Zoran Isailovski

... a passionate pythonista with an obsession for everything lean and clean B)

Contributions to MoinMoin:


Messages to me

Welcome, Zoran!

Maybe add some more content to this page, e.g. what you use moin for, contact details, etc.

Your MoinUploadsCenter seems to be a useful extension, but you maybe want to check your license, I have slight doubts it is GPL-compatible (and you are using moin GPL code from your code).

-- ThomasWaldmann 2007-08-14 07:59:57

    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
    parties under the terms of this License.

Zoran, I just wanted to let you know how cool it is to post a comment, question or issue late night New York time and than wake up the next morning and find a response or even a solution already available. I really like your RatingSystemForMoin now. It's easy to use and has IMHO all relevant features. I'm looking forward to see it used in the MoinMoin wiki and maybe integrated in the distribution later on. And don't let you ever get demotivated by bitchy users ;-) -- AnkeHeinrich 2007-11-11 02:19:23


MoinMoin: ZoranIsailovski (last edited 2008-06-03 10:06:30 by ZoranIsailovski)