2008-03-16T10:52:27 <johill> dreimark: you misunderstood how the invoke_extension_function works
2008-03-16T10:52:38 <johill> dreimark: you're invoking the macro directly, what did you expect?
2008-03-16T10:52:51 <johill> dreimark: you need to say "result = m.execute('EmbedObject', u'%s' % filename)"
2008-03-16T10:53:00 <johill> instead of "result = EmbedObject.macro_EmbedObject(m, filename)"
2008-03-16T10:54:28 <johill> dreimark: after that you only have a problem with the way the unit args are given (you get a tuple back)
2008-03-16T11:10:47 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3261:cbaf672bcea3 1.7/MoinMoin/macro/EmbedObject.py: fix EmbedObject UnitArgument usage
2008-03-16T11:10:49 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3262:e30816db5cb5 1.7/MoinMoin/macro/_tests/test_EmbedObject.py: add EmbedObject tests from Reimar and myself
2008-03-16T11:11:02 <johill> dreimark: see those commits
2008-03-16T14:38:45 <dreimark> johill: thanks :)
2008-03-16T15:00:21 <johill> dreimark: you might want to fix the formatting there
2008-03-16T15:00:29 <johill> right now you get, as in the test, 50.00000% for 50%
2008-03-16T15:04:38 <johill> dreimark: I couldn't easily figure out if it's possible to convince python's formatting to omit trailing zeroes in a float format
2008-03-16T15:12:07 <dreimark> do look at that too
2008-03-16T15:12:37 * dreimark does fix Attachfile to use macro.execute too
2008-03-16T15:13:46 <dreimark> that 0px as default for movies does play the movie always in the external player on my system
2008-03-16T15:18:11 <johill> no idea
2008-03-16T15:18:18 <johill> you might want to change it to omit it then
2008-03-16T15:21:58 * dreimark fixes now the parser
2008-03-16T15:22:50 <johill> hrm. does moin leak memory now? my python processes have grown to ~90M
2008-03-16T15:40:45 <dreimark> johill: %g shows only necessary float digits
2008-03-16T15:41:19 <johill> ah
2008-03-16T15:41:23 <johill> now why didn't I find that?
2008-03-16T15:41:30 <johill> feel free to change it (but you need to change the test too)
2008-03-16T15:45:25 <dreimark> fortunatley I remembered about it, didn't find it too
2008-03-16T15:46:12 <johill> the docs say
2008-03-16T15:46:14 <johill> g: "Same as "e" if exponent is greater than -4 or less than precision, "f" otherwise."
2008-03-16T15:47:48 <johill> which is obviously not true
2008-03-16T15:49:00 <dreimark> docss seems to need an update ;)
2008-03-16T15:49:15 <johill> well it does behave sort of like that
2008-03-16T15:49:25 <johill> except for the latter case it doesn't print zeroes
2008-03-16T15:51:54 <dreimark> currently I think about if I like to have something as 'None px' so that the var becomes None if nothing is entered
2008-03-16T15:52:07 <johill> it won't be come None but rather u'None'
2008-03-16T15:52:14 <johill> so you have to special-case it anyway
2008-03-16T15:52:55 <dreimark> ok
2008-03-16T15:54:07 <johill> unless..
2008-03-16T15:54:13 <johill> we could allow putting None as the default
2008-03-16T15:54:55 <dreimark> that would help, otherwise I have to defive somethinh like -9999 and to check if it was changed
2008-03-16T15:55:07 <dreimark> (much typos today)
2008-03-16T15:55:10 <johill> yeah
2008-03-16T15:55:19 <johill> let's allow None, and you will just get None then
2008-03-16T15:55:30 <dreimark> great
2008-03-16T15:55:48 <ThomasWaldmann> btw, did somebody look at <<M>> vs. <<M()>> ?
2008-03-16T15:55:52 <johill> not yet
2008-03-16T15:56:00 <dreimark> another question I am not clear with myself is
2008-03-16T15:56:15 <dreimark> do we always want to get it defined with it's unit
2008-03-16T15:56:29 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3263:d0ffd7c45145 1.7/MoinMoin/wikiutil.py: UnitArgument: allow None as default (passed straight through)
2008-03-16T15:56:30 <johill> hm?
2008-03-16T15:56:38 <dreimark> the other way would be to use the first unit of the selection
2008-03-16T15:57:03 <dreimark> e.g. 100 ['px', 'mm'] -> 100px
2008-03-16T16:00:26 <dreimark> probably some users do have already EmbedObject used with <<EmbedObject(title.avi,width=400,height=200)>>
2008-03-16T16:00:32 <johill> oh suck
2008-03-16T16:00:37 <johill> I'd prefer it to always require a unit
2008-03-16T16:00:42 <dreimark> me too
2008-03-16T16:00:44 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: uh, that assertion failure is weird
2008-03-16T16:00:56 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: and not about <<M>> vs. <<M()>>
2008-03-16T16:01:43 <johill> who converted the Verbatim macro?!
2008-03-16T16:02:33 <johill> I'm confused now
2008-03-16T16:04:42 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: the assertion failure comes from the quickhelp...
2008-03-16T16:07:59 <johill> there
2008-03-16T16:08:00 <johill> fixed
2008-03-16T16:08:00 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3264:cd28d66afe11 1.7/MoinMoin/config/multiconfig.py: fix quickhelp, needs translation fixes!
2008-03-16T16:10:48 <johill> hm
2008-03-16T16:11:03 <johill> didn't we discuss fixing that by disallowing empty keyword names?
2008-03-16T16:11:38 <johill> i.e. taking M(===) to mean M("===") and not M(""="==")
2008-03-16T16:15:46 <johill> I think I'll do that
2008-03-16T16:16:00 <ThomasWaldmann> isnt that Verbatim() for the headline samples superfluous anyway? the headline only matches for ^...$ and this is not the case there
2008-03-16T16:17:51 <johill> yeah
2008-03-16T16:18:08 <johill> well actually, it might match over all of them?
2008-03-16T16:18:21 <johill> oh no
2008-03-16T16:19:32 <ThomasWaldmann> it is within a dd
2008-03-16T16:30:48 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: please review wikiutil.escape usage of your code
2008-03-16T16:31:34 <ThomasWaldmann> (just consider that the formatter doesn't need to be the html formatter and wikiutil.escape can only be correct for html)
2008-03-16T16:36:04 <dreimark> ok
2008-03-16T16:37:27 <ThomasWaldmann> mvirkkil: + if s.find(":")<0:
2008-03-16T16:37:27 <ThomasWaldmann> + continue
2008-03-16T16:38:04 <ThomasWaldmann> mvirkkil: if ':' not in s: continue
2008-03-16T16:39:41 <johill> ugh no
2008-03-16T16:39:51 <johill> treating leading = is ugly wrt. handling of spaces
2008-03-16T16:39:54 <johill> won't do
2008-03-16T16:40:09 <johill> but let's remove the verbatim stuff from the quickhelp
2008-03-16T16:41:55 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3265:bd322703c85e 1.7/MoinMoin/config/multiconfig.py: no need to use Verbatim() macro with heading stuff in quickhelp
2008-03-16T16:49:39 <xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: do you have a pypi account?
2008-03-16T16:50:37 <johill> what do we do about the filename too long errors? we shouldn't be showing a traceback in the browser imho
2008-03-16T16:51:18 <johill> especially when the page doesn't exist
2008-03-16T16:51:23 <johill> why does it even try opening it?
2008-03-16T16:54:54 <dreimark> hmm
2008-03-16T16:57:06 <dreimark> johill: doesn't the parameter parser do escape?
2008-03-16T16:57:38 <johill> dreimark: hm?
2008-03-16T16:57:41 <johill> escape what?
2008-03-16T16:58:58 <dreimark> values e.g. <, > ...
2008-03-16T17:01:08 <dreimark> if one can enter unicode text
2008-03-16T17:02:06 <dreimark> for a list of choices it is not necessary
2008-03-16T17:02:32 <johill> why would it quote them?!
2008-03-16T17:06:42 <dreimark> hmm, to do it global is no good idea too.
2008-03-16T17:08:47 <johill> what are you trying to achieve?
2008-03-16T17:10:07 <dreimark> xss attacks
2008-03-16T17:10:42 <dreimark> if one enters for example alt text it is not escaped
2008-03-16T17:10:57 <dreimark> if I do the changes ThomasWaldmann asked about
2008-03-16T17:12:42 <ThomasWaldmann> xorAxAx: no
2008-03-16T17:12:59 <dreimark> in the past the routine has separated the keywords and escaped the values
2008-03-16T17:13:29 <dreimark> but there are reasons too not to escape everything at input time
2008-03-16T17:14:03 <johill> yeah it should definitely not be escaped at input time
2008-03-16T17:14:06 <johill> that's like php's magic quotes ;)
2008-03-16T17:14:16 <johill> you need to push it through the right quoting at output
2008-03-16T17:18:24 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: wikiutil.escape has to be called at the point where html is generated
2008-03-16T17:19:39 <ThomasWaldmann> (or at least at a point where it is clear, that nothing else than html is generated)
2008-03-16T17:19:53 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: I know
2008-03-16T17:22:12 <ThomasWaldmann> and also, please consider that text_html formatter's _open (used for opening any html tags), does call wikiutil.escape() for any attribute values
2008-03-16T17:22:18 <xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: can you create one? then i try to integrate the pypi stuff into setup.py
2008-03-16T17:22:24 <dreimark> getAttachUrl does not use taintfile
2008-03-16T17:22:31 <xorAxAx> and you will be able to update the pypi entry with a single command line
2008-03-16T17:23:27 <ThomasWaldmann> xorAxAx: I'll create one when needed. you can test it with your account.
2008-03-16T17:23:33 <xorAxAx> yes
2008-03-16T17:23:57 * dreimark pushs changes when py.test is finished
2008-03-16T17:24:04 <ThomasWaldmann> and maybe try to get rid of that old crap in pypi
2008-03-16T17:24:19 <xorAxAx> i cant modify 1.1
2008-03-16T17:24:36 <xorAxAx> i am only seeing 1.3.x onwards
2008-03-16T17:24:49 <ThomasWaldmann> i guess there is someone who can (except jh)
2008-03-16T17:25:03 <ThomasWaldmann> brb
2008-03-16T17:25:36 <xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: i dont think so
2008-03-16T17:25:40 <xorAxAx> it seems to be an orphan
2008-03-16T17:25:48 <xorAxAx> pypi doesnt even know the moin package anymore
2008-03-16T17:25:59 <xorAxAx> so you could ask richard to remove this orphane
2008-03-16T17:39:54 <ThomasWaldmann> yeah, or you could ask :)
2008-03-16T17:40:13 <xorAxAx> why me? :)
2008-03-16T17:40:26 <ThomasWaldmann> why not you? :)
2008-03-16T17:40:32 <xorAxAx> hehe
2008-03-16T17:40:57 <ThomasWaldmann> regarding that you are the current record owner, that would be quite ok
2008-03-16T17:41:00 * xorAxAx is currently getting the pypi info into the setup.py
2008-03-16T17:41:48 <CIA-39> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 3266:f62792cb2d24 1.7/MoinMoin/ (4 files in 4 dirs): macro.EmbedObject: adjusted to changes of argument parser, escaped output.
2008-03-16T17:56:32 <CIA-39> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 3267:65be8803b8df 1.7/MoinMoin/action/ (AttachFile.py _tests/test_attachfile.py): Attachfile.getAttachUrl: fixed upload tainting of rename
2008-03-16T18:01:38 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: what is happening if only width is given (and not height) [or vice versa]?
2008-03-16T18:06:59 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: for audio it is embedded somehow in the browser
2008-03-16T18:07:18 <dreimark> for movie it is played outside by the external viewer
2008-03-16T18:08:23 <dreimark> I have a wustion on the parser too
2008-03-16T18:08:40 <dreimark> question
2008-03-16T18:09:11 <dreimark> that EmbedObject part seems never be reached in text_moin_wiki or ?
2008-03-16T18:10:51 <dreimark> autoscaling of the movie would have been good but this seems not be the result in my combination of browser and plugin.
2008-03-16T18:11:48 <ThomasWaldmann> url = wikiutil.escape(target) <-- please check that line in EmbedObject
2008-03-16T18:23:28 <dreimark> arrgh using urls is broken
2008-03-16T18:24:13 <dreimark> hmm, have to use target
2008-03-16T18:39:04 * ThomasWaldmann kills do_escape param
2008-03-16T18:39:20 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: badly broken
2008-03-16T18:50:06 <ThomasWaldmann> what? :)
2008-03-16T18:54:32 <dreimark> I try to find out why it does not play a movie from an external side
2008-03-16T18:54:59 <dreimark> or without escaping from localhost
2008-03-16T18:56:36 <ThomasWaldmann> (the problem with the line i quoted is that escaping is done at the wrong place, which likely leads to double escaping in at least one of the cases)
2008-03-16T18:59:00 <dreimark> I did double escaping
2008-03-16T19:01:20 <johill> better safe than sorry ;)
2008-03-16T19:06:56 <dreimark> yeah, and I have to use "get" instead of "view"
2008-03-16T19:08:58 * dreimark adds another unit test too
2008-03-16T19:10:10 * dreimark watches Brian Simpson - It Could Happen.
2008-03-16T19:10:23 <dreimark> wonders why he has choosen this song fr the tests
2008-03-16T19:29:58 <CIA-39> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 3268:753f234085c2 1.7/MoinMoin/macro/ (EmbedObject.py _tests/test_EmbedObject.py): macro.EmbedObject: fixed double escaping for urls and added a unit test for urls
2008-03-16T19:30:53 <dreimark> johill: do you add changes about the unit parser etc. ?
2008-03-16T19:32:33 <johill> hm?
2008-03-16T19:34:03 <dreimark> it is a new feature and quite usefull
2008-03-16T19:35:58 <johill> oh you mean for the changes file?
2008-03-16T19:36:05 <johill> no, haven't really added anything there
2008-03-16T19:36:54 <dreimark> yes
2008-03-16T19:37:39 * dreimark changes GetText2
2008-03-16T19:38:04 <dreimark> pcan one check Include and Navigation if there is something missed or wrong http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinTodo/Release%201.7.0/ListOfMacros
2008-03-16T19:45:52 <dreimark> <<GetText2(,[You may not read %s],FooBar)>> fails converted
2008-03-16T19:46:09 <dreimark> <<GetText2: Too many arguments>>
2008-03-16T19:46:37 <dreimark> because "," is used always as separator for parameters
2008-03-16T19:46:40 <dreimark> xorAxAx:
2008-03-16T19:46:54 <xorAxAx> well, thats bad
2008-03-16T19:47:26 <johill> I never intended that all plugins should be converted
2008-03-16T19:47:32 <johill> but if you want to then you'll have to quote it
2008-03-16T19:47:44 <johill> as in <<GetText2(",...,FooBar")>>
2008-03-16T19:47:58 <johill> does make things more consistent, of course
2008-03-16T19:48:05 <xorAxAx> it makes more sense to use the old api (string only) i fear
2008-03-16T19:48:54 <johill> sort of
2008-03-16T19:48:57 <dreimark> or pages needs to be changed too
2008-03-16T19:49:10 <johill> both has cons and pros
2008-03-16T19:49:31 <johill> with the "old" API, things can stay this way
2008-03-16T19:49:49 <johill> but we can never add optional parameters to translate into a specific language for example
2008-03-16T19:49:57 <johill> and it's inconsistent with other macros
2008-03-16T19:50:03 <xorAxAx> johill: hmm, what do you mean?
2008-03-16T19:50:10 <xorAxAx> ah, well
2008-03-16T19:50:22 <xorAxAx> the largest problem that i see is compatiblity for existing wiki pages
2008-03-16T19:50:54 <dreimark> this change needs then an other migration script
2008-03-16T19:51:01 <johill> yeah, that is indeed a problem
2008-03-16T19:51:40 <johill> I'm ambivalent. I'd like it all to be consistent, but the plugin really only takes a single parameter
2008-03-16T19:54:57 <johill> especially when some plugins snip off surrounding double quotes and others take them as part of the argument
2008-03-16T19:55:02 <johill> i.e. if you write GetText2("asdf")
2008-03-16T19:58:05 <dreimark> we have another choice too. if we do change GetText2 we need a mig script. At that point we can think about merging it with GetText too
2008-03-16T19:58:51 <xorAxAx> gettext2 was primarily meant to be used internally ... thats why i am -0 on changing it to the new api
2008-03-16T19:59:39 <johill> what's the difference with GetText anyway?
2008-03-16T20:00:49 <johill> ah, I see
2008-03-16T20:00:58 <johill> that'd be quite cool with the new api in fact
2008-03-16T20:03:32 <johill> def macro_GetText(macro, text, _trailing_args):
2008-03-16T20:03:38 <johill> return macro.request.getText(text) % tuple(_trailing_args)
2008-03-16T20:04:08 <johill> ah, no, not quite
2008-03-16T20:05:11 <johill> if _trailing_args:
2008-03-16T20:05:12 <johill> return macro.request.getText(text) % tuple(_trailing_args)
2008-03-16T20:05:12 <johill> else:
2008-03-16T20:05:12 <johill> return macro.request.getText(text)
2008-03-16T20:06:00 <johill> then all one needs to do is translate
2008-03-16T20:06:12 <johill> <<GetText(....)>> to <<GetText("....")>>
2008-03-16T20:06:43 <johill> and <<GetText2(|a|b,,|c)>> to <<GetText("a", "b,,", "c")>>
2008-03-16T20:07:42 <johill> should probably catch some errors though...
2008-03-16T20:11:04 <dreimark> <<GetText("[You may not read %s]",FooBar)>>
2008-03-16T20:11:31 <dreimark> instead of <GetText2(,[You may not read %s],FooBar)>>
2008-03-16T20:12:23 <johill> well, I would quote all of the strings
2008-03-16T20:12:50 <johill> just in case the separator (first character) wasn't a comma
2008-03-16T20:13:06 <johill> (and make sure to double quotation marks (" to ""))
2008-03-16T20:13:26 <dreimark> ok
2008-03-16T20:15:14 <johill> http://johannes.sipsolutions.net/files/GetText.py.txt
2008-03-16T20:15:16 <johill> that's what I'd do
2008-03-16T20:16:00 <johill> oh wait
2008-03-16T20:16:04 <johill> that has to go through the formatter too
2008-03-16T20:16:32 <johill> reload
2008-03-16T20:17:13 <johill> or is getText formatted?
2008-03-16T20:17:15 <johill> I forgot
2008-03-16T20:17:51 <johill> no, it looks like this new version is correct that uses formatter.text
2008-03-16T20:21:23 <dreimark> http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinTodo/Release%201.7.0/ListOfMacros?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=GetText.patch
2008-03-16T20:22:11 <dreimark> ah I do remove my version
2008-03-16T20:24:07 <johill> well dunno, what's what I'd do
2008-03-16T20:24:50 <johill> bbl, dinner
2008-03-16T20:25:06 * dreimark too
2008-03-16T20:47:00 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: Load action uses escape in a wrong way IMHO
2008-03-16T21:00:37 <ThomasWaldmann> ff3 renders url line differently
2008-03-16T21:01:12 <ThomasWaldmann> in a somewhat "url decoded" way
2008-03-16T21:01:31 <ThomasWaldmann> except for %3F, which stays %3F
2008-03-16T21:03:19 <ThomasWaldmann> but blanks, umlauts, !, ... get rendered decoded
2008-03-16T21:05:12 <dreimark> the clock on moinshell is 4mins in the future
2008-03-16T21:05:39 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann:
2008-03-16T21:05:43 <dreimark> {{attachment:Brian Simpson - It Could Happen.mp3||width=300,height=80}}
2008-03-16T21:06:07 <dreimark> the parser should require units too
2008-03-16T21:06:50 <ThomasWaldmann> only change if you want to write the mig script also :P
2008-03-16T21:07:36 <dreimark> hehe, I knew were telling this :)
2008-03-16T21:07:58 <dreimark> will look tommorrow if i can get that
2008-03-16T21:08:19 <dreimark> s/knew/knew you/
2008-03-16T21:13:13 <CIA-39> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 3269:398ab9187a50 1.7/MoinMoin/ (PageEditor.py PageGraphicalEditor.py action/fullsearch.py): getText calls: fix some percent=... args
2008-03-16T21:13:15 <CIA-39> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 3270:e06e15e90ba7 1.7/MoinMoin/ (11 files in 7 dirs): fix some wrong wikiutil.escape usage causing double-escaping
2008-03-16T21:13:16 <CIA-39> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 3271:99e7f184541f 1.7/MoinMoin/ (6 files in 6 dirs): merged main
2008-03-16T21:14:04 * ThomasWaldmann suggests every developer reads 3270:e06e15e90ba7
2008-03-16T21:22:38 * dreimark confirms Load bug
2008-03-16T21:22:48 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: why is load offering attachment upload and duplicating functionality of AttachFile?
2008-03-16T21:24:01 <ThomasWaldmann> (that's even strange when comparing with Save, which just assumes you want to save the current page)
2008-03-16T21:25:15 * ThomasWaldmann suggests removing that and making it simpler
2008-03-16T21:28:34 <dreimark> at some time before the idea was to add it because of doing attachments like as items
2008-03-16T21:29:36 <ThomasWaldmann> hmm, well, ... - that will be the case anyway when we do attachments as items.
2008-03-16T21:31:01 <dreimark> The load action is a bit hidded because of lower end of the more action menue
2008-03-16T21:32:12 <dreimark> If one uses it regular it may be usefull to upload "attachments" too
2008-03-16T21:35:25 <dreimark> Save for attachments is the Download link ot the View Attachment page where you have selected an attachment.
2008-03-16T21:37:57 <dreimark> without this selction it is only apperent to users to Save the raw text of a page
2008-03-16T21:41:41 <dreimark> while you can add with Load an item or a subitem or now a page and an attachment
2008-03-16T21:50:46 <CIA-39> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 3272:ca2d37e7c9d0 1.7/MoinMoin/action/Load.py: action.Load: fixed wrong wikiutil.escape usage causing double-escaping
2008-03-16T22:05:43 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: userprefs action line 91/92 - just kill them?
2008-03-16T22:06:59 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: NewPage seems to ignore rules for Template pages
2008-03-16T22:07:21 <dreimark> it looks like you can enter as template any page e.g. FrontPage
2008-03-16T22:08:28 <ThomasWaldmann> well, that can be seen as a bug or a feature :)
2008-03-16T22:08:44 <ThomasWaldmann> but iirc there is an open bug about newpage
2008-03-16T22:10:28 <ThomasWaldmann> NewPage.py - broken with nonascii template pages, see bug report on mailing list
2008-03-16T22:10:35 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: doesn't seem to make any sense, indeed
2008-03-16T22:10:39 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: maybe some leftover?
2008-03-16T22:10:50 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: yeah, looks like
2008-03-16T22:11:08 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: that is why i am looking at it
2008-03-16T22:11:42 <ThomasWaldmann> well, maybe just fix the bug and keep other stuff
2008-03-16T22:19:26 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: btw, that newpage stuff seems to use a GET form, maybe POST is better
2008-03-16T22:22:29 <dreimark> yes, do investigate
2008-03-16T22:24:56 <dreimark> somehow I got a ImportError "No module named ext.reader"
2008-03-16T22:25:16 <dreimark> and the url is changed to http://localhost:8080/parentPage/esf?action=show&mimetype=text/docbook
2008-03-16T22:27:24 <dreimark> mvirkkil: can you change that to one of the usual error messages
2008-03-16T22:44:39 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: test_attachfile has PEP8 failure
2008-03-16T22:48:12 <CIA-39> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 3273:9c6900a92a64 1.7/MoinMoin/ (9 files in 4 dirs): more wikiutil.escape fixes
2008-03-16T22:48:14 <CIA-39> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 3274:6fe451cd6219 1.7/MoinMoin/action/Load.py: merged main
2008-03-16T22:54:39 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: I know already too. sh*t happens. will fix that soon
2008-03-16T22:59:56 <CIA-39> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 3275:3dd77e8e2702 1.7/MoinMoin/action/_tests/test_attachfile.py: test_attachfile: PEP8 fix
2008-03-16T23:04:05 <johill> what's with the search failures?
2008-03-16T23:05:05 <ThomasWaldmann> the search is waiting for someone :)
2008-03-16T23:09:15 <CIA-39> Alexander Schremmer <alex AT alexanderweb DOT de> default * 2566:315fe11cde6d 1.6/setup.py: Merge data from pypi and the setup.py file, can be used to push useful data to pypi now. Just do "python setup.py register".
2008-03-16T23:10:44 <dreimark> what is the reason to use quoteWikinameURL for teh template pagename in action newpage
2008-03-16T23:17:15 <ThomasWaldmann> if you want a pagename in the url, that the best method
2008-03-16T23:17:54 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: if that is removed it works
2008-03-16T23:19:33 <johill> if you emit it yourself then you don't need that since the browser will be responsible for quoting it, no?
2008-03-16T23:20:43 <dreimark> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/33902/
2008-03-16T23:23:27 <ThomasWaldmann> that patch has unwanted changes
2008-03-16T23:24:31 <ThomasWaldmann> (and maybe use uppercase POST, just for consistence)
2008-03-16T23:26:42 <johill> xorAxAx: shouldn't you put that setup stuff into 1.7 as well?
2008-03-16T23:27:08 <xorAxAx> johill: no idea, whats the branch policy? :)
2008-03-16T23:27:21 <xorAxAx> but generally, yes, i guess it can be ported 1:1
2008-03-16T23:27:22 <johill> "don't create more forward port work"?
2008-03-16T23:27:33 <xorAxAx> johill: thats tautological :)
2008-03-16T23:28:02 <johill> depends how you think about "forward port work" ;)
2008-03-16T23:28:06 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: the .url() method calls wikiutil.makeQueryString internally and that does the quoting
2008-03-16T23:28:07 * xorAxAx ports it
2008-03-16T23:31:15 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: that gives the double quoting
2008-03-16T23:34:15 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: what is your opinion to the GetText merging with GetText2?
2008-03-16T23:34:58 <ThomasWaldmann> None yet.
2008-03-16T23:35:30 <ThomasWaldmann> one after the other, I am still fixing EmbedObject :)
2008-03-16T23:36:47 <dreimark> oh
2008-03-16T23:39:23 <CIA-39> Alexander Schremmer <alex AT alexanderweb DOT de> default * 3276:9344e281c89e 1.7/setup.py: Merge data from pypi and the setup.py file, can be used to push useful data to pypi now. Just do "python setup.py register". Same as 315fe11cde6d on the 1.6 branch.
MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2008-03-16 (last edited 2008-03-16 10:00:02 by IrcLogImporter)