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   1 # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
   2 # IMPORTANT! This encoding (charset) setting MUST be correct! If you live in a
   3 # western country and you don't know that you use utf-8, you probably want to
   4 # use iso-8859-1 (or some other iso charset). If you use utf-8 (a Unicode
   5 # encoding) you MUST use: coding: utf-8
   6 # That setting must match the encoding your editor uses when you modify the
   7 # settings below. If it does not, special non-ASCII chars will be wrong.
   9 """
  10     MoinMoin - Configuration for a wiki farm
  12     If you run a single wiki only, you can keep the "wikis" list "as is"
  13     (it has a single rule mapping all requests to
  15     Note that there are more config options than you'll find in
  16     the version of this file that is installed by default; see
  17     the module MoinMoin.config.multiconfig for a full list of names and their
  18     default values.
  20     Also, the URL has
  21     a list of config options.
  22 """
  25 # Wikis in your farm --------------------------------------------------
  27 # If you run multiple wikis, you need this list of pairs (wikiname, url
  28 # regular expression). moin processes that list and tries to match the
  29 # regular expression against the URL of this request - until it matches.
  30 # Then it loads the <wikiname>.py config for handling that request.
  32 # Important:
  33 #  * the left part is the wikiname enclosed in double quotes
  34 #  * the left part must be a valid python module name, so better use only
  35 #    lower letters "a-z" and "_". Do not use blanks or "-" there!!!
  36 #  * the right part is the url re, use r"..." for it
  37 #  * the right part does NOT include "http://" nor "https://" at the beginning
  38 #  * in the right part ".*" means "everything". Just "*" does not work like
  39 #    for filenames on the shell / commandline, you must use ".*" as it is a RE.
  40 #  * in the right part, "^" means "beginning" and "$" means "end"
  42 wikis = [
  43     # Standalone server needs the port e.g. localhost:8000
  44     # Twisted server can now use the port, too.
  46     # wikiname,     url regular expression (no protocol)
  47     # ---------------------------------------------------------------
  48     #("profitwiki",  r".*"),   # this is ok for a single wiki   #bse 3-20-2007
  49     ("profitwiki",  r"^*$"),    #to add infrawiki bse 4-4-2008
  50     ("infrawiki",  r"^*$"),    #to add infrawiki bse 4-4-2008
  51     ("profitwiki",  r"^profitwiki/profitwiki.*$"),    #to add infrawiki bse 4-4-2008
  52     ("infrawiki",  r"^profitwiki/infrawiki.*$"),    #to add infrawiki bse 4-4-2008
  53     # for multiple wikis, do something like this:
  54     #("moinmoin",    r"^*$"),
  55     #("moinmaster",  r"^*$"),
  56 ]
  59 # Common configuration for all wikis ----------------------------------
  61 # Everything that should be configured the same way should go here,
  62 # anything else that should be different should go to the single wiki's
  63 # config.
  64 # In that single wiki's config, we will use the class FarmConfig we define
  65 # below as the base config settings and only override what's different.
  66 #
  67 # In exactly the same way, we first include MoinMoin's Config Defaults here -
  68 # this is to get everything to sane defaults, so we need to change only what
  69 # we like to have different:
  71 from MoinMoin.config.multiconfig import DefaultConfig
  73 # Now we subclass this DefaultConfig. This means that we inherit every setting
  74 # from the DefaultConfig, except those we explicitely define different.
  76 class FarmConfig(DefaultConfig):
  78     # Critical setup  ---------------------------------------------------
  80     # Misconfiguration here will render your wiki unusable. Check that
  81     # all directories are accessible by the web server or moin server.
  83     # If you encounter problems, try to set data_dir and data_underlay_dir
  84     # to absolute paths.
  86     # Where your mutable wiki pages are. You want to make regular
  87     # backups of this directory.
  88     #data_dir = './data/'   #bse 3-20-2007
  90     # Where read-only system and help page are. You might want to share
  91     # this directory between several wikis. When you update MoinMoin,
  92     # you can safely replace the underlay directory with a new one. This
  93     # directory is part of MoinMoin distribution, you don't have to
  94     # backup it.
  95     #data_underlay_dir = './underlay/'   #bse 3-20-2007
  97     # The URL prefix we use to access the static stuff (img, css, js).
  98     # NOT touching this is maybe the best way to handle this setting as moin
  99     # uses a good internal default (something like '/moin_static171' for moin
 100     # version 1.7.1).
 101     # For Twisted and standalone server, the default will automatically work.
 102     # For others, you should make a matching server config (e.g. an Apache
 103     # Alias definition pointing to the directory with the static stuff).
 104     #url_prefix_static = '/moin_static171'
 107     # Security ----------------------------------------------------------
 109     # This is checked by some rather critical and potentially harmful actions,
 110     # like despam or PackageInstaller action:
 111     superuser = [u"BrentElmer",u"" ]
 113     # IMPORTANT: grant yourself admin rights! replace YourName with
 114     # your user name. See HelpOnAccessControlLists for more help.
 115     # All acl_rights_xxx options must use unicode [Unicode]
 116     acl_rights_before = u",write,delete,revert,admin"
 118     acl_rights_default = u'Known:read,write,delete,revert All:read'
 120     # Link spam protection for public wikis (uncomment to enable).
 121     # Needs a reliable internet connection.
 122     #from import SecurityPolicy
 125     # Mail --------------------------------------------------------------
 127     # Configure to enable subscribing to pages (disabled by default) or
 128     # sending forgotten passwords.
 130     # SMTP server, e.g. "" (empty or None to disable mail)
 131     mail_smarthost = ""
 133     # The return address, e.g u"Jürgen Wiki <>" [Unicode]
 134     mail_from = u"Profit Wiki <"
 136     # "user pwd" if you need to use SMTP AUTH
 137     #mail_login = ""
 140     # User interface ----------------------------------------------------
 142     # Add your wikis important pages at the end. It is not recommended to
 143     # remove the default links.  Leave room for user links - don't use
 144     # more than 6 short items.
 145     # You MUST use Unicode strings here, but you need not use localized
 146     # page names for system and help pages, those will be used automatically
 147     # according to the user selected language. [Unicode]
 148     navi_bar = [
 149         # If you want to show your page_front_page here:
 150         #u'%(page_front_page)s',
 151         u'RecentChanges',
 152         u'FindPage',
 153         u'HelpContents',
 154     ]
 156     # The default theme anonymous or new users get
 157     theme_default = 'modern'
 160     # Language options --------------------------------------------------
 162     # See for configuration in
 163     # YOUR language that other people contributed.
 165     # The main wiki language, set the direction of the wiki pages
 166     language_default = 'en'
 168     # the following regexes should match the complete name when used in free text
 169     # the group 'all' shall match all, while the group 'key' shall match the key only
 170     # e.g. CategoryFoo -> group 'all' ==  CategoryFoo, group 'key' == Foo
 171     # moin's code will add ^ / $ at beginning / end when needed
 172     # You must use Unicode strings here [Unicode]
 173     page_category_regex = ur'(?P<all>Category(?P<key>\S+))'
 174     page_dict_regex = ur'(?P<all>(?P<key>\S+)Dict)'
 175     page_group_regex = ur'(?P<all>(?P<key>\S+)Group)'
 176     page_template_regex = ur'(?P<all>(?P<key>\S+)Template)'
 178     # Content options ---------------------------------------------------
 180     # Show users hostnames in RecentChanges
 181     show_hosts = 1
 183     # Show the interwiki name (and link it to page_front_page) in the Theme,
 184     # nice for farm setups or when your logo does not show the wiki's name.
 185     show_interwiki = 1
 186     logo_string = u''
 188     # Enable graphical charts, requires gdchart.
 189     chart_options = {'width': 600, 'height': 300}   #bse 3-20-2007
 191     # The GUI WYSISYG editor is not installed with Debian.
 192     # See /usr/share/doc/$(cdbs_curpkg)/README.Debian for more info
 193     editor_force = True
 194     editor_default = 'text'  # internal default, just for completeness
 196     # See HelpOnAuthentication and HelpOnConfiguration for more infos.
 198     from MoinMoin.auth.ldap_login import LDAPAuth
 199     ldap_authenticator1 = LDAPAuth(
 200         # the values shown below are the DEFAULT values (you may remove them if you are happy with them),
 201         # the examples shown in the comments are typical for Active Directory (AD) or OpenLDAP.
 202         server_uri='ldap://',  # ldap / active directory server URI
 203                                         # use ldaps://server:636 url for ldaps,
 204                                         # use  ldap://server for ldap without tls (and set start_tls to 0),
 205         bind_dn='%(username)s',  # We can either use some fixed user and password for binding to LDAP.
 206                                   # use  ldap://server for ldap with tls (and set start_tls to 1 or 2).
 208         #bind_dn="l.search_s('ou=bluepages,', ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, 'mail=%s' % '%(username)s)[0][0]",  # We can either use some fixed user and password for binding to LDAP.
 209                      # Be careful if you need a % char in those strings - as they are used as
 210                      # a format string, you have to write %% to get a single % in the end.
 211                      #bind_dn = '' # (AD)
 212                      #bind_dn = 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org' # (OpenLDAP)
 213                      #bind_pw = 'secret'
 214                      # or we can use the username and password we got from the user:
 215                      #bind_dn = '%(username)' # DN we use for first bind (AD)
 216                      #bind_pw = '%(password)s' # password we use for first bind
 217                      # or we can bind anonymously (if that is supported by your directory).
 218                      # In any case, bind_dn and bind_pw must be defined.
 219         bind_pw='%(password)s',
 220         base_dn='ou=bluepages,',  # base DN we use for searching
 221                      #base_dn = 'ou=SOMEUNIT,dc=example,dc=org'
 222         scope=2, # scope of the search we do (2 == ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE)
 223         referrals=0, # LDAP REFERRALS (0 needed for AD)
 224         search_filter='(mail=%(username)s)',  # ldap filter used for searching:
 225                                              #search_filter = '(sAMAccountName=%(username)s)' # (AD)
 226                                              #search_filter = '(uid=%(username)s)' # (OpenLDAP)
 227                                              # you can also do more complex filtering like:
 228                                              # "(&(cn=%(username)s)(memberOf=CN=WikiUsers,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=org))"
 229         # some attribute names we use to extract information from LDAP (if not None,
 230         # if None, the attribute won't be extracted from LDAP):
 231         givenname_attribute=None, # often 'givenName' - ldap attribute we get the first name from
 232         surname_attribute=None, # often 'sn' - ldap attribute we get the family name from
 233         aliasname_attribute=None, # often 'displayName' - ldap attribute we get the aliasname from
 234         email_attribute=None, # often 'mail' - ldap attribute we get the email address from
 235         email_callback=None, # callback function called to make up email address
 236         coding='utf-8', # coding used for ldap queries and result values
 237         timeout=10, # how long we wait for the ldap server [s]
 238         start_tls=0, # usage of Transport Layer Security 0 = No, 1 = Try, 2 = Required
 239         tls_cacertdir='',
 240         tls_cacertfile='',
 241         tls_certfile='',
 242         tls_keyfile='',
 243         tls_require_cert=0, # 0 == ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER (needed for self-signed certs)
 244         bind_once=False, # set to True to only do one bind - useful if configured to bind as the user on the first attempt
 245     )
 247     auth = [ldap_authenticator1, ] # this is a list, you may have multiple ldap authenticators
 248                                    # as well as other authenticators
 250     cookie_lifetime = 1 # 1 hour after last access ldap login is required again
 251     user_autocreate = True
 253     # customize user preferences (optional, see MoinMoin/config/multiconfig for internal defaults)
 254     # you maybe want to use user_checkbox_remove, user_checkbox_defaults, user_form_defaults,
 255     # user_form_disable, user_form_remove.

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