2006-06-01T00:14:42 <xorAxAx> mvirkkil: hi, is the depth attribute correct for an image in docbook? thomas said that he wonders if its correct. at least the formatter outputs that
2006-06-01T00:21:17 <ThomasWaldmann> it's correct (at least google found some spec that says that)
2006-06-01T00:21:34 <xorAxAx> docbook is quite ancient
2006-06-01T05:02:16 <aweil_> Hello! I'm still fighting against my parser and the tree I want to see through moinmoin.
2006-06-01T05:03:05 <aweil_> I have a tree, say: a/b/c/bla.tex and want to see it in moin, for that, I'm making a moin parser, and made a tree conversor..
2006-06-01T05:03:19 <aweil_> which generates the moin pages from the original files.
2006-06-01T05:04:18 <aweil_> now, the thing is: on some files, say: a/b/c/bla.tex I have references to files like: a/b/d/this.tex .
2006-06-01T05:05:19 <aweil_> I'm thinking, but not sure, that moin doesn't resolves that kind of things.. only handles pagenames, and has no idea about it's `deepthness` (if that word exists). Is that right?
2006-06-01T05:11:04 <aweil_> other question: the basicParser subclass does have the pagename of the wiki page it's parsing? where?
2006-06-01T05:11:24 <aweil_> other question: is there plugin-writer documentation?
2006-06-01T05:11:33 <aweil_> (or a faq, ;-) )
2006-06-01T07:40:28 <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: My current (somewhat optimistic) plan: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MikkoVirkkil%c3%a4
2006-06-01T10:56:39 <xorAxAx> aweil_: wrong channel
2006-06-01T10:57:37 <xorAxAx> mvirkkil: step 3 looks like a 10 years task :)
2006-06-01T10:58:07 <xorAxAx> except if you limit yourself to only a few constructs
2006-06-01T13:35:15 <Kepplar> hi
2006-06-01T13:35:28 <Kepplar> tired already and i havent even left for cambridge
2006-06-01T14:02:01 <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: Yeah, I'm kind of nervous about that.
2006-06-01T14:02:53 <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: I think I need to talk to my mentor, about limiting the number to something...
2006-06-01T14:08:07 <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: Hmm.. Actually, it seems there are around a 100 elements, each with attributes..
2006-06-01T14:08:26 <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: Maybe not ten years, but certainly it will take time.
2006-06-01T14:09:55 <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: What _really_ worries me, is step 6, which is going to be a _huge_ undertaking...
2006-06-01T14:10:33 <mvirkkil> xorAxAx: I need to talk to my mentor about using just a subset of the whole docbook specification.
2006-06-01T14:12:47 <aweil_> xorAxAx: plugin writing is not moin dev? well at least I think that here is the ppl which can help me. but, after all, no one seems to can
2006-06-01T14:16:55 <aweil_> xorAxAx: anyway, asking about moin internal working and api seems appropiate for this channel.
2006-06-01T20:18:29 <ThomasWaldmann> moin
2006-06-01T20:56:54 <mvirkkil> moin
MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2006-06-01 (last edited 2007-10-29 19:10:58 by localhost)