
Describe the bug...

Steps to reproduce

  1. Set up LDAP authentication
  2. log in to wiki using LDAP authentication
  3. Change password that LDAP is authenticating to
  4. Can't log in to wiki using LDAP(new password or old password fails)


Component selection


MoinMoin Version


OS and Version

Debian GNU Linux Lenny

Python Version


Server Setup

Server Details

Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences)




Sounds weird. :) Do you have more details? Otherwise it will be a bit hard to look for the reasons.

E.g. your wiki config, a log made for MoinMoin.auth on debug level, etc.

Is your new password pure ASCII?

Here is my

Yes, the password is pure ASCII. The LDAP authentication worked fine until I changed the password where LDAP is authenticating to. How do I get a MoinMoin.auth debug? I can see in the .../data/user/userfile that the password is empty. Is that the way it is supposed to be for the LDAP authenticated IDs since MoinMoin automatically creates a user matching the LDAP ID?

I figured out what the problem was. In order to get LDAP to work, I had to modify .../MoinMoin/auth/ I had to add the following line between the bse/endbse comments:

binddn = self.bind_dn % locals()
bindpw = self.bind_pw % locals()
binddn = l.search_s('ou=bluepages,', ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, 'mail=%s' % username)[0][0]
l.simple_bind_s(binddn.encode(coding), bindpw.encode(coding))

Of course when moinmoin was updated it overwrote my changes. Which brings me to another question? Is there a way I can get the authentication to work without having to modify Here is a sample program that shows how I have to authenticate to make it work:

import ldap
from getpass import getpass,getuser
import logging

def bluePagesAuthenticate(intranetId):
    """ bluePagesAuthenticate(user_email) -> Boolean
        Given an intranet ID, authenticate to blue pages
        prompts for password
        returns True if authenticated False if failes to authenticate
    authenticated = False

    bluePagesUrl = 'ldap://'
    bp = ldap.initialize(bluePagesUrl)
    bp.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3
        entry = bp.search_s('ou=bluepages,', ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, 'mail=%s' % intranetId)
        dn = entry[0][0]
        bp.bind_s(dn, getpass())
        authenticated = True
    except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS:
        logging.error('Authentication failed, invalid credentials.')
        logging.exception('Authentication failed, LDAP error.')

    return authenticated

intranetId = "" % getuser()
ret = bluePagesAuthenticate( intranetId )
if ret:
    print "authenticated"
    print "failed"

I don't want to have to hard coded id/pw in farmconfig to do the initial binding that I will have to keep changing the password for. With my and one line change in everything works as long as I don't forget to make the change everytime there is a moinmoin update.

Some ideas:



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/LdapAuthFailsAfterPwChange (last edited 2009-02-05 18:58:32 by ThomasWaldmann)