
Despite MoinMoin's claims, many generated pages are not valid HTML 4.01 (

Steps to reproduce


Here is sample output of the W3 validator made from this page on (2006-02-17): validator_output_1.html

1. illegal </p> tags

Sometimes Moin adds </p> tags where they are illegal, For example when text is followed by the [[NewPage()]] macro:

/!\ Only for test purposes, don't use!! /!\

/!\ Only for test purposes, don't use!! /!\

2. illegal <span> tags in tables

If the line_anchors feature in Moin is on, it generates <span> tags in tables where they are illegal (between </tr> and <tr>):





||table || row1||
||table || row2||

3. deprecated <ol> attributes

Numbered lists in Moin use the type and start attributes, which are deprecated and invalid in HTML 4.01 strict:

  1. item 10

 1.#10 item 10

4. ampersands in URLs

Moin inserts unescaped URLs containing & characters into the page text. Should be &amp; instead. See

example: dont_upload_me

example: attachment:dont_upload_me

Short security note - the ampersand is passed in the static part of the URL, there is no XSS risk for this issue because of that.

I suggest additionally to look at the recommended by W3C use of ; instead of &.


MoinMoin Version


OS and Version

Linux SuSE SLES9 SP3

Python Version


Server Setup

Single wiki

Server Details

nothing special

5. XHTML Short Tags

Lots of shorttags like <br />, <hr />, and <img ... /> are still being used which aren't HTML4.01 Strict. A quick grep of the source shows these coming from a few places - i18n,,,


I have a patch here which fixes all problems 1-3. moin-html401.txt Only for the start attribute, no valid workaround exists, because the W3C recommendation (using the CSS attributes counter-reset and counter-increment) isn't supported by any current browser except Opera (

The only workaround I can think of is using the HTML 4.01 transitional DTD instead of HTML 4.01 strict for all pages containing lists. At least the pages would validate again.

I just discovered 4. when I created this page (2006-02-17), so I have no workaround yet. Shoudn't be too hard, though.


I am running moin with the patch above. My wiki is relatively small (~200pages) and English-only, so I can't oversee all possible complications.


CategoryMoinMoinBug CategoryMoinMoinBug

MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/HTMLValidationFails (last edited 2011-01-11 12:15:01 by 89)