2007-07-07T06:14:16 * zenhase falls asleep
2007-07-07T08:23:37 <johill> anybody versed in permissions?
2007-07-07T08:23:40 <johill> I keep getting
2007-07-07T08:23:50 <johill> oh n/m
2007-07-07T08:23:55 <johill> the error just changed. heh
2007-07-07T12:01:45 <ThomasWaldmann> moin
2007-07-07T12:03:48 <johill> moin
2007-07-07T12:38:25 <dreimark> moin
2007-07-07T12:45:05 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: if you retry your changes, use a different commit comment than you used for the removed changes
2007-07-07T12:45:38 <dreimark> ok, I am currently reading diffs for 1.6
2007-07-07T12:55:27 <dreimark> server_twisted comment Then run this code with twistd -y yourcode.py. See moin_twisted script. moin_twisted ???
2007-07-07T12:57:17 <zenhase> moin
2007-07-07T13:03:26 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: slightly outdated, see wiki/server/mointwisted
2007-07-07T13:31:19 <CIA-27> moin: Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> * 2112:9f0dcc33321a 1.6/ (36 files in 13 dirs): servers and requests renamed to avoid name clashes with built-in routines
2007-07-07T13:32:49 <dreimark> hooray
2007-07-07T13:39:48 <ThomasWaldmann> :)
2007-07-07T13:48:05 <CIA-27> moin: Heinrich Wendel <h_wendel@cojobo.net> * 2133:c3b0f7b5c54c 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/ (5 files in 2 dirs): small fixes
2007-07-07T13:49:56 <neagulm> hello
2007-07-07T13:50:02 <dreimark> moin neagulm
2007-07-07T13:50:04 <neagulm> dreimark, I'm back...
2007-07-07T13:50:15 <dreimark> how was your exam?
2007-07-07T13:50:26 <neagulm> dreimark, I have finished successfully my diploma exam :)
2007-07-07T13:50:33 <neagulm> dreimark, I'm happy:)
2007-07-07T13:50:36 <dreimark> congrat!!
2007-07-07T13:50:46 <neagulm> dreimark, thanx
2007-07-07T13:51:04 <ThomasWaldmann> congrats :)
2007-07-07T13:51:47 <neagulm> dreimark, after 1 week of stress I going to relax: open eclipse and merge my repo:D
2007-07-07T13:51:58 <neagulm> dreimark, merge with the main one:)
2007-07-07T13:52:42 <ThomasWaldmann> neagulm: did you merge the last 4 days?
2007-07-07T13:52:55 <neagulm> ThomasWaldmann, no
2007-07-07T13:52:58 <dreimark> so you have luck that you have done it not yesterday because I did something very stupidly
2007-07-07T13:53:58 <ThomasWaldmann> so you can just merge now, no problems :)
2007-07-07T13:54:20 <ThomasWaldmann> and run py.test after your merging commit
2007-07-07T13:54:32 <neagulm> what was the problem?
2007-07-07T13:54:54 <dreimark> I moved files by eclipse instead of hg mv
2007-07-07T13:55:20 <dreimark> and the rest you can read in the log from yesterday
2007-07-07T13:55:45 <neagulm> dreimark, ok
2007-07-07T13:56:37 <ThomasWaldmann> lanius_: thanks for not using id :)
2007-07-07T14:00:18 <dreimark> neagulm: can you add some docs below MoinMoinTodo/Release_1.7
2007-07-07T14:00:51 <dreimark> and did you talked by mail with skip about sb already?
2007-07-07T14:00:57 <neagulm> dreimark, ok
2007-07-07T14:01:21 <neagulm> dreimark, not yet...
2007-07-07T14:02:03 <lanius_> ThomasWaldmann: :D
2007-07-07T14:03:34 <dreimark> neagulm: SystemInfo should get an entry about which classifier is used and its version
2007-07-07T14:09:48 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: I've seen that 0.9.3 which I have in the office is able to import the 2112 from 1.6 so i will continue on that when I am back from the birthday party of my nephew
2007-07-07T14:10:46 <dreimark> neagulm: have to leave because of my nephews birthday will be back in some hours
2007-07-07T14:10:56 <neagulm> dreimark, ok
2007-07-07T14:24:53 <CIA-27> moin: Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> * 2134:05e4ecc7d8cb 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/_tests/test_parser_text_moin_wiki.py: test_parser_text_moin_wiki:tests for url after block added
2007-07-07T14:24:55 <CIA-27> moin: Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> * 2135:b1046ec29bca 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/_tests/test_parser_text_moin_wiki.py: test_parser_text_moin_wiki:both url tests combined
2007-07-07T14:24:56 <CIA-27> moin: Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> * 2136:1376525701c1 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/ (_tests/test_wikiutil.py wikiutil.py): wikiutil.ParameterParser: tests added and bug fixed if args is empty and parameters wanted
2007-07-07T14:24:57 <CIA-27> moin: Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> * 2137:641c229599a4 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/wikiutil.py: wikiutil.ParameterParser.parse_parameters: TODO in exceptions added
2007-07-07T14:24:59 <CIA-27> moin: Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> * 2138:9bea36ddd065 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/macro/Hits.py: macro/Hits: shows hits of a page (refactored version from MacroMarket)
2007-07-07T14:25:02 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2139:087bdf9de399 1.7-storage-hwendel/ (Makefile MoinMoin/__init__.py): epydoc target path for 1.7
2007-07-07T14:25:05 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2140:fca8ed243a88 1.7-storage-hwendel/Makefile: fixed Makefile for epydoc 3.0
2007-07-07T14:25:08 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2141:c071cddde1e4 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/Page.py: Added a cosmetic newline to test if push works.
2007-07-07T14:25:13 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2142:fb6f1de06be0 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/events/__init__.py:
2007-07-07T14:25:18 <CIA-27> moin: Start with a simplistic event handling system, which uses plugins in a way
2007-07-07T14:25:20 <CIA-27> moin: similar to actions.
2007-07-07T14:25:22 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2143:855d73886dae 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/events/EmailNotification.py:
2007-07-07T14:25:25 <CIA-27> moin: Add a pseudo-plugin for testing. Email notification from PageEditor will be
2007-07-07T14:25:27 <CIA-27> moin: moved here.
2007-07-07T14:25:29 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2144:2976c757ee42 1.7-storage-hwendel/ (MoinMoin/PageEditor.py wiki/data/plugin/events/__init__.py):
2007-07-07T14:25:32 <CIA-27> moin: Add the "events" plugin dir for future external plugins, alter PageEditor to
2007-07-07T14:25:34 <CIA-27> moin: send an event on page save.
2007-07-07T14:25:38 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2145:7547652ffb6f 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/events/__init__.py: Change Event -> Observable, add a helper PageEvent class.
2007-07-07T14:25:49 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2146:c60fcb00dfa6 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/events/EmailNotification.py: Extend EmailNotification plugin with code from PageEditor. Works.
2007-07-07T14:25:52 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2147:5d4d32869629 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/PageEditor.py: Remove email notifications from PageEditor - use events instead.
2007-07-07T14:25:55 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2148:5cc8f6714297 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/events/__init__.py: Add more event types. Return a list of messages generated by event handlers to caller.
2007-07-07T14:26:00 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2149:23d90aae61b5 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/ (action/revert.py user.py): Send events when an user subscribes to a page and when page gets reverted.
2007-07-07T14:26:09 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2150:b73b2b885b02 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/events/JabberNotification.py:
2007-07-07T14:26:12 <CIA-27> moin: Add a stub for jabber notification plugin.
2007-07-07T14:26:14 <CIA-27> moin: It currently only prints info about received events.
2007-07-07T14:26:16 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2151:3ca2b7065a05 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/jabber/ (__init__.py main.py xmppbot.py):
2007-07-07T14:26:19 <CIA-27> moin: Jabber bot - the beginning.
2007-07-07T14:26:21 <CIA-27> moin: Ommited the necessary config file, because it currently holds private
2007-07-07T14:26:25 <CIA-27> moin: information about jabber account used for testing. Will be added later.
2007-07-07T14:26:27 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2152:7e2a9b7d2bc6 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/jabber/ (main.py xmlrpcbot.py): XML RPC functionality for the notification bot - the beginning
2007-07-07T14:26:36 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2153:09eeb9cb9afc 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/events/JabberNotification.py: Actually send notifications. For now, only to me. :P
2007-07-07T14:26:39 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2154:4e123eb32380 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/jabber/ (main.py xmlrpcbot.py xmppbot.py): Handle inbound xmlrpc traffic, send notifications. This is only a beginning. ;)
2007-07-07T14:26:43 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2155:aa761813d7bd 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/jabber/ (main.py xmlrpcbot.py): Silly changes to test CIA.
2007-07-07T14:26:48 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2156:d347a0303be1 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/ (config/multiconfig.py userform.py): Add JID field and a button to send account details with Jabber to user preferences.
2007-07-07T14:26:58 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2157:afa784d8d58d 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/events/__init__.py: Handle PluginErrors while loading event handlers gracefully.
2007-07-07T14:27:01 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2158:088edb461832 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/events/ (3 files):
2007-07-07T14:27:04 <CIA-27> moin: Use the same logic to generate email and jabber notifications. Both are easily
2007-07-07T14:27:06 <CIA-27> moin: i18n-ised now.
2007-07-07T14:27:08 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2159:d6ab26230e23 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/userform.py: Typo fix.
2007-07-07T14:27:13 <CIA-27> (82 lines omitted)
2007-07-07T14:27:15 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2234:3417a1d559d0 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/_tests/ (20 files): Merge the changes from main.
2007-07-07T14:27:20 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2235:dd3abe290142 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/util/web.py: Add a makeMultiSelection() function which creates a multiple <select> element.
2007-07-07T14:27:27 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2236:cf4c4a3d6085 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/ (config/multiconfig.py events/__init__.py user.py userform.py): Add a list of selectable events user wants to be notified about.
2007-07-07T14:27:31 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2237:8e772d72ec6e 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/ (5 files in 4 dirs): Merge with my devel branch.
2007-07-07T14:27:36 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2238:f2ae2f08958d 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/events/jabbernotify.py:
2007-07-07T14:27:39 <CIA-27> moin: Honor event subscriptions when sending jabber notifications. Fix missing import.
2007-07-07T14:27:43 <CIA-27> moin: Also don't send empty JIDs to the jabber bot.
2007-07-07T14:27:45 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2239:4138e1f06617 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/userform.py: Make it possible to unset user's jid in preferences.
2007-07-07T14:27:52 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2240:e2aa8372c4bf 1.7-storage-hwendel/jabberbot/xmppbot.py: Warn if a command with empty user jid has been received.
2007-07-07T14:27:55 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2241:c3bf2fa18b9a 1.7-storage-hwendel/jabberbot/xmppbot.py: Backed out changeset e2aa8372c4bf462dde0fe18fb647d782c3f1f615
2007-07-07T14:28:02 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2242:22a7080b4ac5 1.7-storage-hwendel/jabberbot/xmppbot.py: Don't process commands with no jid and issue a warning. That's a proper fix.
2007-07-07T14:28:07 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2243:a8941968efa1 1.7-storage-hwendel/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Merge with my devel branch.
2007-07-07T14:28:10 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2244:7c8ee12f8c1d 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/ (config/multiconfig.py events/jabbernotify.py): Fix an error with missing bot_host attribute. Use more descriptive names.
2007-07-07T14:28:18 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2245:af1eb45c937e 1.7-storage-hwendel/wiki/config/more_samples/jabber_wikiconfig.py: Fix the sample config to use new attribute name.
2007-07-07T14:28:21 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2246:e6dd69d3ac69 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/ (config/multiconfig.py events/jabbernotify.py): Merge with my devel branch.
2007-07-07T14:28:26 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2247:93e8ba421a88 1.7-storage-hwendel/ (10 files in 6 dirs): merge jabber branch
2007-07-07T14:28:33 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2248:7fed5edaa2a5 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/_tests/ (test_formatter.py test_wikiutil.py): tests: some fixes
2007-07-07T14:28:36 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2249:eed1c7da25eb 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/ (_tests/test_user.py user.py): test_user: fix wrong subscription tests and a few other problems
2007-07-07T14:28:43 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2250:2a7b535b1e44 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/_tests/test_xmlrpc_multicall.py: Add a test for xmlrpc Fault serialization.
2007-07-07T14:28:46 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2251:37e16cdc3a84 1.7-storage-hwendel/jabberbot/ (xmlrpcbot.py xmppbot.py): Make the output of GetPageInfo command human-readable
2007-07-07T14:28:51 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2252:f10336f74a6e 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/events/emailnotify.py: Make function names pep8-compatible.
2007-07-07T14:28:58 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2253:8aad85519f76 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/userform.py: Fix error occuring when user has no subscribed events.
2007-07-07T14:29:01 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2254:3cfc01315d3a 1.7-storage-hwendel/ (5 files in 4 dirs): Merge with my devel branch.
2007-07-07T14:29:08 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2255:a3a19bdc0b9a 1.7-storage-hwendel/ (5 files in 4 dirs): merge jabber branch
2007-07-07T14:29:11 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2256:c15ec6a2c69e 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/_tests/ (test_request.py test_security.py test_wikiutil.py): reduce number of failing tests
2007-07-07T14:29:16 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2257:789c1a37e4ab 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/_tests/ (test_formatter.py test_wikiutil.py): don't run docbook formatter test when we have no 4suite installed, add test for non-empty SystemPagesGroup
2007-07-07T14:29:24 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2258:f5f4dbbd0c51 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/ (_tests/maketestwiki.py action/backup.py support/tarfile.py): added tarfile.py from py 2.5.1 (backported to work with py 2.3/2.4), fix imports to use it for tests/backup (ported from 1.6)
2007-07-07T14:29:30 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2259:7a3f7ac4f6e0 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/ (_tests/test_formatter.py conftest.py formatter/text_xml.py): fix formatter setup for tests, skip broken dom_xml formatter test, add small/big to text_xml formatter (ported from 1.6)
2007-07-07T14:29:36 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2260:7917222e0e05 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/util/_tests/test_util.py: MoinMoin.util: some tests added
2007-07-07T14:29:39 <CIA-27> (104 lines omitted)
2007-07-07T14:29:43 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2361:5638ffa2fb38 1.7-storage-hwendel/ (4 files in 4 dirs): replace crlf in python src files by lf
2007-07-07T14:29:48 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2362:9df10b5358b5 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/_tests/test_sourcecode.py: test_sourcecode: add test for trailing spaces (currently disabled), other minor changes
2007-07-07T14:29:53 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2363:938d6761519f 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/_tests/test_sourcecode.py: test_sourcecode: ignore/test/fix modes for trailing spaces, fixed file mode to use binary
2007-07-07T14:30:01 <CIA-27> moin: Alexander Schremmer <alex AT alexanderweb DOT de> * 2364:27cd29db1b96 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/conftest.py: Fix conftest to allow generative tests.
2007-07-07T14:30:04 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2365:a6a4eaa948aa 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/_tests/ (test_sourcecode.py pep8.py): test_sourcecode: added PEP8 checker
2007-07-07T14:30:07 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2366:bb9853b194f7 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/conftest.py: merge main
2007-07-07T14:30:12 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2367:959d0815e149 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/_tests/ (pep8.py test_sourcecode.py): pep8: don't count stuff we ignore, added comments about pep8 test usage
2007-07-07T14:30:17 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2368:71f7bde1077b 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/_tests/test_sourcecode.py: test_sourcecode: trying to use generative tests (doesn't work yet)
2007-07-07T14:30:22 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2369:751e149a9a0a 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/_tests/test_sourcecode.py: test_sourcecode: fix generative test
2007-07-07T14:30:25 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2370:01f05e74aa9c 1.7-storage-hwendel/ (212 files in 55 dirs): Big PEP8 and whitespace cleanup
2007-07-07T14:30:28 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2371:0005f996ff92 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/wikidicts.py: wikidicts: add comment about (empty) dict entry syntax
2007-07-07T14:30:31 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2372:0f44ed5ed2a1 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/_tests/ (pep8.py test_sourcecode.py): test_sourcecode: remove tests that pep8 checker also does, enable warnings, add crlf check to pep8 checker
2007-07-07T14:30:37 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2373:9d347f8bfd1c 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/_tests/test_sourcecode.py: test_sourcecode: fixed docstring
2007-07-07T14:30:40 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2374:49188b1e803c 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/_tests/test_sourcecode.py: test_sourcecode: only yield tests for *.py files, fixes test count
2007-07-07T14:30:43 <CIA-27> moin: Heinrich Wendel <h_wendel@cojobo.net> * 2375:7793d1496cd3 1.7-storage-hwendel/ (279 files in 65 dirs): merge main
2007-07-07T14:30:48 <CIA-27> moin: Heinrich Wendel <h_wendel@cojobo.net> * 2376:0d02c45f4c92 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/ (6 files in 3 dirs): merge main
2007-07-07T14:30:53 <CIA-27> moin: Heinrich Wendel <h_wendel@cojobo.net> * 2377:eb9d45aa0d41 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/ (PageEditor.py storage/fs_moin16.py): small fixes
2007-07-07T15:11:12 <ThomasWaldmann> lanius_: shall i help you fix the test_sourcecode failures?
2007-07-07T15:45:44 <lanius_> ThomasWaldmann: is there a trick ;)
2007-07-07T15:46:21 <ThomasWaldmann> only for trailing space, the rest is manual
2007-07-07T15:46:57 <lanius_> ok, pleaes
2007-07-07T15:48:29 <ThomasWaldmann> ok
2007-07-07T15:49:22 <lanius_> i already did some so i commit before
2007-07-07T15:50:37 <xorAxAx> hopefully in a single commit
2007-07-07T15:51:46 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2378:5dc8ec557c2a 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/ (8 files in 6 dirs): cosmetic fixes: fix trailing whitespace
2007-07-07T15:52:03 <lanius_> one commit per whitespace of course
2007-07-07T15:53:01 <ThomasWaldmann> ehrm, too late :)
2007-07-07T15:53:05 <lanius_> :-)
2007-07-07T15:53:13 <xorAxAx> happy merging
2007-07-07T15:54:03 <ThomasWaldmann> ok, I'll wait for your next push before doing more
2007-07-07T16:00:52 <lanius_> one test in test_package.py and two in test_lock.py fail here, is that normal?
2007-07-07T16:02:00 <xorAxAx> neagulm: please read http://dougsland.livejournal.com/23509.html
2007-07-07T16:02:32 <xorAxAx> neagulm: (the named branches paragraph there)
2007-07-07T16:03:40 <ThomasWaldmann> lanius_: main says: tests finished: 532 passed, 16 skipped in 31.38 seconds
2007-07-07T16:04:36 <ThomasWaldmann> lanius_: maybe push your merge first before going on fixing other stuff
2007-07-07T16:04:39 <lanius_> i'm down to 12 failed, where 3 are still in sourcecode, 4 in user which i have to look on and the rest fails
2007-07-07T16:09:40 <CIA-27> moin: Heinrich Wendel <h_wendel@cojobo.net> * 2379:7e5847165cfe 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/ (12 files in 6 dirs): fix test_sourcecode.py issues
2007-07-07T16:17:12 <CIA-27> moin: Heinrich Wendel <h_wendel@cojobo.net> * 2380:58fd9a0c38cb 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/user.py: fix test_user.py
2007-07-07T16:18:17 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2381:6f9773f74b78 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/storage/ (9 files in 2 dirs): cosmetic fixes: fix crlf line ends to lf-only (unix style)
2007-07-07T16:18:18 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2382:b6d16d175b52 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/user.py: merge storage branch
2007-07-07T16:18:28 <lanius_> ThomasWaldmann: ok 3 failures left
2007-07-07T16:19:42 <ThomasWaldmann> lanius_: btw, all your files were dos style crlf line ends. I fixed that. Please commit stuff with lf-only (unix style) line ends.
2007-07-07T16:19:58 <lanius_> ThomasWaldmann: have to see how i can tell eclipse that
2007-07-07T16:21:05 <lanius_> ThomasWaldmann: somehow it can't find the events module here
2007-07-07T16:24:01 <ThomasWaldmann> 8 failures here, btw
2007-07-07T16:24:16 <ThomasWaldmann> invalid cross device link (when trying to rename)
2007-07-07T16:24:52 <lanius_> invalid cross device link?
2007-07-07T16:26:02 <xorAxAx> yes, that means that you are using rename to move a fil
2007-07-07T16:26:03 <xorAxAx> e
2007-07-07T16:26:18 <ThomasWaldmann> you can not rename crossing filesystem boundaries
2007-07-07T16:26:46 <ThomasWaldmann> (that means you are creating your tmpfiles(?) at the wrong place)
2007-07-07T16:28:35 <lanius_> i'm creating the tmpfiles with tempfile
2007-07-07T16:32:08 <ThomasWaldmann> 137 tmp_handle, tmp_fname = tempfile.mkstemp('.tmp', self.key, self.arena_dir) from caching.py
2007-07-07T16:32:46 <CIA-27> moin: Heinrich Wendel <h_wendel@cojobo.net> * 2383:f5cf919d5194 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/storage/fs_moin16.py: use shutil for rename
2007-07-07T16:32:48 <CIA-27> moin: Heinrich Wendel <h_wendel@cojobo.net> * 2384:710389c1b185 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/storage/fs_moin16.py: fix rename issues
2007-07-07T16:32:49 <CIA-27> moin: Heinrich Wendel <h_wendel@cojobo.net> * 2385:8758b6c14117 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/storage/ (9 files in 2 dirs): fix rename issues
2007-07-07T16:33:05 <lanius_> ThomasWaldmann: try again
2007-07-07T16:35:51 <ThomasWaldmann> no
2007-07-07T16:36:11 <ThomasWaldmann> please fix the problem at the root, not treating the symptoms
2007-07-07T16:38:21 <ThomasWaldmann> /srv/moin_tw/moin-1.7-storage/MoinMoin/storage/fs_moin16.py:1:4: W293 line contains CR char(s)
2007-07-07T16:39:03 <ThomasWaldmann> and read your diffs
2007-07-07T16:39:17 <ThomasWaldmann> (or your test results)
2007-07-07T16:39:32 <lanius_> my test results are working
2007-07-07T16:39:37 <lanius_> are you sure it is still not working for yu
2007-07-07T16:40:09 <lanius_> i also tested it over two filesystems
2007-07-07T16:40:49 <xorAxAx> well, the problem is that the caching.py is a bit broken
2007-07-07T16:40:57 <xorAxAx> and ThomasWaldmann didnt want to admit that it is a bug
2007-07-07T16:45:56 <lanius> maybe, but here we have no issue with caching.py currently
2007-07-07T16:46:41 <xorAxAx> lanius: sure, see above
2007-07-07T16:50:29 <lanius> i thought that was just an example how i can create my tempfiles at the correct path
2007-07-07T16:50:51 <lanius> because that code has nothing to do with mine
2007-07-07T16:51:15 <ThomasWaldmann> lanius: http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/index.cgi/EncodeDecodeFilter
2007-07-07T16:51:54 <lanius> ThomasWaldmann: sounds good
2007-07-07T16:52:10 <xorAxAx> i strongly suggest not to use it, it broke my repo a few times
2007-07-07T16:53:21 <lanius> oh
2007-07-07T16:54:05 <xorAxAx> but it might be already activated
2007-07-07T16:54:19 <xorAxAx> because it is/was the default in the .exe package for windows
2007-07-07T16:54:36 <xorAxAx> its simply broken by design to encode/decode all files
2007-07-07T16:54:46 <xorAxAx> in svn, this is natively supported but not in hg
2007-07-07T16:55:37 <lanius> seems not to be activated by default here
2007-07-07T16:56:08 <lanius> ThomasWaldmann: any idea for the failing event import?
2007-07-07T16:56:21 <ThomasWaldmann> lanius: right click on the moin project, settings, there is a box for line endings
2007-07-07T16:56:52 <lanius> ah nice
2007-07-07T16:59:51 <ThomasWaldmann> lanius: first fix the stuff broken by the last commits
2007-07-07T17:00:36 <lanius> nothing broken here
2007-07-07T17:01:55 <ThomasWaldmann> http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.7-storage-hwendel/rev/8758b6c14117 reintroduces crlf files
2007-07-07T17:02:22 <xorAxAx> you need to configure kdiff3
2007-07-07T17:02:34 <ThomasWaldmann> http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.7-storage-hwendel/rev/710389c1b185 treats symptoms instead of fixing root problem
2007-07-07T17:02:53 <ThomasWaldmann> http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.7-storage-hwendel/rev/f5cf919d5194 same
2007-07-07T17:03:06 <xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: 710389c1b185 looks good, what is the problem?
2007-07-07T17:03:28 <xorAxAx> hmm, creating the file in the wrong folder is a performance problem
2007-07-07T17:03:39 <xorAxAx> but not necessarily a bug
2007-07-07T17:03:44 <lanius> xorAxAx: yes, i added a todo
2007-07-07T17:04:21 <ThomasWaldmann> if you have to copy/del instead of rename, you have created it at the wrong place
2007-07-07T17:04:33 <ThomasWaldmann> it is not atomic any more and slower
2007-07-07T17:04:59 <lanius> yes, i added a todo, still the commit is correct because on windows you have to do exactly that
2007-07-07T17:05:04 <ThomasWaldmann> so just create it at the right place and revert those cs
2007-07-07T17:05:17 <lanius> no revert
2007-07-07T17:06:02 <ThomasWaldmann> why not?
2007-07-07T17:06:43 <lanius> like i said on windows you need shutil.move, filesys.rename is not enough if you cross filesystem boundaries which can happen if the user configures it this way
2007-07-07T17:06:56 <lanius> and if not shutil.move has no disadvantage over filesys.rename
2007-07-07T17:07:05 <lanius> it is still atomic on linux
2007-07-07T17:07:09 <ThomasWaldmann> if you create your stuff at the right place, it does not cross filesystems
2007-07-07T17:07:23 <lanius> it will be up to the user where it will be created
2007-07-07T17:07:33 <lanius> i will introduce a tmpdir variable
2007-07-07T17:07:49 <lanius> because i don't want to abuse the pages dir to storage temporary data
2007-07-07T17:08:15 <CIA-27> moin: Heinrich Wendel <h_wendel@cojobo.net> * 2386:29fd5c9d2238 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/storage/fs_moin16.py: add some comments
2007-07-07T17:11:15 <lanius> ThomasWaldmann: i can't fix the cr char problem because it does not show up here
2007-07-07T17:11:52 <xorAxAx> are you sure that you arent using any filters, lanius? :)
2007-07-07T17:12:10 <lanius> pretty sure
2007-07-07T17:14:23 <ThomasWaldmann> pep8 doesnt use binary mode
2007-07-07T17:14:45 <xorAxAx> lanius: did you install mercurial from source?
2007-07-07T17:15:01 <xorAxAx> because the filters are configured in the config in programme\merucrial\somthing.ini
2007-07-07T17:15:33 <lanius> xorAxAx: i used the windows binary package
2007-07-07T17:15:53 <xorAxAx> lanius: so check for that configuration file
2007-07-07T17:16:09 <lanius> i have a mercurial.ini
2007-07-07T17:16:20 <xorAxAx> check only the program folder
2007-07-07T17:16:24 <xorAxAx> and its contents
2007-07-07T17:16:33 <lanius> editor = notepad
2007-07-07T17:16:36 <lanius> hgext.win32text =
2007-07-07T17:16:39 <xorAxAx> thats it
2007-07-07T17:16:43 <xorAxAx> drop that shit :)
2007-07-07T17:17:00 <lanius> and now?
2007-07-07T17:17:44 <xorAxAx> now you want to delete all your files in the workdir and check out again
2007-07-07T17:17:47 <xorAxAx> from your local repo
2007-07-07T17:19:06 <lanius> and how can i do that without deleting my local repo as well
2007-07-07T17:19:57 <xorAxAx> well, delete anything besides .hg
2007-07-07T17:20:08 <xorAxAx> after you have backed up local changes
2007-07-07T17:20:21 <lanius> and things in .hgignore
2007-07-07T17:20:32 <xorAxAx> that are local changes :)
2007-07-07T17:20:45 <lanius> and what's my win after that?
2007-07-07T17:21:33 <xorAxAx> that hg doesnt break your files behind your back anymore
2007-07-07T17:22:55 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2291:c5d01f74189a 1.7/MoinMoin/_tests/pep8.py: test_sourcecode: use binary mode, so we can detect CRLF line ends on win32 platform, too
2007-07-07T17:23:20 <ThomasWaldmann> lanius: please merge main
2007-07-07T17:23:41 <lanius> xorAxAx: well there is no checkout command, is there?
2007-07-07T17:23:58 <xorAxAx> lanius: hg co
2007-07-07T17:24:03 <xorAxAx> or hg up
2007-07-07T17:24:21 <xorAxAx> you can also clone your repo, that will checout automatically
2007-07-07T17:24:28 <xorAxAx> and then you can replay your local mods manually
2007-07-07T17:25:21 <ThomasWaldmann> brb
2007-07-07T17:27:43 <lanius> nice i see the problem now but can't fi it
2007-07-07T17:28:10 <xorAxAx> :-)
2007-07-07T17:28:23 <xorAxAx> using that damn extension is like developing on drugs
2007-07-07T17:28:48 <lanius> that's why i use it
2007-07-07T17:29:11 <xorAxAx> hehe
2007-07-07T17:30:58 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2387:c5d01f74189a 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/_tests/pep8.py: test_sourcecode: use binary mode, so we can detect CRLF line ends on win32 platform, too
2007-07-07T17:31:00 <CIA-27> moin: Heinrich Wendel <h_wendel@cojobo.net> * 2388:31b9520dd97b 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/ (_tests/pep8.py storage/fs_moin16.py): mercurial sux
2007-07-07T17:31:11 <xorAxAx> :-)
2007-07-07T17:31:31 <xorAxAx> well, its only in the .exe package which is not made by official mercurial devs
2007-07-07T17:31:46 <lanius> well it's that mercurial does not automatically convert such things like svn
2007-07-07T17:32:34 <xorAxAx> hmm, i have never needed such conversion
2007-07-07T17:32:41 <lanius> i don't need them either
2007-07-07T17:33:06 <lanius> just some dumb check tool
2007-07-07T17:33:20 <lanius> nevermind what about the events problem :-)
2007-07-07T17:33:53 <lanius> and i have one failure in packages.py which i don't understand
2007-07-07T17:34:13 <lanius> lock seems to fail in main as well
2007-07-07T18:08:21 <ThomasWaldmann> lanius: current main brach has 0 failing tests on linux
2007-07-07T18:09:17 <lanius> ThomasWaldmann: the locking stuff fails randomly on windows
2007-07-07T18:11:23 <lanius> ThomasWaldmann: the packages error seems to be some stuff with PageEditor.py, can't really find the error though
2007-07-07T18:12:37 <lanius> ThomasWaldmann: and the action test fails because it can't find the events module, i don't know why though
2007-07-07T18:13:49 <xorAxAx> recursive impotr?
2007-07-07T18:15:11 <xorAxAx> lanius: ah!
2007-07-07T18:15:29 <xorAxAx> lanius: your test wiki might be missing the events pakcage
2007-07-07T18:16:47 <lanius> indeed, but why
2007-07-07T18:17:17 <lanius> because he doesn't recreate it on each run
2007-07-07T18:17:21 <xorAxAx> yes
2007-07-07T18:17:27 <xorAxAx> just kill your test wiki data dir
2007-07-07T18:17:31 <xorAxAx> it will be recreated
2007-07-07T18:17:40 <xorAxAx> all tests are passing for me on the storage branch
2007-07-07T18:23:27 <lanius> somehow it's fooling me and doesn't want to create a new config, but if you say it works i can go and make party now :D
2007-07-07T18:23:33 <lanius> s/config/testdir/
2007-07-07T18:23:46 <xorAxAx> ?
2007-07-07T18:23:46 <lanius> bye
2007-07-07T18:23:52 <xorAxAx> just delete tests/wiki
2007-07-07T18:23:55 <xorAxAx> c u
2007-07-07T18:24:08 <xorAxAx> dont puke and party!
2007-07-07T21:39:25 <ThomasWaldmann> zenhase: looks like implementing some better way to handle msg and sending just the content is the main problem. but that should be solveable
2007-07-07T21:45:09 <zenhase> ThomasWaldmann: hmm?
2007-07-07T21:45:40 <zenhase> that's what i tried when refactoring send_page
2007-07-07T21:46:24 <zenhase> and: i think every problem is solvable, but question is how fast
2007-07-07T21:46:58 <zenhase> i am writing 'putting into context' right now
2007-07-07T21:49:40 <ThomasWaldmann> well, you listed some problems, try to solve them in small steps or document why it does not work
2007-07-07T21:50:46 <ThomasWaldmann> one small step could be making send_page called with less "mode flags", but have stuff that just wants the content call some function that is also called by send_page
2007-07-07T21:51:56 <zenhase> /o\
2007-07-07T21:53:34 <zenhase> when i talked to fabi another idea what can be done immediatly is going through the whole of request.write-calls and replace it with generating and returning content
2007-07-07T21:53:56 <xorAxAx> thats not very goal-oriented :)
2007-07-07T21:56:15 <ThomasWaldmann> zenhase: if you would do that, the result would be the same as when capturing it
2007-07-07T21:56:55 <zenhase> it's just a small part, i admit
2007-07-07T21:57:08 <zenhase> regarding the goal:
2007-07-07T21:59:43 <zenhase> i currently would like to tackle the problems with the infrastructure (just as i wanted days ago)
2007-07-07T22:00:20 <zenhase> the theme-thing has somehow gone done in priority to me as i have to admit
2007-07-07T22:00:48 <zenhase> since i find it hard to do with what's there
2007-07-07T22:01:25 <zenhase> so i am thinking about how to simplify and replace the parts bothering me
2007-07-07T22:01:55 <ThomasWaldmann> maybe think more public :)
2007-07-07T22:02:04 <zenhase> not on a local scope like when i took on send_page but thinking also about breaking stuff to make it work better afterwards
2007-07-07T22:02:15 <zenhase> yeah, sorry :/
2007-07-07T22:02:31 <zenhase> s/breaking stuff/breaking stuff in other places
2007-07-07T22:03:59 <xorAxAx> unfinished sed-command on line 1 :)
2007-07-07T22:04:48 * zenhase uses lenient-sed
2007-07-07T22:04:54 <ThomasWaldmann> ok, so tell us what you want to break and why :)
2007-07-07T22:06:43 <zenhase> ThomasWaldmann: ok, let me just finish the last paragraphs on the wiki page
2007-07-07T22:07:07 <zenhase> will help me state my ideas in an ordered manner too
2007-07-07T22:07:55 <zenhase> manner? way? i think my language centre broke a little
2007-07-07T22:32:05 <dreimark> Hi starshine
2007-07-07T22:51:20 <ThomasWaldmann> zenhase: still there?
2007-07-07T23:02:39 <zenhase> ThomasWaldmann: yeah
2007-07-07T23:02:49 <zenhase> still writing
MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2007-07-07 (last edited 2007-10-29 19:09:17 by localhost)