AuthphpBB is an MoinMoin plugin that allows phpBB forum members to login to a MoinMoin wiki. AuthphpBB is not ready for use, this is work in progress!!!
AuthphpBB is based on JorgeLéon/RemoteAuth by Jorge Léon.
How to use
Inside your wiki directory, create a directory called "AuthphpBB". In that new directory, create an empty file called "", and a file called "". The contents for "" should be:
Toggle line numbers
1 def AuthphpBB(request, **kw):
2 """ authenticate to phpBB db
3 Based on ftp auth by Jorge Leon
4 """
5 username = kw.get('name')
6 password = kw.get('password')
7 login = kw.get('login')
8 user_obj = kw.get('user_obj')
9 cfg = request.cfg
10 verbose = cfg.auth_phpbb_verbose
11 if verbose:
12 request.log("phpBB: got name=%s login=%r" % (username, login))
13 # we just intercept login, other requests have to be
14 # handled by another auth handler
15 if not login:
16 return user_obj, True
17 import sys#, re, ftplib
18 import traceback
19 from MoinMoin import user
20 import MySQLdb, md5
21 u = None
22 try:
23 connection = MySQLdb.connect(host=cfg.auth_phpbb_host,
24 user=cfg.auth_phpbb_user,
25 passwd=cfg.auth_phpbb_passwd,
26 db=cfg.auth_phpbb_db)
27 cursor = connection.cursor()
28 cursor.execute("SELECT username, user_password" +
29 " FROM " + cfg.auth_phpbb_usertable +
30 " WHERE username = '" + username + "'")
31 data = cursor.fetchall()
32 if == data[0][1]:
33 u = user.User(request,
34 auth_username=username,
35 name=username,
36 password=password,
37 auth_method='phpbb',
38 auth_attribs=('name', 'auth_username', 'password',))
39 except:
40 info = sys.exc_info()
41 request.log("phpBB: caught an exception, traceback follows...")
42 request.log(''.join(traceback.format_exception(*info)))
43 if u:
44 u.create_or_update(True)
45 return u, True
Add these lines to your and adjust them:
from AuthphpBB import AuthphpBB from MoinMoin.auth import moin_cookie auth_phpbb_host = "SERVER_IP_(OR_URL?)" auth_phpbb_user = "username" auth_phpbb_passwd = "password" auth_phpbb_db = "database" auth_phpbb_usertable = "table" auth_phpbb_verbose = True # or False auth = [AuthphpBB.AuthphpBB, moin_cookie] user_autocreate=True