
Unlike usual, this is a collection of problems related to Xapian indexing.

Consider it rather as working notes done while experimenting with 1.9 than a formal bug report.

Indexer Testing method

A rather easy way to test the indexing code is to use filesystem files you have anyway:

find /some/base/dir -iname "*" >files.lst
# you can also use *.doc or *.pdf to select specific stuff
MoinMoin/script/ --config-dir=/configdir --wiki-url=http://wikiurl/ index build --mode=rebuild --files=files.lst

--files indexing

pdf filter (poppler ubuntu 8.04)

rc 127 for external filters

Seems to be the rc if the shell did not find the filter command. But what if it finds the command and the command returns with 127?

Related: PollAboutXapianSearchIndexingFilters


MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/XapianIndexingProblems (last edited 2009-10-05 15:31:49 by ThomasWaldmann)