
Trying to access a page with too long name fail with a traceback, instead of nice error message.

Steps to reproduce

Try to access this page (70 Hebrew characters): אאאאאאאאאאבבבבבבבבבבגגגגגגגגגגדדדדדדדדדדההההההההההווווווווווזזזזזזזזזז

Also works for long western pagenames:

You will receive an python error:

 --> -->

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/moin/code/1.8/MoinMoin/request/", line 1310, in run
    handler(, self)
  File "/srv/moin/code/1.8/MoinMoin/action/", line 253, in do_show
  File "/srv/moin/code/1.8/MoinMoin/", line 1021, in send_page
    body =
  File "/srv/moin/code/1.8/MoinMoin/", line 246, in get_data
    self.__meta, self.__data = wikiutil.get_processing_instructions(self.body)
  File "/srv/moin/code/1.8/MoinMoin/", line 212, in get_body
    f =, 'rb', config.charset)
  File "", line 666, in open
    file =, mode, buffering)
IOError: [Errno 36] File name too long: '/srv/in.moinmo/data/pages/Gemlde(20)ADfljerlkjl(c3b6)asd(20)dflk(20)ere(20)ADfljl(c3b6)jklj(20)dae(20)der(20)Dadfljker(20)ljk(20)ERJAsdlfj(c3b6)s(20)Dfereree(20)ljl(c3b6)kj(c3b6)d(20)dfd(20)dfasdlf(20)lkj(20)lkl(20)lk(20)llkl(20)lle(20)lasdfl(c3b6)jksdf(20)df(20)ERadsflj(20)daf(20)df(20)aDerdf/revisions/99999999'

Additionally cgitb raised this exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/moin/code/1.8/MoinMoin/", line 176, in handle
  File "/srv/moin/code/1.8/MoinMoin/support/", line 576, in handle
    doc = view.format(formatter, self.context)
  File "/srv/moin/code/1.8/MoinMoin/support/", line 354, in format
    return formatter.section(self.formatContent(), {'class': 'cgitb'})
  File "/srv/moin/code/1.8/MoinMoin/", line 38, in formatContent
    content = (
  File "/srv/moin/code/1.8/MoinMoin/", line 99, in formatDebugInfo
    info = [self.debugInfoHideScript(),
  File "/srv/moin/code/1.8/MoinMoin/", line 113, in formatTraceback
    return self.formatAllTracebacks(self.formatOneTraceback)
  File "/srv/moin/code/1.8/MoinMoin/", line 125, in formatAllTracebacks
    tracebacks.append(formatFuction((ttype, tvalue, tb)))
  File "/srv/moin/code/1.8/MoinMoin/support/", line 432, in formatOneTraceback
    output = [self.formatter.subTitle('Traceback'),
  File "/srv/moin/code/1.8/MoinMoin/support/", line 445, in tracebackFrames
  File "/srv/moin/code/1.8/MoinMoin/support/", line 201, in format
    vars, highlight = self.scan()
  File "/srv/moin/code/1.8/MoinMoin/support/", line 290, in scan
    vars = self.scanVariables(reader)
  File "/srv/moin/code/1.8/MoinMoin/support/", line 305, in scanVariables
    value = getattr(parent, token, __UNDEF__)
  File "/srv/moin/code/1.8/MoinMoin/", line 246, in get_data
    self.__meta, self.__data = wikiutil.get_processing_instructions(self.body)
  File "/srv/moin/code/1.8/MoinMoin/", line 212, in get_body
    f =, 'rb', config.charset)
  File "", line 666, in open
    file =, mode, buffering)
IOError: [Errno 36] File name too long: '/srv/in.moinmo/data/pages/Gemlde(20)ADfljerlkjl(c3b6)asd(20)dflk(20)ere(20)ADfljl(c3b6)jklj(20)dae(20)der(20)Dadfljker(20)ljk(20)ERJAsdlfj(c3b6)s(20)Dfereree(20)ljl(c3b6)kj(c3b6)d(20)dfd(20)dfasdlf(20)lkj(20)lkl(20)lk(20)llkl(20)lle(20)lasdfl(c3b6)jksdf(20)df(20)ERadsflj(20)daf(20)df(20)aDerdf/revisions/99999999'

Component selection


MoinMoin Version



Use a shorter page name.

For hebrew name, the maximum page name is 63 Hebrew characters on posix file system. On windows it may be less depending on the location of the wiki (total path length is limited).

Asian languages have much shorter maximum page names.


Check for errno.ENAMETOOLONG in get_raw_body and return empty string.



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/Name too long error not handled (last edited 2010-01-30 17:24:09 by ReimarBauer)