The interviews idea was to kind of start having some material for future press use. As this is not something we have discussed deeply... I just decided to wiki it here.

Please understand these questions may look/be silly or too simple, but keep in mind Moin is something all kinds of people will read about, so try to give answers as complete as possible.


The some day MoinMarketingTeam :D

All the questions and answers provided here may also be posted in a Chilean site in spanish (Pretty soon, I hope I'll be hosting, so this material will get hosted there, as well)

A little bit about MoinMoin

How old is MoinMoin?

Whose idea was to develop MoinMoin?

Why develop in Python?

How is MoinMoin different from other wikis?

What are the policies you use in order to define a Release?

Volunteers, if any, how can they get involved?

About Moin 1.3

How long did it take you to get to 1.3?

Which words would you choose to sum up the "objective" for 1.3?

What "security policies" are applied to MoinMoin 1.3?

In your opinion, what is missing in 1.3 that you would have liked it to include?

So in which direction will the future development of MoinMoin go?

What could a developer find tempting about MoinMoin 1.3?

MoinMoin is great, ok. But besides being useful for text contents, what else can it do? Can pages be imported/exported form/to other formats? Can MoinMoin work with other technologies?

How have you managed to organize translation work? How close are translations from "official Moin"?

Why did you decide to modify the themes?

What components are part of a theme? Are they part of the code?

How do you picture the coming user interface?

Any chances of getting a modified/changed MoinMoin logo?

Where to read more about MoinMoin

MoinMoin: MoinMarketing/InterviewsWithMoinDevelopers (last edited 2007-10-29 19:22:00 by localhost)