List of MIME types known and handled by a future version of moin. See also:

Type: text

Our MIME media types should form a hierarchy and we currently use the "x." tree because all this is still rather experimental and in development

/!\ MIME standard mandates that subtypes of text use CRLF for line breaks.

(!) Maybe we can later move stuff to "vnd.moin.*".

Subtype: plain

used for uploaded generic text files


MoinMoin Wiki format.

Parameter: revision
gives moin wiki markup standard revision (== the moin revision supporting it)
  • it is still unclear whether and how we can USE the revision parameter (e.g. for migration scripts or parsers), but maybe just having that information is better than not having it

Subtype: x.moin.creole

Wiki format derived from Creole.

Subtype: x.moin.userprofile

MoinMoin user profile (do we need this? there is no data in user profiles currently)

Charset handling

We'll require that our metadata gives mimetype including charset parameter for text type.

If someone uploads a text item, we do:

Type: image

Subtype: png etc.

uploaded pictures

Subtype: x.moin.tdraw

MoinMoin twikidraw drawing (*.draw, *.png, *.map) contained in a tar file (*.tdraw)

Type: application

Subtype: x.moin.document (for now x-moin-document)

Highlevel tree-like document format

Type: x-moin

This experimental/unregistered media type is used for internal things that does not fit in the normal categories. They never describe actual data.

Subtype: macro

Describes a macro

Parameter: name
Name of the macro.

Subtype: format

Old format names


auto detect

using file(1) or magic(5) directly

Implementations in Python:

using other means:

   1 (00:24) <  TheSheep> you should use vendor-specific mime types
   2 (00:24) <  TheSheep> ones that you can register
   3 (00:25) <  TheSheep> and vnd.moinmoin.creole for example
   4 (00:26) <  TheSheep> <-- example registration request
   5 (00:26) <  TheSheep> you probably want wiki version in the optional parameters
   6 (00:26) <  TheSheep> and probably encoding

MoinMoin: MimeType (last edited 2010-01-10 23:28:22 by ThomasWaldmann)