Tools for MoinMoin Development
Here is a collection of the tools used by the MoinMoin developers. Some stuff is a matter of taste, so choose what looks best for you.
- Python - please use the version that is specified as minimum requirement for the moin version you are developing for.
it is also a good idea to additionally use python2.6 -3 to find stuff incompatible with python 3 and avoid it, if possible with the minimum required python.
Komodo IDE (3rd party, 30d trial) - not only for Python
there is also a non-commercial version without some of the (less important) features of the IDE: Komodo Edit - build from the open source code available at:
Eclipse IDE & plugins:
PyDev (open source) see some ScreenCasts & PyDev Homepage
for a easy packaging of Eclipse including the needed parts and plugins on demand, look at Eclipse on Demand Packaging
another resource for pre-packaged eclipse distribution is EasyEclipse - with Yoxos, you can put together all parts you need online (PyDev etc.) but here you have one download suitable for most tasks in Python Development without even clicking. And its a more "vanilla"-style Eclipse installation, without another update managment (like Yoxos).
little How-to EclipseDevelopmentEnvironment
HTTP session capturing/debugging with Solex
- general IDEs/editors:
- Vim editor
- Debugger
- pdb - Python built in debugger, see documentation 24. The Python Debugger
Eclipse / PyDev includes a good debugger
Winpdb - Winpdb is a platform independent GPL Python debugger with support for multiple threads, namespace modification, embedded debugging, encrypted communication and is up to 20 times faster than pdb.
- Symbolic source level debugger
- Good for debugging macros
see little HowTo for easier starting - DebugWithWinpdb
- Firefox with a few useful plugins:
Version Control
- Mercurial (hg)
See: Mercurial Homepage and ../MercurialGuide