
I just downloaded the Windows standalone EXE moin-desktop-1.5.0rc1-1b.exe and unpacked and ran it (no config changes, there's no note in the readme saying I need anything site-specific). I got the following error in the log window immediately I went to http://localhost:8080/:

I also got a traceback in my browser.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Download and unpack moin-desktop-1.5.0rc1-1b.exe.

  2. Run moin.exe
  3. Click on "MoinMoin DesktopEdition" link.

There is a traceback page shown, and an error in the moin.exe window.

Stopping moin.exe and restarting makes the traceback page go away, but the error is still reported in the moin.exe window.



Traceback page: traceback.html

MoinMoin Version

Desktop Edition, 1.5.0rc1-1b

OS and Version

Windows 2000, IE6

Python Version

As supplied with Desktop Edition

Server Setup

Desktop Edition defaults

Server Details

Desktop Edition defaults


Restart moin.exe and ignore the error in the log window.


I removed that "cyclic error handling" code - it was worse than the problem it tried to avoid. The current code catches exceptions in i18n string wiki formatting on a per string basis. Problematic strings get replaced by "FIXME: ..." (and are logged). As the code doesn't use globals any more, it should work ok, even if running in parallel for the same language. As this only happens for the first few requests of a language (if ever), this should be no problem.



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/CyclicUsageError (last edited 2007-10-29 19:22:22 by localhost)