
The wiki parser seems not to be able to use always format italic in a text. I can't reproduce it currently here but it happens on RatingSystemForMoin. Check the last lines there.

Zoran, after seeing some changes in the ratings on my page I'd now like to see on how many votes the rating is based. I'm not really interested in who voted what, but to get a feeling how seriously my opinion differs from the others it would be nice to see how many votes have been collected. -- AnkeHeinrich <<DateTime(2007-11-05T11:50:00-0500)>>

 ''You'll need the "who-rated-what-how" at the moment you have devided the others by ABC analysis to more importants and less importants.'' -- ReimarBauer <<DateTime(2007-11-06T06:12:32+0100)>>

Steps to reproduce

  1. do this...


Example: Headers in the middle of italic text

Some italic text here, bla bla bla... (closing double apostrophes forgotten)

You enter a new heading here

You type and type and everything seem ok (non-italic)...

... until you decide to go italic again for just one word...

... and continue in normal style... but HEY?!? WHAT'S THIS?!? Do you see it?

... You need to re-close the italic mark to cancel the effect.

However, when you indent the text, the effect goes away

Some italic text here, bla bla bla... (closing double apostrophes forgotten)

You enter a new heading here

The same when you put a table in between:

Some italic text here, bla bla bla... (closing double apostrophes forgotten)

Some table here (but NO ITALICS NOW)

You type and type and everything seem ok (non-italic)...

... until you decide to go italic again for just one word...

... and continue in normal style... but HEY?!? WHAT'S THIS?!? Do you see it?

... You need to re-close the italic mark to cancel the effect.

Something similar happens with lists:

Some italic text here, bla bla bla... (closing double apostrophes forgotten)

Out of the list again - and all of a sudden: no italics any more...

... until you decide to go italic again for just one word...

... and continue in normal style... but HEY?!? WHAT'S THIS?!? Do you see it?

... You need to re-close the italic mark to cancel the effect.

-- ZoranIsailovski 2007-11-08 07:22:52

Component selection


MoinMoin Version

this wiki

OS and Version

Python Version

Server Setup

Server Details

Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences)



In my opinion, you need to exactly define which wiki constructs implicitly close which other. I have no insight into your parser (yet), but in a EBNF-driven, top-down recursive descent parser, this would relate to the notions of weak symbols and synchronization symbols. -- ZoranIsailovski 2007-11-08 08:09:18

After looking closer at the effect, and w/o seeing any code about it yet, I sense a "smell" as if there was some flag in the code that says italic = true/false, and that flag gets out of sync with the actually emitted HTML elements. Because obviously, in the HTML, the <em> is closed before the heading, so your code must be doing some implicit closure on wiki constructs, but forgets to synchronize with other instances - maybe a violation of the DRY principle? -- ZoranIsailovski 2007-11-08 09:30:57



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/FormattingItalicBroken (last edited 2007-11-15 15:52:23 by ThomasWaldmann)