Support Categories in ReStructuredText

When using ReStructuredText the syntax for adding categories to a page doesn't work.

I'm using ReStructuredText as the main format for writing pages. It works very well but has some limitations. Adding Categories to pages for example.

Adding a category using the Editor page dropdown causes a ReST parser error:

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 2)

Title underline too short.

One suggestion for how to support this is to use ReST comments at the end of the page.

.. CategoryFoo

Sadly my knowledge of MoinMoin is too limited at the moment to be able to assess how hard it would be to add this to the ReST parser.

The only possibility to add a category to a page is to create a link. Try CategoryFoo_ for that to add a link using the default moin syntax (see below). Fixing the automated category drop down box is another issue - we had to support every parser in that case. I suggest the following workaround (using a parser section instead of a format-PI at the top):

{ { {#!rst
rest markup ...
} } }


And here is more rst markup. }}}

The problem here we use backlinks for categories, so they must use link syntax, which can be anything, depending on the page markup. We need to set categories using a markup agnostic method. Not links to pages but meta data - key value pairs in a meta data part of the page, or outside of the page.

(!) Should this not be considered a bug instead if of a feature request? After all, it's outlining incorrect/unwanted behaviour of some existing functionality.


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/ReStructuredText/Categories (last edited 2011-12-29 08:50:05 by MichelAlbert)