Publish my Alias-name in author info

Feature overview

Add an option to Settings:Preferences: Publish Alias-name in author info.

Anywhere author info is displayed, if this option is true, display the Alias-name.

Feature motivation

At our site, we use http auth and so Name is an obscure username imported from our central authentication system. It would be much more useful to display Alias-Name, if it exists, instead of Name.

(!) You know that when you move the mouse pointer over the auth user name on RecentChanges, it will display the alias name?

Is this features useful to most users or just to specific users?

With the moin authentication system becoming more flexible, I believe this would be of use to enterprise and campus environments that use central authentication and don't want to publish usernames.

I can't find any other use for Alias-name: this feature would seem an appropriate use. It could still link to the users home page.

Feature configuration notes

user_checkbox_defaults = {'alias-name_author':       0,

user_checkbox_defaults = {'alias-name_author':       0,

-- HarmsCon 2008-09-14 23:47:21

The general problem with that stuff is that the alias name is editable by the user, but not authenticated (even if the username is). So JoeDoe could alias as "HisBoss" or "JaneDoe".


Thank you.


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/PublishAlias-name (last edited 2011-07-14 08:02:05 by 95-65-20-74)