
When using action=format&mimetype=something/something outputs linebreaks that are supposed to go inside the preformatted area, outside of it. This means that if I have some format where preformatted linebreaks look like <---|\n and non preformatted linebreaks look like <br/> I'm going to end up with invalid markup outside of the pre tags.

There is also the greater problem that other bugs might crop up, since clearly thinks it is inside a pre area, while it in reality is not.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to MoinMoin/parser/ line 1123
  2. Change 'self.request.write(self.formatter.linebreak())' to 'self.request.write(self.formatter.text("#CRAP#"))'
  3. open with http://localhost/~mvirkkil/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/SyntaxReference?action=format&mimetype=text/plain

  4. Notice how the #CRAP# markers aren't all inside the PRE areas


#pragma section-numbers off#CRAP##acl All:admin,read,write,delete,revert#CRAP##language en#CRAP#---%<-------------------------------------------------------------------------



parts represent start and end tags for preformatted areas in the plaintext version.

As you can see the first #CRAP# lands outside the preformatted area.


Python 2.4 on debian based Linux. The MoinMoin version is moin--main--1.3--patch-719


remove the

if self.in_pre:



It took me some time to understand the problem. But I think the following is meant:

At some places in the code

  return self._closeP() + self.formatter.preformatted(1)

is executed, but the preformatted-function has a main effect (return some string) and a side-effect (set the internal in_pre to true).

See above in top-level: One effect is to return some string, another is to set an internal variable. Maybe I do not completely understand the API, so I'm sorry when I'm wrong. In my opinion there might be a problem with:

   1 start = formatter.preformatted(1) + "Beginning:"
   2 end = "At the end" + formatter.preformatted(0)
   3 return start + formatter.something() + end

At the time of the return statement, the internal in_pre variable is already reset to 0, so the something might be formatted wrong. But since the above is quite bad coding, it shouldn't happen. I just thought that it does happen somewhere and might be the reason for this bug, but now I don't think so anymore. -- FabianKreutz 2005-05-31 07:21:57

In my opinion this is not a serious problem.

Maybe the problem is caused by setting in_pre earlier before that call.

     self.in_pre = 3
     return self._closeP() + self.formatter.preformatted(1)

I'm not too sure about this parsing, but apparently on finding a  {{{  the parser set's in_pre to 1 first, if there is no parser given (i.e. no sha-bang). It then comes to the end of the loop (1123 in and outputs a newline with in_pre=1. In the next loop then in_pre is raised to 3 and the ---%<--- is outputted. There are already some TODO comments at the top of the loop concerning the in_pre variable.

I would improve the workaround above a bit by substituting

if self.in_pre:


if self.in_pre > 1:

. -- FabianKreutz 2005-05-31 07:50:56



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/WikiParserThinksItIsInsidePreWhenItIsNot (last edited 2007-10-29 19:19:19 by localhost)