Jim Clark

I use moinmoin on our company intranet, and as a PIM - also using it as a mentor project to help me learn python.

Email: <jim AT clarkster DOT co DOT uk>

Slide shows

I've been playing about a bit with the moinmoin SlideShow feature, but wasn't quite happy with needing to create so many sub pages and needing to click specific links to navigate through the slides. I've made a new macro /Slide.py and action /slideshow.py that seem to work for me. The idea is that they allow the show to be assembled altogether on one page, and the action also adds some javascript mapping 'space' to next slide.

Yea, this IS the way to do slideshows, much better then the multiple page way. About the implementation, the Slide macro is not needed at all. What the action should do is:

  1. Get the all the headings level 1 into a list or tuples. Steal the code from the TOC macro.
    • slides = [('heading text', start, end)]
      # start - index of first character of the slide
      # end - index of last character of the slide
  2. Use the wiki parser to parse and format for display the correct heading:
    • title, start, end = slides[number -1]
      Formatting only few lines of text is very fast.
  3. In the navigation on the bottom of the page, show this type of display:
    • [[|<]] << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 >> > The navigation above show the display of slide number 3. For each link, give the slide name on the title attribute, so one can hover on the links and see the slides names. For most presentations, you can put the links to all slides at the bottom, if there are too many, you can show up to 20 links or so around the current slide. This kind of display give you a nice indication of progress while presenting.

Thanks for the feedback - I've made a new version and moved the instructions to SinglePageSlideShow -- JimClark (probably at 2005-04-11 19:59:16)

(!) A much more reworked version of this SlideShow extenstion you can find at RichardFlieger/Ideas/SlideShow.


MoinMoin: JimClark (last edited 2008-01-22 12:04:44 by merkur)