this is that there are no standard templates that I can link to a group and that writing ACLs is not trivial.
What I really would love to see is some plugin that allows me to say:
Every user of group AlphaGroup uses template AlphaTemplate by default.
Maybe if you have an ACL protected sub-wiki only suggest the templates located under AlphaPage to be used. Or better every new page created under AlphaPage uses the Template that is located there (if only one is present). That would be a big relief.
- An anonymous user or a Known user just should see the templates that make sense for him
Why is that important?
Because publishing a secret page as public could be fatal and so measures to make this less likely are very important. -- ThiloPfennig 2007-07-22 08:41:27
The templates in MissingPage are generated by EditTemplates macro. Install your own edit templates macro plugin that use the rules above.
I have similar requirements, but based upon sub-pages rather than user groups. In my case the users do not know how to create ACL rules and I do not want them to have ACL admin authority after the page is created. I have a feature request under FeatureRequests/AclStoreOnCreate that sort of works. The problem is that when a user creates a sub-page that needs ACL protection, he must find and pick the right template, and then obey the comments in the template that tell him not to modify the ACL rule in the template.
A better method would be to have a more powerful template, something in the template (or maybe wikiconfig) would indicate a specific template is the only template that may be used for creating certain sub-pages and force ACL protection on the page when it is created -- without the user being able to see or modify the ACL rule.
Your phrase "publishing a secret page" implies ACL rules in the template, right? Or have I misunderstood your request? -- Roger Haase 2007-07-22
In 1.6 you will be able to copy a page or do a hierarchical copy. acl protected pages in hierarchical pages will be copied too invisible for a user who has not enough rights. That way you can use pages as templates. You do copy acl settings in pages too. -- ReimarBauer 2007-07-23 06:52:56