
Some plain files names in Windows are forbidden. I'm not sure if moin handle errors correctly if one of these names is used.

Here is relevant spec, copied from Naming a file:


Any version.


Confirmed that MoinMoin does not handle these names gracefully when run on a Windows server. I Did not try all names or all possible variations, but here's what I found:

Here's the dump from one of the crashes: nuL_page.html

-- SteveDavison 2007-08-20 02:05:45

Well, the main question is what to do about this:


Someone on windows should verify that moin handle the forbidden names correctly. {X} Not handled in 1.5.8 --Someone on Windows {X}


MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/Page names on Windows (last edited 2007-10-29 19:06:49 by localhost)