2006-06-07T10:42:44 * ThomasWaldmann moved around some more stuff, please merge early
2006-06-07T11:49:30 <mvirkkil> ThomasWaldmann: How do I copy changes from the 1.6 trunk to my branch?
2006-06-07T11:49:49 <ThomasWaldmann> hg pull
2006-06-07T11:50:19 <mvirkkil> ThomasWaldmann: ok :)
2006-06-07T11:50:46 <ThomasWaldmann> and after that, hg update
2006-06-07T11:51:24 <ThomasWaldmann> wb richardb :)
2006-06-07T11:51:37 <richardb> hi
2006-06-07T11:51:45 <richardb> my connection seems to be bouncing today. :(
2006-06-07T11:52:37 <ThomasWaldmann> any life signs of fpletz ?
2006-06-07T11:52:55 <richardb> Not from here.
2006-06-07T11:54:11 <ThomasWaldmann> it would be really nice for me to have some moin query parser creating RawQueries (with utf-8) soon
2006-06-07T12:00:00 <ThomasWaldmann> richardb: btw, moin currently uses boolean queries (builtin slow search), so I guess we would also use boolean queries for xapian
2006-06-07T12:00:14 <ThomasWaldmann> do you think we also should have prob. queries?
2006-06-07T12:01:39 <richardb> Doing boolean queries with xapian definitely makes sense.
2006-06-07T12:02:04 <richardb> I'm not sure what context this is in.
2006-06-07T12:02:36 <richardb> Xapian supports combined boolean and prob. queries: use boolean operators, but get probabilistic ranking.
2006-06-07T12:04:35 <ThomasWaldmann> moin has its own qp, using AND by default, -negatedterm, OR (when specified) and some prefixes like title:SomePage or linkto:SomePage
2006-06-07T12:05:29 <ThomasWaldmann> so the question is whether we need some special syntax for that prob. search or not
2006-06-07T12:06:28 <ThomasWaldmann> btw, I recently use some internet shop (conrad.de, electronic parts) which seems to use OR by default (and only OR), that SUCKED.
2006-06-07T12:07:26 <richardb> Yes, AND by default, allowing OR to be specified is the way to go, usually.
2006-06-07T12:07:43 <richardb> I don't think you need a particularly special syntax though.
2006-06-07T12:11:29 <ThomasWaldmann> ok, so the only real problem is regex: - as long as xapian doesnt support regexes, we either have to completely fall back to slow search or use some clever way to tear the expression into xapian and slow parts
2006-06-07T12:15:01 <ThomasWaldmann> btw, is there some Boolean Query term that results in a True / False way for any document?
2006-06-07T12:17:13 <richardb> way=weight?
2006-06-07T12:18:10 <richardb> I'm not quite understanding that question.
2006-06-07T12:18:28 <richardb> Anyway - about the regex: I think we should completely fall back for now.
2006-06-07T12:18:40 <richardb> Later, we can look at tearing up the expression.
2006-06-07T12:18:51 <richardb> That's quite a fiddly problem.
2006-06-07T12:20:09 <ThomasWaldmann> assume we have a user entering "spam regex:eg.s" as query
2006-06-07T12:20:39 <ThomasWaldmann> xapian cant do regex, so we have to put some True term at that place
2006-06-07T12:20:57 <ThomasWaldmann> so we get a results set bigger than the real set, but smaller than all pages
2006-06-07T12:21:11 <ThomasWaldmann> then we run the slow search on the result set
2006-06-07T12:22:13 <ThomasWaldmann> this would be useful for complex queries especially
2006-06-07T12:22:23 <richardb> Oh, I see.
2006-06-07T12:23:47 <ThomasWaldmann> or maybe even better some "DONTCARE" term :)
2006-06-07T12:24:01 <richardb> Well, in most cases, just omitting the term will work as you want.
2006-06-07T12:24:04 <richardb> *thinks*
2006-06-07T12:24:12 <ThomasWaldmann> behaving als True for AND, and as False for OR :)
2006-06-07T12:24:20 <richardb> yep
2006-06-07T12:24:42 <richardb> Doesn't work for a query which is _only_ a regex.
2006-06-07T12:25:11 <richardb> Or for a query in which a bracketed subquery is a pure regex expression...
2006-06-07T12:25:26 <richardb> ... but does the Moin query parser support brackets, anyway?
2006-06-07T12:26:05 <ThomasWaldmann> ehrm. i think i never used it but is does. :)
2006-06-07T12:26:47 <ThomasWaldmann> yes it does
2006-06-07T12:27:39 <richardb> Alternatively, add a term to every document.
2006-06-07T12:28:07 <ThomasWaldmann> wouldnt that be mean? ;)
2006-06-07T12:29:29 <ThomasWaldmann> maybe not more mean than real life I guess :)
2006-06-07T12:30:56 <richardb> :)
2006-06-07T12:31:24 <richardb> There's been occasional discussion of making a special query operator or something in Xapian which returns all documents.
2006-06-07T12:31:28 <richardb> For cases like this.
2006-06-07T12:31:36 <richardb> I'm not sure it's ever gone anywhere, though.
2006-06-07T12:36:32 <ThomasWaldmann> right. it is not true/false, but "ALL"
2006-06-07T12:38:00 <ThomasWaldmann> except for negated regexes like -regex:whatever, this is -NONE or in the end "ALL", too
2006-06-07T12:42:26 <ThomasWaldmann> brb
2006-06-07T12:56:59 <mvirkkil> I'd appreciate thought and feedback regarding the plan outlined in the "7th of June"-entry at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MoinDocBookProject/ProgressReports
2006-06-07T12:57:35 <xorAxAx> richardb: i like that fallback idea
2006-06-07T18:21:45 <Kepplar> dododo
2006-06-07T19:02:05 <ThomasWaldmann> Kepplar: you're paid for working, not singing :)))
2006-06-07T19:05:06 <ThomasWaldmann> bbl
2006-06-07T20:19:00 <mvirkkil> ThomasWaldmann: After resyncing with trunk I get ImportError: No module named antispam
2006-06-07T20:19:45 <mvirkkil> ThomasWaldmann: /srv/de.wikiwikiweb.docbook/cgi-bin/wikiconfig.py "82 from MoinMoin.util.antispam import SecurityPolicy"
2006-06-07T20:24:41 <Kepplar> lol
2006-06-07T20:24:44 <Kepplar> hmm
2006-06-07T20:24:46 <Kepplar> right
2006-06-07T20:25:25 <Kepplar> hg pull to update from rep?
2006-06-07T20:28:06 <Kepplar> !remind me in 18 hours to print docs
2006-06-07T20:28:10 <Kepplar> bah no reminder bot
2006-06-07T20:42:08 <mitsuhiko> moin
2006-06-07T21:13:15 <mvirkkil> ThomasWaldmann: ping?
2006-06-07T21:14:45 <mvirkkil> How do I revert a commit that has been pushed to the repo?
2006-06-07T22:32:48 <Kepplar> ThomasWaldmann: so what was the wikiacl move again?
2006-06-07T22:42:38 <Kepplar> ThomasWaldmann: just to update, tomorrow I'm going to be trudling though all the code and lifting the functionality for the new flatfile module
2006-06-07T22:43:00 <Kepplar> the stage after that is to convert Page and the other files to use the item class
2006-06-07T22:43:13 <Kepplar> which I can see happening at the weekend
2006-06-07T22:43:26 <Kepplar> any comments on the migration welcome
MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2006-06-07 (last edited 2007-10-29 19:06:23 by localhost)