See also: FacetedClassificationInMoin, FacetedNavigation, ResourceDescriptionFramework (or RDF), SemanticMoin.

What is meta data?

Metadata is data about data ('meta' means 'further than' or 'beyond' in greek). This data about data helps us to transform data to information and information in knowledge (see GradientDataInformationKnowledge).

For example, if a certain page (node) of this wiki is linked to CategoryBug, that means that the node is about a MoinMoin bug. This is something we humans can understand, i.e., we can extract that meaning without problems from the information and it's context.

Computers are usually not so clever. Even if certain algorithms can help (and Google is the best working example today), computers are extremely rigid and cannot understand things in context. This leads to a situation in which we have a lot of computing power that can't be used to help us to go up in the GradientDataInformationKnowledge.

Metadata can help us with this, by making explicit the types and relationships between different pieces of data or information. In this way, computers can operate on them, and we can exploit more and better our information. So, if we can incorporate metadata support in Moin, we can make a great tool for individual or community KnowledgeManagement practices.

Meta data example

As an example (and part of the FacetedClassificationInMoin and FacetedNavigation issue), imagine that every page in Moin could have the following facets:

We could create a little box or table in which this metadata are set and links us to the corresponding facet index. Following the example, this page would be:











A few things to note:

Metadata benefits

From this metadata explicit support, we can have the following benefits:

In the future, we could expose this info as ResourceDescriptionFramework in order to allow MoinMoin to interact with other systems.

Emulating meta data using categories

One can use multiple categories per page as a poor man meta data system. For example, see MoinMoinBugs and its children. But there are problems with this:


See MetaDataInMoin for the discussion about metadata implementation in MoinMoin.

MoinMoin: MetaData (last edited 2014-12-12 11:13:19 by mx)