MoinMoin performance tuning tips

If you have a big and/or busy wiki, here are some tips for tuning it. Please bear in mind that this page is for sysadmins of high-load wiki servers and assumes some knowledge about how your specific web server/platform works. It is not (and probably won't be) any specific howto.

Server environment



Moin uses the filesystem for page storage and accesses it often, so make sure your filesystem is fast:

Web server software/configuration

Use a recent MoinMoin version

moin 1.9.8 has some performance relevant improvements (for details, see docs/CHANGES):

Wiki software/configuration

Regular maintenance

Do this stuff every few months or once a year (depends on how busy / exposed your wiki is):

Educate your users

Some users need help with their client configuration and usage, so tell them ...

Some hints if above is not enough

Most expensive operations are related to the number of pages in the wiki. If you intend to have a big wiki, consider running a farm of multiple smaller wikis.

Some stuff in moin takes lots of CPU cycles and disk I/O:

For some of those costly pages, you could think about just putting #acl Known:read,write All: on them to avoid bots and unregistered users triggering that stuff.

If you want to analyse what's making the load for you, see the built-in log_timing feature (see docs/CHANGES, moin >= 1.9.8).

MoinMoin: HowTo/Tune Performance (last edited 2014-10-18 10:50:48 by HSI-KBW-109-192-028-062)