Feature request: add the ability for a Wiki to disable the verbose debugging output (which shows installation paths, versions, hostnames, etc). (This is also CVE-2007-0902)
Steps to reproduce
Hit an exception in MoinMoin:
Observe too many details: Platform: Linux 2.6.17-thinkmo-1 #1 SMP Sat Jul 29 17:36:42 CEST 2006 x86_64
Add "show_traceback" option to configuration. Retain current behavior by defaulting to "1".
Component selection
See attached patch for a possible solution: add-show_traceback.diff
The suggested solution assume that the wiki configuration is accessible, which is not true if your configuration is broken. This is the reason we chose to use a combination of environment variable (set in you main script) and a request parameter, which can be added in the url.
The change should be this:
- The default should be to save tracebacks to a safe log file on the server. If a log was saved, the error can display the name of the saved traceback.
- Environment variable or request parameter can be used to enable tracebacks
- If a request parameter was given but request parameters are not accessible (e.g request code is broken), a traceback will be saved to disk.
I think there should be a better solution. Just dumping the traceback to some file on the server makes debugging harder, as it involves more people and more effort to get a traceback to moin development. Maybe some email-based solution, sending the traceback to some configured email address? -- ThomasWaldmann 2007-03-17 13:22:56
- Priority:
Assigned to: ThomasWaldmann
- Status: feature added to 1.5 branch (together with a notice about that we will reject bug reports when not enough information is given)