Google SoC 2007

Important information

/!\ This part of the page is somewhat outdated. The templating project for MoinMoin during the GSoC 2007 was cancelled midterm. There were some issues with parts of MoinMoin, which would require major refactoring work before integrating a template engine into the core. See the links further down this section.


Currently MoinMoin uses python classes with html-emitting code for themes. This makes the process of creating new themes painful for non-pythoneers and/or non-programmers. A real template-engine like it is found in CMSs or current web frameworks like Django, TurboGears or Pylons would facilitate the creation of new designs.

This page will act as the premier source of information about the progress of the project.

MoinMoin: FlorianKrupicka/SOC2007 (last edited 2008-05-03 14:01:12 by FlorianKrupicka)