Working on update indexes.

I don't expect what revisions of documents could have different uuid's. For exapmle, at first wiki run we have small count of default docs like "Home", "rst", "creole" etc. and they have uuid as same as name(uuid == name). But when I created new revision of this documents they had different uuid like "352138cdc6704fcda9e2cdfccb070111". So as result my script fails.

But then I tried to use something immutable to get all revisions of doument from indexes, like "name" field. But for some reason whoosh think what "Home" == "home" && "Home" != "Home" for "name" field. For now I searching universal way to get all revisions from whoosh indexes.


I reported bug to moin2 bugtracker And for now I'm using name field to iterate over all revisions.

Also I forgot what revision can be reverted, so new revision will have same content and metadata(except revision number), but my script checking only mtime and now I searching how to solve it,


Done it! First working(at least for my test) revision here


After short discussion with methor, he suggests me to use differentation between revisions in backend and revsions in indexes

MoinMoin: MichaelMayorov/GSoC2011Diary/2011-06-23 (last edited 2011-06-23 11:43:42 by MichaelMayorov)