The purpose of this macro is to embed an openstreetmap with a marker into a moinmoin page. If you want to put multiple markers on an osm map got to the parser
Download & Release Notes
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Release Version |
Moin Version |
Release Notes |
1.5 and Above |
First release on MacroMarket -- IgorTamara 2011-07-04 04:02:49 |
1.5 and Above |
IgorTamara 2013-05-12 21:06:14 |
You can grab the most recent version from BitBucket
You only need de, place it in the Macros directory, the javascript stuff can be placed in a server or simply use the default
- jquery 1.2.6
- openlayers
- openstreetmap extension of openlayers
- Custom js library
By default the python script is pointing to the needed libraries to display the map properly. So you do not have to deploy them yourself
Receives :
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Zoom Level (1-18)
- Optional Marker Icon
- Optional Width
- Optional Length
An OSM map using Openlayers centered at lan,lot with the zoom specified and the icon marker, width and height provided if any.
Will project an OSM map using Openlayers centered at lan,lot (4.65514589,-74.109660387) with 13 zoom a marker provided by on a 500px width 350 height map. like the following
IgorTamara - <igor AT tamarapatino DOT org> GNU GPL version 2
Use it at your own risk, you have been warned, you can use it in any way you want.
Please be aware that the concept of "public domain" does not exist in all jurisdictions (so, you might make it much worse for some people than you intended). Also you need to consider that in case you are calling code from MoinMoin (which is GPL v2+), your code must be under a GPL v2+ compatible license also. -- ThomasWaldmann 2012-03-28 14:57:36
Surely it just needs to be GPL v2+ compatible, as any redistribution of the resulting system would need to be done under the terms of the GPL, but the extension could use a different but compatible licence. The point about the public domain is a valid one, and perhaps CC0 is the answer to that. -- PaulBoddie 2012-03-29 20:12:57
Thanx for the info, fixed -- IgorTamara 2013-05-12 19:00:20
If someone want's to use a map without a marker but with explicit width and height a place holder for the marker is shown. Maybe it's a good idea to change the order of the arguments and move the marker argument to the end of the list. -- user1 2025-03-04 01:01:47