Browser tips


Aren't really hacks, just very useful for me to use with my minimalistic theme (no MoinMoin buttons or links, just a search box). As javascript: protocol is not supported I require an HTML macro.

External editor for textarea

Use the mozex extension to cto edit textareas with vim /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -e /usr/bin/vim %t or your favorite editor. Recent mozex versions allow keybindings by itself, otherwise you can use keyconfig.xpi extension to assign a key. In addition to the GUI configuration dialog you may add it manually to your prefs.js file (Ctrl-e):

 user_pref("keyconfig.main.xxx_key____mozex_edit_textarea__", "control][E][][/* CODE */\nmozexEditTextarea()\n][");
Hide navigation helpers

Add the following to your user css URL (for modern theme)

  •   #pagelocation{ display:none;}
      #navibar     {display:none;}
      #username    {display:none;}
      #credits     {display:none;}
      #pageinfo    {display:none;}
      .editbar     {display:none;}
Show navigation helpers

Add a custom footer to your configuration with some javascript code (for modern theme) It will allow you to show the hidden elements pressing n (navigation), u (username), l (pagelocation) and t (toolbar edition) Additionally you can press e and r to get directly to edit page and the raw view. Tested in firefox.

 page_footer1 = """
document.onkeypress = function esc(e) { 
var key;
var ch="";
var target;

if (e == null) { // IE
    key = event.keyCode;
else { // Mozilla
    key = e.which;

if (e.ctrlKey) {
    ch  += "ctrl-"
target =;

// stop if we are on a editable element
target =;
if ( target == "INPUT" || target == "TEXTAREA" || target == "SELECT" ){
    return true;
ch += String.fromCharCode(key)

    case 'l': 
        document.getElementById("pagelocation").style.display = "block";
    case 'u': 
        document.getElementById("username").style.display = "block";
    case 'n': 
        document.getElementById("navibar").style.display = "block";
    case 'r':
        top.location.href = top.location.href.substr(0,top.location.href.indexOf("?")) + "?action=raw";
    case 'e':
        top.location.href = top.location.href.substr(0,top.location.href.indexOf("?")) + "?action=edit";
    case 't':
        for(var i=0;i<uls.length;i++){
            if ( uls[i].className == "editbar" ){
                uls[i].style.display = "block";

MoinMoin: JulianRomero/BrowserTips (last edited 2007-10-29 19:19:44 by localhost)