Drupal Authentication

If you have yourself an drupal website with users, there is no need to duplicate the efforts for user creation. You could uses your Drupal accounts details within MoinMoin by following this 3 steps manual:

1. Install the authenticator module

Copy/Paste the following code in your wikiconfig.py

import hashlib
import MySQLdb
from MoinMoin.auth import BaseAuth, ContinueLogin
from MoinMoin import user 
from MoinMoin import log
logging = log.getLogger(__name__)

class DrupalAuth(BaseAuth):
    """ handle login from moin login form """
    def __init__(self, autocreate=True, dbhost='localhost', db='CHANGEME', dbuser='CHANGEME', dbpasswd='CHANGEME'):
        self.autocreate = autocreate
        self.dbhost = dbhost
        self.db = db
        self.dbuser = dbuser
        self.dbpasswd = dbpasswd

    login_inputs = ['username', 'password']
    name = 'drupal'
    logout_possible = True

    def login(self, request, user_obj, **kw):
        username = kw.get('username')
        password = kw.get('password')

        # simply continue if something else already logged in successfully
        if user_obj and user_obj.valid:
            return ContinueLogin(user_obj)

        if not username and not password:
            return ContinueLogin(user_obj)

        _ = request.getText

        logging.debug("%s: performing login action" % self.name)

        if username and not password:
            return ContinueLogin(user_obj, _('Missing password. Please enter user name and password.'))

        storedpass = None
          db = MySQLdb.connect(host=self.dbhost, db=self.db, user=self.dbuser, passwd=self.dbpasswd)
          c = db.cursor()
          # If you like to limit to a subset of your drupal users, please do here so:
          q = 'SELECT pass FROM users WHERE name = "%s" AND status=1' % username
          result = c.execute(q)
          if result == 0:
            logging.debug("%s: could not authenticate user %r (not valid)" % (self.name, username))
            return ContinueLogin(user_obj, _("Invalid username or password."))

          storedpass = c.fetchone()[0]
        except (MySQLdb.ProgrammingError, MySQLdb.OperationalError), e:
          return ContinueLogin(user_obj, _("Authentication backend is having issues. Please try again later"))

        m = hashlib.md5()
        if m.hexdigest() != storedpass:
          logging.debug("%s: could not authenticate password (not valid)" % (self.name))
          return ContinueLogin(user_obj, _("Invalid username or password."))
        u = user.User(request, auth_username=username,
                       auth_method=self.name, auth_attribs=('name', 'password'))
        logging.debug("u: %r" % u)
        if u and self.autocreate:
            logging.debug("autocreating user")

        if u.valid:
            logging.debug("%s: successfully authenticated user %r (valid)" % (self.name, u.name))
            return ContinueLogin(u)
            logging.debug("%s: could not authenticate user %r (not valid)" % (self.name, username))
            return ContinueLogin(user_obj, _("Invalid username or password."))

    def login_hint(self, request):
        _ = request.getText
        msg = ''
        msg = _("""<b>Use your drupal account</b> Registered volunteers only. If you do not have an account a)
                become a volunteer b) send your suggestions and/or changes to the
        return msg

2. Activate the module

Somewhere within your wikiconfig.py you will find yourself a section called class Config(DefaultConfig): within this module, search for existance of the auth variable --it might not be here-- and replace/add it with the following config. Of course replace the TEMPLATE values.

    auth = [DrupalAuth(autocreate=True, dbhost='localhost' db='DRUPAL_DATABASE_NAME', dbuser='DRUPAL_DATABASE_USER', dbpasswd='DRUPAL_DATABASE_USER')]

3. Test your config

(4. Optional) fine tuning your setup

MoinMoin: HelpOnAuthentication/DrupalAuth (last edited 2010-09-29 18:01:49 by RickvanderZwet)