Short description

It would be nice to add markup which controls text colour.

Do you really want colors?

In particular, changing the text colour is useful to signal a change in author, supply comments on the main text, etc.

in paragraph {text-align:right;color:red} Blah blah blah Blah blah blah 

in code

{ { {{color:red}Hello world} } }

It think it is very easy to support :)

It is silly to think that everyone will make garish use of color. Color is simply another dimension to make text elements stand out. If that is such a concern provide sets of useful colors for each theme.

YES, we want colors

Please add ideas for SaneMarkupForColoredText. -- ReimarBauer 2008-06-28 06:38:26

MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/TextColourMarkup (last edited 2008-06-28 06:38:27 by ReimarBauer)