IRC Chat

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Chat software (IRC client software) / Services

Choose a client suitable for your platform:


IRC Statistics

As of 2006-03-06 (beginning with 2005-01-30 -- before that date, my logs do not span the whole day). Powered by SQLite.

Average message lengths

select nick, len from (select nick, count(*) as cnt, round(avg(length(msg)),2) as len from "ircmsgs" where network = "freenode" and channel = "#moin" and timestamp > "2005-01-29" and isStatus = 0 group by lower(nick)) where cnt > 1000 order by len desc limit 10;

Nick Length
deitarion 94.17
aptiko 67.06
starshine 51.13
MrBeige 47.57
allefant 46.34
TheSheep 45.75
DasSheep 42.88
ThomasWaldmann 42.48
wiki 40.95
johill 40.35

Written messages

select * from (select nick, count(*) as cnt from "ircmsgs" where network = "freenode" and channel = "#moin" and timestamp > "2005-01-29" and isStatus = 0 group by lower(nick)) order by cnt desc limit 10;

Nick Count
xorAxAx 42447
starshine 25099
nir 21253
ThomasWaldmann 16537
mhz 7869
DasSheep 6465
Fabi 5731
johill 4554
lydon 3162
anarcat 2284

Usage of actions (/me)

select * from (
               select nick, count(*) as cnt from "ircmsgs"
                     where network = "freenode" and channel = "#moin" and timestamp > "2005-01-29"  and isAction = 1 group by lower(nick)
              ) order by cnt desc limit 10;

Nick Count
starshine 1360
xorAxAx 828
ThomasWaldmann 563
mhz 516
Fabi 231
DasSheep 194
lydon 87
neiljp 56
nir 50
cehteh 41

Highlights from #moin

See MoinQuotes for some funny stuff from there.

Seen on 2005-07-03:

   1 20:17:40 < Fabi> there is a bug in the RC
   2 20:18:00 < Fabi> it shows really weird vaules in MM:
   3 20:20:53 < ThomasWaldmann> Fabi: url? logged in?
   4 20:21:05 < Fabi>
   5 20:21:31 < Fabi> There issome very starange entries
   6 20:21:44 < ThomasWaldmann> you mean JuergenHermann? :)
   7 20:21:48 < Fabi> yep
   8 20:21:54 < ThomasWaldmann> he is alive :)

[02:38]         <matata>        does MoinMoin supoort BiDi ?
[02:39]         <ThomasWaldmann>        matata: yes
[02:39]         <ThomasWaldmann>        nir soffer uses it for hebrew
[02:40]         <matata>        ThomasWaldmann, speak english plz !!!
[02:40]         <ThomasWaldmann>        huh?
[02:40]         <matata>        nir soffer ???!!!
[02:41]         <johill>        thats a name
[02:41]         <ThomasWaldmann>        :)
[02:41]         <matata>        :)

Discussion about IRC clients

Although I use GAIM myself I do not think it is a good IRC client.This is because it just has an IRC plugin and server messages are a bit strange. BTW. Shouldn't we have some IRC Infos also in MoinMaster? The only thing we have is on MoinMoin. I think we should lead admins and user through a process of: I have a question - what should I do? -- ThiloPfennig 2006-12-11 00:41:48

Useful commands

# if some idiot / bot of an idiot keeps annoying you via query, use something like this:
/silence *!*@*

Useful commands (channel OPs only)

# su
/msg chanserv op #moin
# getting rid of some plague:
/kick nickname
/mode #moin +b *!*@*
# who is channel operator?
/msg chanserv access #moin list
# who is banned?
/mode #moin-dev +b
# exit
/msg chanserv deop #moin

MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat (last edited 2021-05-29 12:46:53 by ThomasWaldmann)