
There is additional white space added above and below any list item that contains a wiki word, whether the wiki word is allowed to be a link or whether it's escaped to not be allowed to be a link.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Insert the example markup from the Example section below into a page of your wiki.
  2. Preview or save the page.
  3. Note that in Test 1 the white space is minimal and consistent between each item in the list.
  4. Note that in Test 2 there is additional white space above and below the line that uses the wiki word link.
  5. Note that in Test 3 there is additional white space above and below the line that has the wiki word escaped so it won't be a link.
  6. Note that in Test 4 there is additional white space above and below each line that uses the wiki word link.
  7. Note that in Test 5 there is additional white space above and below each line that has the wiki word escaped so it won't be a link.

Note: You may have to look very closely to see the difference, but it's there.



Test 1:
 * Test
 * Test
 * Test
 * Test
 * Test

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 * Test
 * TestTest
 * Test
 * Test

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 * Test
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 * Test
 * Test

 * TestTest
 * TestTest
 * TestTest
 * TestTest
 * TestTest

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 * Test''''''Test
 * Test''''''Test
 * Test''''''Test
 * Test''''''Test

Component selection


This Wiki.


None yet.


Please reproduce on 1.9.8 (e.g. this wiki) and update the bug report accordingly.

Minimal patches for this are welcome (likely a css issue).



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/WhiteSpaceAboveAndBelowWikiWords (last edited 2015-02-06 02:23:54 by cpe-69-204-199-212)