
Using  . text markup in enumerated lists lets the enumeration counter increasing


 1. A
 . OR
 1. B
  1. A
  2. OR
  3. B

Component selection

wiki parser


this wiki


Don't use  . text markup in enumerated lists

 1. A
 1. B
  1. A
    • OR
  2. B


It looks nonsense because of its shortnest. Hmm may be we better close it otherwise we discuss about mixinig bullet lists with that,

  1. blabla
    1. blabla
    2. OR
    3. blabla
      1. blabla
    4. OR
    5. blabla
  2. blabla

What Non-Sense Is

I contend that the following represents 100% reasonable situations, all of which I have encountered while trying to write up every-day content in a way that is easy to read. What would be the suggested alternative to this nonsense? ;)

  1. Something about something for item 1

  2. Now item 2 showing an example command-line:

    • svn switch --relocate http:/

    • with some explanation below. This is not the correct indentation level, the item text should continue at the same level, not indented. I was forced to use this level to work around the increment problem.

  3. How about just a code block in item 3? Shouldn't you have some control over how far the block is indented, without hitting a landmine? The amount the codeblock is indented should be a matter of aesthetics, and it is for every level except the one that happens to match the list level. That level does something "special" (a.k.a. strange and unwanted). Someone who just happens to change the indent without knowledge of this issue may unexpectedly change the numbering and not notice. Very odd and non-intuitive.

    •     10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD!"
          20 GOTO 10
  4. And this is item 4. Not sure why there's a blank line above here, is it to how the codeblock is indented?

From the resistence, am I to assume that this is a difficult thing to fix? This can't be considered correct behaviour, can it?



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/IndentingInEnumerationsCounts (last edited 2007-10-29 19:19:42 by localhost)