This is a list of missing pages in SystemPagesInLanguageGroup pages.

Translators should either create these pages or indent the missing pages as a second level list item, so they are not included in the dicts.

The output taken from Nir's language package build script.

   1 building English package
   2 building Simplified Chinese package
   3 building Vietnamese package
   4 building Italian package
   5     "AiutoSuInstallazione/InstallazioneBase" does not exists
   6     "InformazioniSulSistema" does not exists
   7     "TestoStrutturato" does not exists
   8     "AiutoSuInstallazione/InternetInformationServer" does not exists
   9     "AiutoSuSkin" does not exists
  10     "AiutoSuConfigurazione/FoglioDiStile" does not exists
  11     "AiutoSuInstallazione/ApacheSuMacOsx" does not exists
  12     "StatisticheEventi/IdentificativoBrowser" does not exists
  13     "AiutoSuSlideShow/000 Introduzione" does not exists
  14     "AiutoSuSlideShow/900 Ultimo ma non meno importante: Mettere in onda la presentazione." does not exists
  15     "VersioneXslt" does not exists
  16     "AiutoVarie/FunzionalitaSperimentali" does not exists
  17     "AiutoSuBloccoModifica" does not exists
  18     "AiutoSuConfigurazione/SupportoPostaElettronica" does not exists
  19     "AiutoSuSlideShow/100 Creare le slide" does not exists
  20     "PagineRichieste" does not exists
  21     "AiutoSuMacro/Include" does not exists
  22     "AiutoSuInstallazione/RisoluzioneProblemi" does not exists
  23     "AiutoSuMacroNavigazione" does not exists
  24     "AiutoSuInstallazione/ApacheSuWin32" does not exists
  25     "AiutoSuConfigurazione/PoliticaDiSicurezza" does not exists
  26     "AiutoSuInstallazione/ApacheSuLinux" does not exists
  27     "AiutoSuInstallazione" does not exists
  28     "AiutoSuConfigurazione" does not exists
  29     "StatisticheEventi/ContoAccessi" does not exists
  30     "AiutoSuSlideShow" does not exists
  31     "AiutoSuRegole" does not exists
  32     "StatisticheEventi" does not exists
  33     "AiutoSuMacro/MailTo" does not exists
  35 building Czech package
  36 building Brazillian Portuguese package
  37 building Spanish package
  38     "PreferenciasDelUsuario" does not exists
  39     "CursoWiki/IntroducciónBásica/050 Primeros Pasos" does not exists
  40     "AyudaSobreListas" does not exists
  41     "CursoWiki/IntroducciónBásica/191 Creación de Páginas Nuevas" does not exists
  42     "InformaciónDelSistema" does not exists
  43     "CursoWiki/IntroducciónBásica/150 Tablas" does not exists
  44     "AyudaSobreAcciones" does not exists
  45     "AyudaSobreEnlaces" does not exists
  46     "PresentaciónTemplate" does not exists
  47     "AyudaSobreEdición" does not exists
  48     "AyudaSobreProcesadores" does not exists
  49     "AyudaSobreInstalación/GranjaWiki" does not exists
  50     "PáginaInexistente" does not exists
  51     "AyudaSobreParsers" does not exists
  52     "PáginasHuérfanas" does not exists
  53     "CursoWiki/IntroducciónBásica/200 Wikiquette" does not exists
  54     "AyudaSobreConfiguración/PolíticaDeSeguridad" does not exists
  55     "VersiónXslt" does not exists
  56     "AyudaSobreMacros/MailTo" does not exists
  57     "PáginasPorCrear" does not exists
  58     "CursoWiki/IntroducciónBásica/060 Cómo navego?" does not exists
  59     "PáginaPersonalTemplate" does not exists
  60     "AyudaSobreTítulos" does not exists
  61     "AyudaSobreConfiguración/CascadingStyleSheets" does not exists
  62     "AyudaSobreInstalación/InstalaciónBásica" does not exists
  63     "AyudaSobreInstalación/ApacheSobreWin32" does not exists
  64     "AyudaSobreOrtografía" does not exists
  65     "AyudaSobreLíneasHorizontales" does not exists
  66     "AyudaSobreEmoticones" does not exists
  67     "AyudaSobreActualizarPython" does not exists
  68     "PáginaPersonalWiki" does not exists
  69     "AyudaSobreTablas" does not exists
  70     "CursoWiki/IntroducciónBásica/100 Formato de Texto" does not exists
  71     "AyudaSobrePresentaciones/900 Lo último" does not exists
  72     "AyudaSobreCreaciónDePáginas" does not exists
  73     "AyudaSobrePresentaciones/000 Introducción" does not exists
  74     "CursoWiki/IntroducciónBásica/900 Ejercicios" does not exists
  75     "CategoríaPáginaPersonal" does not exists
  76     "AyudaSobreInstalación/WebLogic" does not exists
  77     "AyudaSobreBúsquedas" does not exists
  78     "TextoEstructurado" does not exists
  79     "CursoWiki/IntroducciónBásica/000 Qué es un Wiki?" does not exists
  80     "HojaDePresentaciónTemplate" does not exists
  81     "EstadísticaDeEventos/AgentesDeUsuario" does not exists
  82     "AyudaSobreMacros" does not exists
  83     "AyudaSobreInstalación/ServidorStandalone" does not exists
  84     "MoinMoinEs/DocumentosDeInstalación" does not exists
  85     "CursoWiki/IntroducciónBásica" does not exists
  86     "IndiceDeAyuda" does not exists
  87     "AyudaSobreInstalación/InternetInformationServer" does not exists
  88     "AyudaSobreTemas" does not exists
  89     "AyudaParaPrincipiantes" does not exists
  90     "AyudaSobreInstalación/TroubleShooting" does not exists
  91     "AyudaSobreAccessControlLists" does not exists
  92     "CursoWiki/IntroducciónBásica/195 Acciones" does not exists
  93     "BuscarPágina" does not exists
  94     "AyudaSobreInstalación/ApacheSobreMacOSx" does not exists
  95     "CategoríaCategoría" does not exists
  96     "AyudaMiscelánea" does not exists
  97     "AyudaTemplate" does not exists
  98     "AyudaSobreInstruccionesDeProcesamiento" does not exists
  99     "CursoWiki/IntroducciónBásica/090 El Editor" does not exists
 100     "AyudaSobreInstalación" does not exists
 101     "AyudaSobreFormato" does not exists
 102     "CursoWiki/IntroducciónBásica/091 Consejos sobre el Editor" does not exists
 103     "CursoWiki/IntroducciónBásica/110 Títulos y Párrafos" does not exists
 104     "CursoWiki/IntroducciónBásica/210 Organización y Estructura" does not exists
 105     "AyudaSobrePresentaciones/100 Creando Diapositivas" does not exists
 106     "CursoWiki/IntroducciónBásica/180 Macros" does not exists
 107     "AyudaSobreInstalación/CreaciónDeInstanciaWiki" does not exists
 108     "AyudaSobrePreferenciasDelUsuario" does not exists
 109     "AyudaSobreEdición/SubPáginas" does not exists
 110     "AyudaSobreAdministración" does not exists
 111     "AyudaSobreInstalación/TwistedWeb" does not exists
 112     "AyudaSobreInstalación/ApacheConFastCgi" does not exists
 113     "AyudaMiscelánea/PreguntasFrecuentes" does not exists
 114     "NavegaciónDelSitio" does not exists
 115     "AyudaSobrePáginasXml" does not exists
 116     "CursoWiki" does not exists
 117     "EstadísticaDeEventos" does not exists
 118     "AyudaSobreInstalación/ApacheSobreLinux" does not exists
 119     "AyudaSobreConfiguración/SoporteDeCorreoElectrónico" does not exists
 120     "AyudaSobreMacros/Include" does not exists
 121     "CursoWiki/IntroducciónBásicaHoja" does not exists
 122     "AyudaDeContenidos" does not exists
 123     "AyudaSobreInstalación/LocalizaciónDeProblemas" does not exists
 124     "AyudaSobreSkins" does not exists
 125     "AyudaSobreBorradoDePáginas" does not exists
 126     "AyudaSobreConfiguración" does not exists
 127     "CursoWiki/IntroducciónBásica/130 Listas" does not exists
 128     "DiapositivaTemplate" does not exists
 129     "AyudaSobreActualización" does not exists
 130     "EstadísticasDeEventos/ContadorDeHits" does not exists
 131     "AyudaSobreNavegación" does not exists
 132     "PáginaAleatoria" does not exists
 133     "ÍndicePorPalabras" does not exists
 134     "ReferenciaDeSintaxis" does not exists
 135     "AyudaSobreIdiomas" does not exists
 136     "AyudaSobrePresentaciones" does not exists
 137     "AyudaSobreBloqueosDeEdición" does not exists
 138     "AyudaParaDesarrolladores" does not exists
 139     "AyudaSobreInstalación/ApacheConModPython" does not exists
 140     "AyudaMiscelánea/ElementosExperimentales" does not exists
 141     "AyudaSobreAciones/AdjuntarArchivos" does not exists
 143 building Russian package
 144     "КакУстанавливать/НаApacheПодFastCgi" does not exists
 145     "КакУстанавливать/НаTwistedWeb" does not exists
 146     "ПомощьПоДействиям/Приложить" does not exists
 147     "КурсВики/Введение/050 Первые шаги" does not exists
 148     "ПомощьРазработчикам" does not exists
 149     "КатегорияПерсона" does not exists
 150     "КурсВики/Введение/195 Действия" does not exists
 151     "ЗапросыСтраниц" does not exists
 152     "КакНастраивать/ТонкостиНастройкиApache" does not exists
 153     "КакУлыбаться" does not exists
 154     "ПомощьПоМакросам/MailTo" does not exists
 155     "ПомощьПоДействиям" does not exists
 156     "ПомощьПоСпискамДоступа" does not exists
 157     "ЗаготовкаКадраПрезентации" does not exists
 158     "КакУстанавливать/НаApacheПодModPython" does not exists
 159     "КакОбновлятьПитон" does not exists
 160     "КакОбновлятьМойнМойн" does not exists
 161     "КакСводитьТаблицы" does not exists
 162     "КакНастраивать/ФайлыПриложений" does not exists
 163     "КакУстанавливать/НаApacheПодWin32" does not exists
 164     "КакУстанавливать/НаInternetInformationServer" does not exists
 165     "ЗаготовкаРаспечаткиПрезентации" does not exists
 166     "ПомощьПоБлокировкам" does not exists
 167     "ПомощьПрочая/ЧаВо" does not exists
 168     "КурсВики/Введение/060 Как сориентироваться?" does not exists
 169     "ПомощьПоМакросам/Include" does not exists
 170     "КурсВики/Введение/110 Заголовки и параграфы" does not exists
 171     "ПомощьПоПрезентациям/100 Создание кадров" does not exists
 172     "КакУстанавливать/Основы" does not exists
 173     "ПомощьПоПоддержкеЯзыков" does not exists
 174     "КурсВики/Введение/191 Создание новых страниц" does not exists
 175     "КакУстанавливать/НаApacheПодMacOsx" does not exists
 176     "ПомощьПрочая" does not exists
 177     "КурсВики/Введение/100 Разметка текста" does not exists
 178     "ПомощьПоПрезентациям/900 И наконец: показ презентации." does not exists
 179     "КурсВики/ВведениеКонспект" does not exists
 180     "КурсВики/Введение/150 Таблицы" does not exists
 181     "КакУдалять" does not exists
 182     "КакРедактировать/ВложенныеСтраницы" does not exists
 183     "ПомощьПрочая/ЭкспериментальныеВозможности" does not exists
 184     "КакУправлять" does not exists
 185     "ЗаготовкаПомощи" does not exists
 186     "КурсВики/Введение/210 Построение и структура" does not exists
 187     "ПомощьНовичкам" does not exists
 188     "ПомощьПоПарсерам/ФорматReStructuredText" does not exists
 189     "КакСоздавать" does not exists
 190     "КурсВики/Введение" does not exists
 191     "КакНастраивать" does not exists
 192     "ПомощьПоМакросам" does not exists
 193     "КурсВики/Введение/180 Макросы" does not exists
 194     "КакНастраивать/КаскадныеСтили" does not exists
 195     "КакНастраивать/ПоддержкаПочты" does not exists
 196     "ПомощьПоИнструкциям" does not exists
 197     "КакНастраивать/ПравилаДоступа" does not exists
 198     "ПомощьПоПрезентациям/000 Введение" does not exists
 199     "КакУстанавливать/СозданиеНовогоВики" does not exists
 200     "КурсВики/Введение/090 Редактор" does not exists
 201     "ПомощьПоXmlСтраницам" does not exists
 202     "ПомощьПоПрезентациям" does not exists
 203     "КакОриентироваться" does not exists
 204     "КурсВики" does not exists
 205     "ПомощьПоПравилам" does not exists
 206     "МойнМойн/ИнсталляцияШагЗаШагом" does not exists
 207     "ПомощьПоСтилям" does not exists
 208     "ЗаготовкаПрезентации" does not exists
 209     "ПомощьПоПарсерам/ФорматReStructuredText/ПримерRst" does not exists
 210     "КатегорияКатегория" does not exists
 211     "КурсВики/Введение/091 Подсказки для редактора" does not exists
 212     "КакУстанавливать/НаApacheПодLinuxПоFtp" does not exists
 213     "КакМенятьНастройки" does not exists
 214     "КакПроверятьПравописание" does not exists
 215     "КакРедактировать" does not exists
 216     "КурсВики/Введение/900 Упражнения" does not exists
 217     "КакИскать" does not exists
 218     "ПомощьПоСпискам" does not exists
 219     "КакУстанавливать/СтандартныеПроблем" does not exists
 220     "КакФорматировать" does not exists
 221     "ПомощьПоПроцессорам" does not exists
 222     "КурсВики/Введение/130 Списки" does not exists
 223     "КакУстанавливать/СоВстроеннымВебСервером" does not exists
 224     "КакУстанавливать" does not exists
 225     "КакСвязывать" does not exists
 226     "ПомощьПоКатегориям" does not exists
 227     "КакПисатьЗаголовки" does not exists
 228     "ПомощьПоТемам" does not exists
 229     "КакУстанавливать/НаApacheПодLinux" does not exists
 230     "КурсВики/Введение/200 ЭтиВИКет" does not exists
 231     "КакУстанавливать/НаWebLogic" does not exists
 232     "СправочникПоСинтаксису" does not exists
 233     "ПомощьПоПарсерам" does not exists
 234     "КурсВики/Введение/000 Что такое Вики?" does not exists
 235     "ЗаготовкаПерсоны" does not exists
 237 building Dutch package
 238     "HulpBijPageCreation" does not exists
 239     "HulpBijInstallatie/ApacheWithModPython" does not exists
 240     "HulpIndex" does not exists
 241     "HulpBijEditLocks" does not exists
 242     "HulpBijUpdating" does not exists
 243     "HulpDiversen/ExperimenteleFuncties" does not exists
 244     "HulpBijSlideShows" does not exists
 245     "HulpDiversen" does not exists
 246     "HulpBijRules" does not exists
 247     "HulpBijConfiguration/EmailSupport" does not exists
 248     "HulpBijSlideShows/900 Last but not least: Running your presentation." does not exists
 249     "HulpVoorBeginners" does not exists
 250     "HulpBijAdministration" does not exists
 251     "XsltVersie" does not exists
 252     "HulpBijSlideShows/100 Creating the slides" does not exists
 253     "HulpBijActions/AttachFile" does not exists
 254     "HulpBijInstallatie" does not exists
 255     "HulpBijSkins" does not exists
 256     "HulpBijProcessors" does not exists
 257     "HulpBijEditing" does not exists
 258     "HulpBijProcessingInstructions" does not exists
 259     "HulpBijInstallatie/TroubleShooting" does not exists
 260     "HulpBijConfiguration" does not exists
 261     "HulpBijAccessControlLists" does not exists
 262     "HulpBijInstallatie/ApacheWithFastCgi" does not exists
 263     "HulpBijPageDeletion" does not exists
 264     "HulpBijXmlPages" does not exists
 265     "MoinMoin/InstallatieDocumentatie" does not exists
 266     "HulpDiversen/VeelGesteldeVragen" does not exists
 267     "HulpBijInstallatie/ApacheOnMacOsx" does not exists
 268     "HulpBijEditing/SubPages" does not exists
 269     "HulpBijSpellCheck" does not exists
 270     "HulpVoorOntwikkelaars" does not exists
 271     "HulpBijConfiguration/SecurityPolicy" does not exists
 272     "HulpBijInstallatie/ApacheOnWin32" does not exists
 273     "HulpBijMacros/Include" does not exists
 274     "HulpBijSlideShows/000 Introduction" does not exists
 275     "HulpBijActions" does not exists
 276     "HulpBijLinking" does not exists
 277     "HulpBijInstallatie/ApacheOnLinux" does not exists
 278     "HulpTemplate" does not exists
 279     "HulpInhoud" does not exists
 280     "HulpBijInstallatie/TwistedWeb" does not exists
 281     "HulpBijLijsten" does not exists
 282     "HulpBijTables" does not exists
 283     "HulpBijInstallatie/BasicInstallation" does not exists
 284     "HulpBijUserPreferences" does not exists
 285     "HulpBijMacros" does not exists
 286     "HulpBijThemes" does not exists
 287     "HulpBijSmileys" does not exists
 288     "HulpBijNavigatie" does not exists
 289     "HulpBijMacros/MailTo" does not exists
 290     "HulpBijInstallatie/InternetInformationServer" does not exists
 291     "HulpBijFormatting" does not exists
 292     "HulpBijHeadlines" does not exists
 293     "HulpBijConfiguration/CascadingStyleSheets" does not exists
 295 building Portuguese package
 296     "CategoriaCategoria" does not exists
 297     "PáginasInexistentes" does not exists
 298     "CategoriaHomepage" does not exists
 300 building Chinese/Taiwan package
 301 building Norwegian Bokmal package
 302 building Polish package
 303     "PomocPrzyInstalacji/TworzenieInstancjiWiki" does not exists
 304     "PomocInne/CzęstoZadawanePytania" does not exists
 305     "PomocPrzyEdycji/PodStrony" does not exists
 306     "PomocPrzyKonfiguracji/KaskadoweArkuszeStylów" does not exists
 307     "PomocPrzyKategoriach" does not exists
 308     "PomocPrzyAkcjach" does not exists
 309     "StatystykiZdarzeń/ListaPrzeglądarek" does not exists
 310     "PomocPrzyKonfiguracji/PocztaElektroniczna" does not exists
 311     "PomocDlaProgramistów" does not exists
 312     "PomocPrzyInstalacji/ApachePodLinuksem" does not exists
 313     "NazwaWiki" does not exists
 314     "PomocPrzyKonfiguracji/PolitykaBezpieczeństwa" does not exists
 315     "PomocPrzyInstalacji" does not exists
 316     "PomocPrzyNagłówkach" does not exists
 317     "PomocPrzyKonfiguracji" does not exists
 318     "PomocPrzyAdministracji" does not exists
 319     "DlaczegoWikiDziała" does not exists
 320     "ListaFortunek" does not exists
 321     "English pages for reference" does not exists
 322     "StatystykiZdarzeń/LiczbaHitów" does not exists
 323     "WersjaXslt" does not exists
 324     "BrudnopisWiki" does not exists
 325     "StronaDomowaWiki" does not exists
 326     "StatystykiZdarzeń" does not exists
 327     "PomocPrzyAkcjach/DołączPlik" does not exists
 328     "PomocPrzyKonfiguracji/ApacheVoodoo" does not exists
 329     "PomocInne" does not exists
 330     "InformacjeSystemowe" does not exists
 331     "LosowaStrona" does not exists
 332     "SiećWikiWiki" does not exists
 333     "RozmiarStron" does not exists
 334     "MoinMoin/FormatowanieTekstu" does not exists
 335     "PomocPrzyKonfiguracji/ZałączonePliki" does not exists
 336     "PomocInne/RzeczyEksperymentalne" does not exists
 337     "PobraniaStron" does not exists
 339 building French package
 340     "AideD'Installation/HébergementDeMasse" does not exists
 341     "AideTemplate ["ModèleDePageD'Aide" does not exists
 343 building German package
 344     "HilfeZurInstallation/ApacheAufLinux" does not exists
 346 building Danish package
 347 building Finnish package
 348 building Hungarian package
 349     "TippekTrükkökIdézetek" does not exists
 351 building Japanese package
 352 building Hebrew package
 353 building Serbian package
 354     "RaznePomoćneTeme/EksperimentalneOsobine" does not exists
 355     "RaznePomoćneTeme" does not exists
 356     "IndeksPomoćnihStranica" does not exists
 357     "PomoćZaPočetnike" does not exists
 358     "PomoćPriFormatiranju" does not exists
 359     "PomoćZaProgramere" does not exists
 360     "RaznePomoćneTeme/ČestoPostavljenaPitanja" does not exists
 361     "PomoćniTekstovi" does not exists
 363 building Korean package


Alexander does not mind that some of the pages are missing.

MoinMoin: MissingSystemPages (last edited 2007-10-29 19:09:29 by localhost)