Navigation Mods
I am using MonthCalendar as an electronic desk diary. To navigate from one date to the next or previous, existing methods are not quite right.
1. Navigation(siblings) is promising but gets out of hand once several days of entries have been made, because it shows all siblings. MonthCalendar holds all of its entries in one subfolder, so this should be alleviated a little by using Year and Month folders, but 31 days is still too many to navigate to.
2. Navigation(slides) is promising, in that it limits navigation to: Up, Furthest Left, Nearest Left, Nearest Right, Furthest Right. But it doesn't name the siblings and is explicitly slide-oriented.
do_nearestsiblings() is a modification of do_siblings() that merges the features of both of the above to navigate: Up, Nearest Left (with name), This Page (name only), Nearest Right.
Function for including in