2008-03-18T00:07:40 <xorAxAx> oh, silverstripe is out?
2008-03-18T00:10:20 <grzywacz> Some weird projects are in :)
2008-03-18T00:11:03 <waldi> which one?
2008-03-18T00:11:58 <grzywacz> http://code.google.com/soc/2008/ccan/about.html
2008-03-18T00:11:59 <grzywacz> O_o;
2008-03-18T00:12:56 <ThomasWaldmann> trying to make C programming more fun, LOL
2008-03-18T00:13:08 <ThomasWaldmann> masochists :)
2008-03-18T00:13:30 <waldi> oje
2008-03-18T00:19:10 <johill> do we have a way to mark feature requests as rejected?
2008-03-18T00:19:19 <johill> reading FeatureRequests/IntuitiveSearchBox for example makes me think it is unwanted
2008-03-18T00:22:30 <xorAxAx> btw, we should pimp up our ideas list a bit more
2008-03-18T00:22:40 <xorAxAx> to make it nearly as accessible as the ghop stuff
2008-03-18T00:22:57 <xorAxAx> leslie is using the other project's idea lists as a primary rejection reason
2008-03-18T00:23:40 <grzywacz> Really?
2008-03-18T00:23:49 <grzywacz> Yeah, some cleanup would be good.
2008-03-18T00:24:15 <ThomasWaldmann> cleanup yes, but dont put too much details into each idea
2008-03-18T00:24:29 <ThomasWaldmann> or we will just find them in the application
2008-03-18T00:25:38 <xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: yes, that would be expected
2008-03-18T00:25:57 <xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: but we should give a few more hints and then check how much these people invested into it
2008-03-18T00:26:11 <xorAxAx> also we lose to many students to other orgs if students cant access our ideas
2008-03-18T00:29:48 <xorAxAx> we were pretty short on applications last year
2008-03-18T00:30:12 <xorAxAx> the quality of applications doesnt matter, the number does :-)
2008-03-18T00:30:51 <xorAxAx> (if we want to bring many good projects through)
2008-03-18T00:32:40 <johill> dreimark: what was the thing with the csv parser now? how can I avoid the unicode problem of it?
2008-03-18T00:48:19 <waldi> Requests per second: 195.40 [#/sec] (mean)
2008-03-18T00:48:23 <waldi> too slow ...
2008-03-18T00:53:36 <johill> when in doubt, reject
2008-03-18T00:53:40 * johill cleans up feature requests
2008-03-18T00:57:05 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: does the newuser action support textchas?
2008-03-18T00:57:38 <johill> uh it looks like it's actually borken wrt. that
2008-03-18T00:57:43 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: http://linuxwireless.org/?action=newaccount
2008-03-18T00:57:45 <johill> ?!
2008-03-18T00:58:20 <TheSheep> ThomasWaldmann: do you think the 'Download' link in the attachments could have a class, so that it could be more... prominent in some themes?
2008-03-18T00:59:20 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: it did in 1.6 :)
2008-03-18T01:01:10 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: i dont know your textcha config
2008-03-18T01:01:55 <ThomasWaldmann> TheSheep: yeah, sure
2008-03-18T01:03:58 <grzywacz> night :)
2008-03-18T01:04:04 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: my textcha config just tries to disable them
2008-03-18T01:04:33 <johill> or rather, I don't have one
2008-03-18T01:04:52 <ThomasWaldmann> then there is a small bit of code from 1.6 missing in 1.7
2008-03-18T01:05:09 <ThomasWaldmann> (it suppresses the label if there is no textcha)
2008-03-18T01:05:09 <johill> the one that removes the textcha thing there :)
2008-03-18T01:05:15 <johill> can you look at it?
2008-03-18T01:05:25 <ThomasWaldmann> yeah, later :)
2008-03-18T01:05:52 <johill> ok, thanks
2008-03-18T01:10:11 <TheSheep> ThomasWaldmann: ok, I'm adding class "download" to it
2008-03-18T01:11:55 <ThomasWaldmann> ok
2008-03-18T01:12:05 <ThomasWaldmann> and some pretty css :)
2008-03-18T01:12:38 <TheSheep> text-decoration: blink
2008-03-18T01:13:00 <TheSheep> text-decoration: sparkle
2008-03-18T01:18:14 <ThomasWaldmann> text-decoration: eastereggs
2008-03-18T01:23:29 <TheSheep> I'm a little afraid that if it's more prominent, it will be overlooked even more easily
2008-03-18T01:23:44 <TheSheep> but this requires testing
2008-03-18T01:23:51 <TheSheep> ok, I'm commiting it to 1.7
2008-03-18T01:25:25 <CIA-39> Radomir Dopieralski <moindev@sheep.art.pl> default * 3293:65adbf84a0fb 1.7/ (2 files in 2 dirs): AttachFile: Make the download link more prominent
2008-03-18T08:12:45 <ThomasWaldmann> moin
2008-03-18T09:05:00 <ThomasWaldmann> TheSheep: you did not apply as mentor on the google webapp yet
2008-03-18T09:13:38 <dreimark> moin
2008-03-18T09:17:13 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: thetextcha for user creation does not work in test17 too. Only a text is shown, but no question
2008-03-18T09:17:16 <dreimark> moin
2008-03-18T09:19:49 <ThomasWaldmann> textcha is not enabled there yet
2008-03-18T09:19:50 <dreimark> johill: http://moinmo.in/MacroMarket/ShowCSV?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=ShowCSV-1.6.py
2008-03-18T09:19:58 <dreimark> reader = csv.reader(utf_8_encoder(file_id))
2008-03-18T09:20:09 <dreimark> def utf_8_encoder(unicode_csv_data):
2008-03-18T09:20:14 <dreimark> for line in unicode_csv_data:
2008-03-18T09:20:21 <dreimark> yield line.encode('utf-8')
2008-03-18T09:20:42 <dreimark> that works in my case. it was a hint on the csv reader page
2008-03-18T09:21:22 <dreimark> http://docs.python.org/lib/module-csv.html
2008-03-18T09:22:05 <dreimark> and examples http://docs.python.org/lib/csv-examples.html#csv-examples
2008-03-18T09:22:47 * dreimark has to configure a server here and has not much time till noon
2008-03-18T09:29:06 <ThomasWaldmann> bbl
2008-03-18T10:23:48 <grzywacz> moin
2008-03-18T10:23:54 <xorAxAx> moin grzywacz
2008-03-18T10:24:47 <grzywacz> hey xorAxAx
2008-03-18T10:28:08 <vpv> congrats for the gsoc slot :)
2008-03-18T10:32:36 <johill> dreimark: thanks. my parser now works with umlauts
2008-03-18T10:37:58 <ThomasWaldmann> re
2008-03-18T10:39:28 <johill> http://johannes.sipsolutions.net/files/data.py.txt
2008-03-18T11:22:59 <TheSheep> ThomasWaldmann: I'm trying to find it...
2008-03-18T11:32:20 <ThomasWaldmann> http://code.google.com/soc/2008/mentor.html try there, first log in with google account
2008-03-18T11:33:29 <mitsuhiko> moin
2008-03-18T11:34:48 <ThomasWaldmann> hi mitsuhiko :)
2008-03-18T11:35:05 <ThomasWaldmann> thanks for offering help!
2008-03-18T11:37:03 <TheSheep> ThomasWaldmann: thanks, I thought I was going out of my mind
2008-03-18T11:42:09 <mitsuhiko> ThomasWaldmann: have you seen the templating language we have added to inyoka?
2008-03-18T11:42:25 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: http://johannes.sipsolutions.net/patches/moin/all/2008-03-18-10%3a42/002-disallowed-page.patch
2008-03-18T11:42:29 <mitsuhiko> ThomasWaldmann: http://wiki.staging.ubuntuusers.de/Wiki/Vorlagen
2008-03-18T11:42:37 <mitsuhiko> something like that could be a soc project
2008-03-18T11:49:13 <xorAxAx> http://blog.loaz.com/timwang/index.php/2008/03/07/best_wiki_platform_mediawiki_dokuwiki_ti -- moinmoin
2008-03-18T11:49:39 <xorAxAx> (grep for moinmoin)
2008-03-18T11:50:48 <johill> new version removing the special stuff: http://johannes.sipsolutions.net/patches/moin/all/LATEST/002-disallowed-page.patch
2008-03-18T11:52:20 <johill> but no, that creates a security hole
2008-03-18T11:53:00 <johill> btw
2008-03-18T11:53:06 <johill> why do we always use keywords.get() and that
2008-03-18T11:53:15 <johill> instead of sticking them right into the argument list with teh default?
2008-03-18T11:56:33 <johill> reload, any comments?
2008-03-18T11:59:02 <johill> also, how about http://johannes.sipsolutions.net/patches/moin/all/LATEST/003-http-deny-access.patch
2008-03-18T12:02:15 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3294:e342c92094f4 1.7/MoinMoin/ (formatter/__init__.py macro/EmbedObject.py): fix some PEP8 test failures
2008-03-18T12:07:02 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3295:d0ff6a5b6d34 1.7/MoinMoin/formatter/__init__.py: fix another pep8 failure
2008-03-18T12:08:48 <ThomasWaldmann> mitsuhiko: no, haven't seen it yet. yes, variables and templates would be nice.
2008-03-18T12:09:39 <mitsuhiko> ThomasWaldmann: i think we did a better job than the wikipedia guys but our solution only works if paragraphs and other stuff are set as part of a postprocessing step to not screw up the output
2008-03-18T12:09:41 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: we desperately need a longer send_page function :P
2008-03-18T12:09:45 <mitsuhiko> this the DOM would have to be there first
2008-03-18T12:10:56 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: oh, no, it's shorter even
2008-03-18T12:11:09 <johill> :P
2008-03-18T12:11:33 <johill> yes, I moved the special casing into a better place
2008-03-18T12:12:53 <johill> that version was broken though, reload if you want to know :)
2008-03-18T12:12:57 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: looks good, but needs a bit more refactoring
2008-03-18T12:13:41 <johill> what specifically are you thinking of?
2008-03-18T12:14:01 <ThomasWaldmann> and that warnings.* stuff has to be looked at, we now have nice logging.* stuff
2008-03-18T12:14:21 <johill> oh I thought warnings came from logging!
2008-03-18T12:14:26 <johill> I'll change it then
2008-03-18T12:14:30 <ThomasWaldmann> there is still some duplication in _specialPage
2008-03-18T12:15:04 <johill> yeah
2008-03-18T12:15:54 <ThomasWaldmann> warnings seems to be slightly older stuff and maybe can get globally replaced by loggin.*
2008-03-18T12:17:21 <ThomasWaldmann> xorAxAx: MoinMoin's documentation "very good" :D
2008-03-18T12:17:59 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: reload
2008-03-18T12:19:57 <ThomasWaldmann> + if self.default_formatter and not content_only:
2008-03-18T12:19:57 <ThomasWaldmann> + self._specialPageText(request, 'denied') # this recursively calls send_page
2008-03-18T12:20:05 <ThomasWaldmann> that looks suspicious
2008-03-18T12:20:26 <ThomasWaldmann> (maybe merge with if above?)
2008-03-18T12:20:46 <johill> good point
2008-03-18T12:21:47 <ThomasWaldmann> + warnings.warn("Error - The page MissingPage or MissingHomePage could not be found." ---> %s page.pagename
2008-03-18T12:24:03 <johill> true
2008-03-18T12:26:42 <johill> done
2008-03-18T12:31:39 <johill> why do we check for not default_formatter?
2008-03-18T12:36:39 <johill> hm
2008-03-18T12:36:47 <johill> I think I can now even remove the recursive call
2008-03-18T12:36:54 <johill> by modifying self.page_name
2008-03-18T12:36:57 <johill> I guess that's not very nice though
2008-03-18T12:37:50 <johill> won't really work anyway
2008-03-18T12:39:38 <johill> cool
2008-03-18T12:39:45 <johill> there's actually no need to disable the cache
2008-03-18T12:39:50 <johill> because we can cache non-existing pages too :P
2008-03-18T12:42:03 <johill> not a good idea though
2008-03-18T12:44:00 <johill> any further comments?
2008-03-18T12:49:04 <johill> also what about http://johannes.sipsolutions.net/patches/moin/all/LATEST/003-http-deny-access.patch?
2008-03-18T12:49:44 * grzywacz had a great idea for a Soc project last night while being unable to fall asleep :D
2008-03-18T12:50:13 <johill> moin-sleep?
2008-03-18T12:50:29 <grzywacz> No, jabber bot related
2008-03-18T12:50:42 * grzywacz felt like doing some work on it anyway, as 1.7 is coming
2008-03-18T12:50:58 <grzywacz> The feeling of useless work is slowly going away. ;)
2008-03-18T12:51:47 <ThomasWaldmann> well, stuff takes time
2008-03-18T12:51:57 <grzywacz> I know.
2008-03-18T12:53:10 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: looks ok on first glance
2008-03-18T12:53:35 <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann: basically, I started to think about making it more scalable
2008-03-18T12:53:52 <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann: so I'm looking forward to taking a week off during summer to hack on it :D
2008-03-18T12:54:14 <grzywacz> Or maybe I should talk with xorAxAx ;)
2008-03-18T12:54:41 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: mind if I commit both?
2008-03-18T12:55:13 <ThomasWaldmann> assuming you tested it, commit it
2008-03-18T12:55:26 <johill> yes, I tested all weird cases now
2008-03-18T12:55:34 <johill> even removing MissingPage completely
2008-03-18T12:57:07 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3296:fc5e23d62d56 1.7/MoinMoin/Page.py: implement FeatureRequests/AclAccessDeniedMessageIsWikiPage
2008-03-18T12:57:09 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3297:d563a49e0054 1.7/MoinMoin/Page.py: give 403 status for permission denied pages rather than 200
2008-03-18T13:02:48 * dreimark wants a buttom to open all updated pages at once :)
2008-03-18T13:03:06 * ThomasWaldmann bets some IIS user will fall over that 403 :P
2008-03-18T13:03:29 <johill> hah.
2008-03-18T13:03:33 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: http://master.moinmo.in/PermissionDeniedPage
2008-03-18T13:03:36 <johill> can you fix the ACL?
2008-03-18T13:03:57 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: will get fixed automatically the next time i run the update script
2008-03-18T13:04:12 <johill> ok, then I'll remove the acl from it?
2008-03-18T13:04:34 <ThomasWaldmann> The page "%s" count not be found.
2008-03-18T13:05:13 <johill> haha, fixing
2008-03-18T13:05:26 <ThomasWaldmann> btw, in that file
2008-03-18T13:05:30 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3298:4d76c1409694 1.7/MoinMoin/Page.py: fix typo count -> could
2008-03-18T13:06:01 <ThomasWaldmann> ah, ok, it already has the logging magic
2008-03-18T13:06:39 <johill> yeah, I tested that too :)
2008-03-18T13:06:57 <johill> I'm not sure if http://master.moinmo.in/PermissionDeniedPage?action=raw is correct now
2008-03-18T13:07:02 <johill> wrt. the ACL stuff
2008-03-18T13:07:21 <johill> I also removed #language en since I used GetText()
2008-03-18T13:07:40 <ThomasWaldmann> u"'''<<Action(action=edit, text=\"%s\")>>'''" huh?
2008-03-18T13:07:43 <johill> I think that's better since the feature request otherwise means you need to edit it in all languages
2008-03-18T13:07:54 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: hm?
2008-03-18T13:08:11 <johill> that's the default for when no missing page is found
2008-03-18T13:08:14 <ThomasWaldmann> ah, needs to be bold
2008-03-18T13:08:23 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: where does it lack scalability?
2008-03-18T13:08:23 <johill> it used to be directly rendered but now I render it with wiki markup
2008-03-18T13:13:26 <dreimark> johill: users do want to get by a sentence why something is rejected
2008-03-18T13:14:08 <dreimark> I try to add some
2008-03-18T13:14:36 <johill> dreimark: I usually put things into the edit log
2008-03-18T13:14:48 <johill> except where no useful info was already on the page
2008-03-18T13:15:37 <dreimark> ahh ok, the 'last' comment is not shown on the page itselfs.
2008-03-18T13:16:10 <johill> yeah, true, I'll try to actually add comments on the pages more
2008-03-18T13:16:23 <johill> I closed about 70 requests though so that gets rather annoying :)
2008-03-18T13:16:29 <johill> duplicates and whatever
2008-03-18T13:16:56 <dreimark> hmm, I think I do want the last comment below the last edit info rendered on the page
2008-03-18T13:17:54 <dreimark> because if you have a bookmark and go "your" FR then it looks at first glance rejected without a comment
2008-03-18T13:18:24 <johill> imho people should just subscribe to their own requests anyway
2008-03-18T13:21:46 <grzywacz> xorAxAx: that of course needs prior testing, but I have some concerns.
2008-03-18T13:21:57 <xorAxAx> tests sound fine
2008-03-18T13:22:07 <grzywacz> xorAxAx: so I'll either write a benchmark of sorts, or wait till bug reports start coming in :D
2008-03-18T13:22:28 <xorAxAx> proactive vs. ms strategy, yep
2008-03-18T13:22:53 <grzywacz> Not only MS. ;-)
2008-03-18T13:23:52 <johill> oh. I just closed a feature request where Nir was subscribed
2008-03-18T13:23:54 * johill expects an edit war
2008-03-18T13:26:04 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: the PDP should move to MoinMoinToDo/Release 1.7/PDP
2008-03-18T13:27:07 <ThomasWaldmann> (and get linked from the 1.7.0 todo page)
2008-03-18T13:29:44 <johill> ok
2008-03-18T13:34:57 <johill> wow
2008-03-18T13:35:02 <johill> I have a python segfault
2008-03-18T13:35:05 <johill> how do I debug that?
2008-03-18T13:41:31 <ThomasWaldmann> ugh
2008-03-18T13:43:11 <johill> hm. I can't reproduce it outside moin :(
2008-03-18T13:46:11 <johill> hmmmm
2008-03-18T13:46:13 <johill> that's very odd
2008-03-18T13:46:38 <johill> appears to be a bug in cracklib
2008-03-18T13:47:14 * dreimark has problems to create a page on MM
2008-03-18T13:48:03 <dreimark> arrg browser problem
2008-03-18T13:49:39 <johill> I cannot reproduce w/o moin but with moin cracklib segfaults
2008-03-18T13:49:39 <johill> wtf
2008-03-18T13:57:17 <johill> oh
2008-03-18T13:57:20 <johill> cracklib is not thread-safe
2008-03-18T14:07:23 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: i am not sure that "last comment" is useful (same is true for last editor)
2008-03-18T14:07:25 <johill> it also contains exit(-1)
2008-03-18T14:07:34 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: you really need to remove the cracklib stuff
2008-03-18T14:07:59 <johill> cracklib is not suitable for embedded use, it can exit() and segfaults under very odd circumstances
2008-03-18T14:08:07 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: it might be useful for wikis that are not too busy edited, but often read
2008-03-18T14:09:08 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: ugh, ok, then we need to make up some more own checks. is there maybe a fixed cracklib nowadays?
2008-03-18T14:09:41 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: but otoh, if that is the case, why not just use RC?
2008-03-18T14:10:29 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: (what I mean is 'what makes the last edit so special, the 2nd last could be much more important, or even the 3rd last ...)
2008-03-18T14:10:46 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: no idea
2008-03-18T14:11:06 <ThomasWaldmann> can you reproduce on moinmo.in?
2008-03-18T14:11:08 <johill> yes
2008-03-18T14:11:15 <johill> see http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinBugs/500ErrorWhenSpecifiedPasswordIsUsed
2008-03-18T14:11:32 <johill> the reason is that cracklib segfaults
2008-03-18T14:13:02 <ThomasWaldmann> ok, I'll remove it again
2008-03-18T14:14:49 <johill> I added my debugging to that page
2008-03-18T14:15:37 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: http://moinmo.in/4ct10n/info/FeatureRequests/LdapMultipleAuth i dont think we should close that, because 50% is not implemented (except you remember the url) and the other 50% is not committed
2008-03-18T14:17:04 <ThomasWaldmann> hmm, we could kill "last edited" :) the code for it is crappy anyway...
2008-03-18T14:17:05 <johill> oh I thought you had committed that
2008-03-18T14:17:16 <ThomasWaldmann> it waits for testers
2008-03-18T14:17:28 <johill> and the second part is in another feature request about external groups iirc
2008-03-18T14:17:53 <johill> though I can't find it right now, I'm sure I've seen that somewhere
2008-03-18T14:22:54 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: that sigsegv, do you think it could be exploited somehow?
2008-03-18T14:23:20 <ThomasWaldmann> (except DOS - DOS can be done easier than that)
2008-03-18T14:46:08 <johill> well the best passwords are rejected ;)
2008-03-18T14:46:16 <johill> and it probably can, I just haven't found out why it crashes
2008-03-18T14:46:24 <johill> but it looks like it overwrites the pwp->ifp FILE pointer
2008-03-18T14:46:37 <johill> so you can possibly make it read/write arbitrary files
2008-03-18T14:48:11 <ThomasWaldmann> uuuh, looks like we'll have 1.6.2 as a security update also
2008-03-18T14:48:38 <johill> I'm not really too sure
2008-03-18T14:48:46 <johill> it might not be feasible because of the other checks in cracklib
2008-03-18T14:49:00 <johill> but obviously a FILE pointer is getting mangled so who knows
2008-03-18T14:50:42 <ThomasWaldmann> must go, bbl
2008-03-18T14:54:04 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: last edited is important. many people here like to see directly who has at last edited a page
2008-03-18T14:54:37 <dreimark> and I always wondered why the coresponding comment is not shown on that place too
2008-03-18T15:31:33 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3299:34d225168d14 1.7/MoinMoin/action/newaccount.py: fix textcha in newaccount action
2008-03-18T16:42:08 <johill> grzywacz: http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinBugs/ErrorSavingPage can you look at that, should be fixed after your code
2008-03-18T16:50:29 <johill> can we have a decent bug tracker?
2008-03-18T16:52:20 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3300:f048c3edc164 1.7/MoinMoin/Page.py:
2008-03-18T16:52:20 <CIA-39> reorder permission checks to last when getting subscribers
2008-03-18T16:52:20 <CIA-39> (cf. MoinMoinBugs/GetSubscribersPerformanceProblem)
2008-03-18T16:59:44 <johill> dreimark: can you make sense of http://johannes.sipsolutions.net/files/embedobject-bug.html
2008-03-18T17:01:03 <johill> dreimark: hmm. pretty obvious
2008-03-18T17:01:20 <dreimark> moment
2008-03-18T17:01:40 <grzywacz> johill: possibly
2008-03-18T17:01:49 <grzywacz> johill: will take a look from home in a few hours
2008-03-18T17:01:59 <johill> grzywacz: ok thanks. I'm just trying to triage the bug list :)
2008-03-18T17:02:20 * dreimark hates You triggered the wiki's surge protection by doing too many requests in a short time.
2008-03-18T17:02:37 <johill> yeah
2008-03-18T17:04:12 <grzywacz> dreimark: slow down, world is not coming to an end tomorrow, get yourself a cup of coffee, etc.
2008-03-18T17:04:15 <grzywacz> ;-)
2008-03-18T17:08:03 * dreimark seems to be logged out
2008-03-18T17:08:09 <dreimark> for the longer time
2008-03-18T17:08:26 <johill> gosh. now I got it too
2008-03-18T17:12:20 <dennda> Hi, I am interested in working for moin as a student during GSoC
2008-03-18T17:12:44 <dennda> Just found this on the ideas list: # Write something similiar to doodle a decision maker tool
2008-03-18T17:12:56 <dennda> Of what importance is that idea?
2008-03-18T17:15:24 <johill> dennda: what do you mean by that?
2008-03-18T17:17:17 <dennda> Well, I quite like the challenge that idea has. But given that the idea is located at the top and just has a single sentence indicates that it is not *that* important for you :)
2008-03-18T17:17:49 <johill> oh
2008-03-18T17:18:19 <johill> that may be true
2008-03-18T17:18:20 <dennda> And I am assuming you rank the students that apply (at least partially) by the task they want to work on
2008-03-18T17:18:50 <johill> yeah I was just going to say that was the only problem with it
2008-03-18T17:19:15 <xorAxAx> it might also make sense to write 2 applications in such cases
2008-03-18T17:19:32 <johill> yeah, I wasn't sure if you can do that
2008-03-18T17:19:40 <xorAxAx> you can write up to 20
2008-03-18T17:19:55 <xorAxAx> once somebody was accepted with 6 applications
2008-03-18T17:20:06 <xorAxAx> or was it 4? at least a lot
2008-03-18T17:20:14 <dennda> xorAxAx: sure, but only one is to be accepted. And I guess that will be the more important one
2008-03-18T17:20:17 <dennda> 20
2008-03-18T17:20:39 <dennda> ah sorry, read from bottom to top ;)
2008-03-18T17:21:42 <xorAxAx> yes, only one, indeed. but in case there is somebody else who is better suited for the other task and we have enough slots, you would join us with your second application
2008-03-18T17:22:03 <xorAxAx> last year, we only had to drop 2-3 good applications
2008-03-18T17:22:11 <xorAxAx> the remaining ones were bad
2008-03-18T17:22:22 <xorAxAx> or had students who were accepted in different projects
2008-03-18T17:22:24 <dennda> ok now you got me curious
2008-03-18T17:22:46 <dennda> what was the difference between the good applications and the bad ones? (Knowing the difference should help me write a good one ;))
2008-03-18T17:22:51 <xorAxAx> (i donated a student to pypy because they had less students than slots :))
2008-03-18T17:23:15 <dennda> you are generous
2008-03-18T17:23:16 <xorAxAx> well, one application suggested to do something flex related
2008-03-18T17:23:16 <dennda> :)
2008-03-18T17:23:43 <xorAxAx> and the person was explaining his experience in the hospital software context
2008-03-18T17:23:57 <xorAxAx> it seemed a bit like he didnt realise what a wiki is about
2008-03-18T17:24:15 <xorAxAx> then we had one which only had 5 words "i want to participate" by a female chinese student
2008-03-18T17:24:38 <xorAxAx> i think we also had a bulk application by an indian student (who copied his text 10+ times sending it to other orgs)
2008-03-18T17:25:04 <xorAxAx> then we had a few cases where we found out that the person didnt write a lot of code yet
2008-03-18T17:25:28 <xorAxAx> one person even didnt answer
2008-03-18T17:25:35 <dennda> hm I was planning to do better than 5 words
2008-03-18T17:25:37 <xorAxAx> (but we chose him nevertheless)
2008-03-18T17:25:41 <dennda> maybe six or seven :)
2008-03-18T17:25:49 <xorAxAx> very good goal
2008-03-18T17:26:26 <johill> I have another suggestion: rewrite Include()
2008-03-18T17:26:32 <johill> anybody familiar with it? :) http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinBugs/IncludeEditLinkFails
2008-03-18T17:28:37 <johill> aahhhh
2008-03-18T17:28:49 <johill> I can't even triage bugs w/o running into the f'ing surge "protection"
2008-03-18T17:28:50 <dennda> ok, I'll then file several applications
2008-03-18T17:29:05 <xorAxAx> johill: dreimark is blocked as well :)
2008-03-18T17:29:17 <xorAxAx> dennda: i think 2 is a good limit
2008-03-18T17:29:27 <xorAxAx> or 3, at most
2008-03-18T17:29:30 <dennda> the only problem is: some of the other ideas are cryptic and tend to be hard to understand if you are not already a moin dev
2008-03-18T17:29:35 <xorAxAx> except if you have too much time
2008-03-18T17:29:35 <dennda> ok
2008-03-18T17:29:40 <xorAxAx> dennda: well, you can ask
2008-03-18T17:29:41 <dennda> i don't
2008-03-18T17:29:47 <xorAxAx> then we know which ones are too cryptic
2008-03-18T17:29:50 <johill> grr
2008-03-18T17:29:52 <xorAxAx> and i can reword them
2008-03-18T17:29:54 * johill kicks moinmo.in
2008-03-18T17:30:01 <xorAxAx> johill: try with ThomasWaldmann :)
2008-03-18T17:30:12 * johill kicks ThomasWaldmann
2008-03-18T17:30:50 * dreimark too
2008-03-18T17:30:53 <dennda> another thing I find interesting is: create Web based installation and administration UI
2008-03-18T17:31:28 <dreimark> johill: in that image module are more bugs. fixes currently
2008-03-18T17:31:28 <dennda> but I don't know if that's not more than just a tough challenge
2008-03-18T17:31:45 <johill> dreimark: cool, thanks
2008-03-18T17:31:58 * johill is still locked out
2008-03-18T17:32:27 <xorAxAx> dennda: it is, partly. there are really a few subtasks one might tackle
2008-03-18T17:33:02 <johill> configuration part should be 'not too hard' with the preferences plugins stuff
2008-03-18T17:33:23 <dennda> xorAxAx: would be good to have those special subtasks pointet out explicitly :)
2008-03-18T17:33:57 <johill> does the f'ing surge 'protection' differentiate between get and post?!
2008-03-18T17:34:03 <johill> I can't edit now but can still read stuff
2008-03-18T17:34:07 <xorAxAx> johill: why? does it already work for general options? does it write back the wikiconfig.py?
2008-03-18T17:34:14 <xorAxAx> johill: without destroying comments? :)
2008-03-18T17:35:07 <johill> heh no
2008-03-18T17:35:25 <johill> imho writing wikiconfig shouldn't be done anyway
2008-03-18T17:36:06 * johill gives up on bugs
2008-03-18T17:36:09 <johill> can't edit the wiki any more
2008-03-18T17:36:29 <johill> funky when 'protection' features actually stop me from doing useful work
2008-03-18T17:37:24 <johill> good job on a tool that stops people from doing work
2008-03-18T17:37:40 <xorAxAx> you are not the first one to notice :)
2008-03-18T17:38:11 <johill> I think I'll just DOS it into crashing
2008-03-18T17:38:13 <johill> I know how ;)
2008-03-18T17:46:08 <dennda> xorAxAx: if you could point a few subtasks out (for that task) that would be very helpful for me
2008-03-18T17:46:26 <xorAxAx> ah, indeed
2008-03-18T17:47:24 <johill> uh
2008-03-18T17:47:28 <johill> I can't log in to moin any more
2008-03-18T17:49:40 <grzywacz> ok, going home, bbl
2008-03-18T17:52:14 <johill> can I please be allowed to log in again? :)
2008-03-18T17:53:40 <johill> can anybody else log in?
2008-03-18T17:53:45 <johill> I just created a user and even then I can't log in
2008-03-18T18:09:14 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3301:885b7ada47b9 1.7/MoinMoin/wikiutil.py: read interwiki files with the right codec (utf-8)
2008-03-18T18:31:33 * dreimark was trapped by a talk
2008-03-18T18:33:13 <dreimark> johill: RC works for me at the moment
2008-03-18T18:35:00 <johill> hm?
2008-03-18T18:37:09 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3302:7f44c25af462 1.7/MoinMoin/action/newpage.py: fix quoting in newpage action
2008-03-18T18:38:54 <dreimark> I can access MM
2008-03-18T18:40:57 <johill> I can't log in to it
2008-03-18T18:46:37 <jroes> hi guys :) I'm here with an interest in the web-based installer GSoC project idea :)
2008-03-18T18:46:38 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3303:b6681bd81cdb 1.7/MoinMoin/PageEditor.py: use a proper redirect for backto so that the URL isn't bogus
2008-03-18T18:47:06 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3304:db48ab0b2bf8 1.7/MoinMoin/action/edit.py: after edit, don't use backto if the page was saved
2008-03-18T18:47:12 <xorAxAx> hi jroes
2008-03-18T18:49:09 <jroes> hi there
2008-03-18T18:49:45 <xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: why did you remove the FR link on the project ideas page?
2008-03-18T18:49:51 <xorAxAx> (without notifying me, gah)
2008-03-18T18:50:07 <xorAxAx> ah, you moved it down
2008-03-18T18:50:33 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: please let me log in again
2008-03-18T18:51:48 <dennda> xorAxAx: wasn't your "ah, indeed" an answer to my question? :)
2008-03-18T18:52:43 <xorAxAx> it was, dennda
2008-03-18T18:52:53 <xorAxAx> but i got distracted but still finally edited it 1 min ago
2008-03-18T18:53:18 <dennda> xorAxAx: just checked, it now is there :) (wasn't a minute ago)
2008-03-18T18:56:41 <dennda> xorAxAx: #
2008-03-18T18:56:44 <dennda> Design a configuration system that makes it unnessary to edit a single file in MoinMoin.
2008-03-18T18:56:48 <dennda> what exactly does that mean?
2008-03-18T18:56:53 <dennda> (sorry for the newline)
2008-03-18T19:00:10 <dreimark> johill: send_cancel has a bug
2008-03-18T19:01:28 <johill> dreimark: what?
2008-03-18T19:01:56 <dreimark> http://moinmo.in/ReimarBauer?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=traceback.html
2008-03-18T19:02:56 <xorAxAx> dennda: i reword it ...
2008-03-18T19:02:57 <johill> ow
2008-03-18T19:03:19 <johill> dreimark: fixed
2008-03-18T19:03:19 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3305:dc56d314cc92 1.7/MoinMoin/PageEditor.py: fix my redirect backto commit
2008-03-18T19:04:10 <dreimark> :)
2008-03-18T19:06:05 <dreimark> jroes: do you have already some expierence in web based installations?
2008-03-18T19:07:45 <xorAxAx> dennda: done
2008-03-18T19:08:19 <dennda> xorAxAx: thanks
2008-03-18T19:08:21 <dennda> i like that task
2008-03-18T19:08:29 <dennda> seems I found my second one :)
2008-03-18T19:08:39 <dennda> (at least if you tell me it's important enough) :)
2008-03-18T19:08:57 <xorAxAx> its kind of nice but also hard :)
2008-03-18T19:12:03 <dreimark> johill: browsers can without plughin only show png,gif and jpeg image types or ?
2008-03-18T19:12:18 <johill> mine can show svg too
2008-03-18T19:12:36 <johill> I think it depends, I'm fairly sure mine also shows tif
2008-03-18T19:13:33 <johill> oh, no, tif doesn't work
2008-03-18T19:14:07 <dreimark> ff3 shows svg too
2008-03-18T19:15:14 <dennda> xorAxAx: I was hoping to have a good mentor ;)
2008-03-18T19:16:21 <ThomasWaldmann> xorAxAx: i think FeatureRequests should be secondary after that what's directly on that ideas page.
2008-03-18T19:17:03 <xorAxAx> yes
2008-03-18T19:17:16 <xorAxAx> it was just moved so much down that i didnt see it :)
2008-03-18T19:17:16 <johill> oh. ThomasWaldmann is back :)
2008-03-18T19:17:55 <dreimark> the knight in shining armor
2008-03-18T19:18:11 <dennda> xorAxAx: would that subtask be an "important" one?
2008-03-18T19:18:18 <grzywacz> re
2008-03-18T19:19:15 <xorAxAx> dennda: its certainly an important part of the installation procedure - but the second subtask of it is more important for the general task
2008-03-18T19:19:29 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: didn't the surge protection warn you?
2008-03-18T19:20:03 <dennda> xorAxAx: yep, but the second part sounds more difficulat *and* I am no php guy
2008-03-18T19:20:41 <dreimark> johill: jpeg2000 ?
2008-03-18T19:21:02 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: your problem is surge protection or something else? your ip addr?
2008-03-18T19:21:03 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: I was not warned too. Because I tried to collect pages in tabs
2008-03-18T19:21:25 <xorAxAx> dennda: indeed
2008-03-18T19:21:35 <xorAxAx> dennda: but the first part contains more of those unsolvable problems
2008-03-18T19:22:17 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3306:e50210d37a8d 1.7/MoinMoin/parser/text_python.py: catch indentation error in python parser
2008-03-18T19:22:47 <dennda> xorAxAx: hmmm
2008-03-18T19:22:49 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: well, it sort of tells you to read stuff you had. but I had no stuff, so I just waited a bit and tried a gain...
2008-03-18T19:22:57 <dennda> may I should reconsider this decision
2008-03-18T19:23:19 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: IP?
2008-03-18T19:23:48 <xorAxAx> dennda: currently, the config files are turing-complete python
2008-03-18T19:23:49 <johill>
2008-03-18T19:23:57 <xorAxAx> you cannot completly map that to a webbased wizard
2008-03-18T19:24:03 <xorAxAx> so you need to design a compromise
2008-03-18T19:24:33 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: there is no block for you in the file
2008-03-18T19:24:56 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: hm. I can edi the wiki, but I can't log in
2008-03-18T19:25:08 <johill> I have another idea. rewrite RSS
2008-03-18T19:25:17 <johill> oh it's there already
2008-03-18T19:25:45 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: retry
2008-03-18T19:26:57 <johill> wtf. I am actually logged in?
2008-03-18T19:27:00 <johill> something is confused
2008-03-18T19:27:09 <johill> but it works now
2008-03-18T19:27:21 <dreimark> check cache
2008-03-18T19:28:00 <johill> dreimark: what is http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinBugs/RecentChangesIsBrokenIfItIsLong about?
2008-03-18T19:28:59 <dreimark> this hits the server timeout
2008-03-18T19:29:47 <dreimark> if you have much changes and only view of them are accessible for a user
2008-03-18T19:29:59 <dreimark> then it can take too long to build the list
2008-03-18T19:32:11 <bolekk> moin
2008-03-18T19:32:55 <dreimark> hi bolekk
2008-03-18T19:33:00 <johill> dreimark: any idea why?
2008-03-18T19:33:24 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: btw, i just restart apache, I didnt touch surge-log
2008-03-18T19:33:30 <ThomasWaldmann> +ed
2008-03-18T19:34:52 <johill> it looks like my sessions were f'ed
2008-03-18T19:34:59 <johill> I deleted my cookies and it's all working now
2008-03-18T19:35:05 <johill> before I was logged in without seeing that!
2008-03-18T19:35:32 <dreimark> johill: not yet, I have recognized that people with access to more pages doesn't get this trouble
2008-03-18T19:36:04 <xorAxAx> johill: RC doesnt show you logged in
2008-03-18T19:36:10 <dreimark> I have currently one server with this older python version running but cgi
2008-03-18T19:36:21 <johill> xorAxAx: but -- <<DateTime(2008-03-18T23:00:02Z)>> did
2008-03-18T19:37:42 <johill> xorAxAx: see http://moinmo.in/4ct10n/info/MoinMoinBugs/RedirectingBreaksRenaming?action=info
2008-03-18T19:37:49 <johill> and http://moinmo.in/4ct10n/info/MoinMoinBugs/RedirectingBreaksRenaming?action=diff&rev2=3&rev1=2
2008-03-18T19:38:10 <johill> something got confused
2008-03-18T19:41:12 <xorAxAx> johill: yes
2008-03-18T19:42:23 <johill> wonder how that happened
2008-03-18T19:42:40 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinBugs/InterwikinameMustBeAscii your fix is unrelated to the bug
2008-03-18T19:43:02 <johill> huh?
2008-03-18T19:43:04 <ThomasWaldmann> i suggest to reopen that and not fix it now
2008-03-18T19:43:09 <johill> I understood it that way
2008-03-18T19:43:16 <ThomasWaldmann> look at the traceback
2008-03-18T19:44:14 <CIA-39> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 3307:f4212fb5ecb0 1.7/MoinMoin/ (3 files in 3 dirs): EmbedObject: fixed bug for image mimetype and configured when to call EmbedObject
2008-03-18T19:44:15 <johill> hm
2008-03-18T19:44:20 <johill> not sure I understand the traceback
2008-03-18T19:44:53 <ThomasWaldmann> the interwiki name was part of the filename
2008-03-18T19:45:05 <johill> right, but why?
2008-03-18T19:45:34 <ThomasWaldmann> for the trail and the bookmarks file. solved in another way now, so the bug is maybe gone in 1.6/1.7
2008-03-18T19:45:50 <johill> I can't even see .bookmark
2008-03-18T19:46:11 <johill> seems they're written into the userfile now?
2008-03-18T19:46:23 <ThomasWaldmann> yes
2008-03-18T19:47:04 <johill> ok then I'll just change the status description
2008-03-18T19:47:07 <johill> it ought to work then
2008-03-18T19:48:39 <ThomasWaldmann> xorAxAx: that "handle each object in same way..." was originally from waldi, I just rephrased/reformatted it
2008-03-18T19:48:54 <xorAxAx> do you know what he means?
2008-03-18T19:48:55 <johill> xorAxAx: can you do the rest of http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinBugs/RestructuredTextIncludeDirectiveDoesNotRespectAcls
2008-03-18T19:49:27 <xorAxAx> johill: which rest?
2008-03-18T19:49:37 <xorAxAx> i am rather busy currently
2008-03-18T19:49:46 <xorAxAx> (need to prepare my bachelors thesis and the exam next week)
2008-03-18T19:49:52 <johill> xorAxAx: port to 1.6/1.7
2008-03-18T19:50:01 <ThomasWaldmann> xorAxAx: i guess it is just a rather vague and highlevel idea. transform everything into a dom tree (including included stuff, embedded stuff)
2008-03-18T19:50:52 <xorAxAx> it hasnt been ported to 1.6?
2008-03-18T19:51:00 <xorAxAx> so 1.6 contains yet another security hole? :)
2008-03-18T19:51:19 <johill> apparently
2008-03-18T19:53:12 <ThomasWaldmann> brb
2008-03-18T19:53:17 <xorAxAx> ...
2008-03-18T19:53:44 <johill> it's not my fault the bug tracker sucks
2008-03-18T19:58:18 <xorAxAx> you are not the release engineer :)
2008-03-18T20:00:47 <johill> thank god
2008-03-18T20:01:20 <jroes> dreimark: not particularly. but I've done enough manual installations to know what's necessary of course :)
2008-03-18T20:07:00 <johill> gosh. we really need a bug tracker
2008-03-18T20:07:06 <johill> I would have assigned a dozen bugs to docbook now
2008-03-18T20:07:16 <xorAxAx> real men dont need bugtrackers
2008-03-18T20:08:34 <johill> true. but obviously you aren't since there are bugs ;)
2008-03-18T20:08:49 <dreimark> hehe
2008-03-18T20:10:22 <dreimark> but I dislike solving those things by moving to a bugtracker too.
2008-03-18T20:11:59 <johill> how would you like to solve them?
2008-03-18T20:12:03 <johill> create a dozen new categories?
2008-03-18T20:12:08 <johill> write a bug tracker system/macro/whatever/
2008-03-18T20:12:10 <johill> ?
2008-03-18T20:12:44 <dreimark> i meant the problem is not gone if we only move it to somewhere else.
2008-03-18T20:13:00 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: some more people just looking at the bugs would help more than a new tool
2008-03-18T20:13:19 <ThomasWaldmann> (and of course not only looking, but also fixing :)
2008-03-18T20:13:29 <johill> I'm working on it
2008-03-18T20:13:37 <johill> but I have no way to push bugs to say you or mvirkil
2008-03-18T20:13:55 <ThomasWaldmann> you can just write our name on them
2008-03-18T20:14:15 <ThomasWaldmann> if he or me cares about you doing that is another problem :P
2008-03-18T20:14:59 <ThomasWaldmann> but you can see that in many "oh so great" bug trackers
2008-03-18T20:15:35 <ThomasWaldmann> someone assigned somebody a bug, that somebody does not care at all, so the effect of that assignment is simply nobody fixing it
2008-03-18T20:15:38 <johill> but I also can't assign it to say "docbook"
2008-03-18T20:15:43 <johill> so that they bugs are grouped properly
2008-03-18T20:15:58 <dreimark> we should use namespace for that
2008-03-18T20:16:10 <dreimark> add a prefix
2008-03-18T20:16:51 <johill> doesn't help
2008-03-18T20:16:59 <johill> I still can't query the bug list properly that wya
2008-03-18T20:17:42 <dreimark> why not?
2008-03-18T20:18:27 <johill> because it'll still just be listed on one long page
2008-03-18T20:18:42 <johill> say I have
2008-03-18T20:18:46 <johill> Bugs/DocBook/XY
2008-03-18T20:18:49 <johill> and /AB
2008-03-18T20:18:53 <johill> then both will be on the huge list of bugs
2008-03-18T20:19:03 <johill> which is useless, it would be much better to see only Bugs/DocBook there
2008-03-18T20:19:13 <dreimark> you can have a list on Bugs/DocBook/ too
2008-03-18T20:19:21 <dreimark> or on a separate page
2008-03-18T20:19:24 <johill> yes
2008-03-18T20:19:32 <johill> then I need to generate each category by hand
2008-03-18T20:19:36 <dreimark> no
2008-03-18T20:20:07 <dreimark> e.g. <<FullSearchCached(title:ReimarBauer/)>>
2008-03-18T20:20:12 <dreimark> or PageList
2008-03-18T20:20:35 <johill> but I have to put that onto the category page
2008-03-18T20:20:40 <johill> that's just extra work
2008-03-18T20:20:50 <dreimark> no only on Bugs/DocBook/
2008-03-18T20:20:59 <johill> yeah that's what I mean
2008-03-18T20:21:13 <dreimark> only one line extra work
2008-03-18T20:21:14 <johill> and on Bugs/ModPy and on Bugs/Parser and on Bugs/...
2008-03-18T20:21:41 <ThomasWaldmann> you are duplicating what should be in the page title
2008-03-18T20:21:55 <johill> well that's what I'm saying
2008-03-18T20:21:58 <johill> the page title doesn't help
2008-03-18T20:22:01 <johill> we have >300 bugs
2008-03-18T20:22:07 <johill> it's just not useful to look at that list
2008-03-18T20:22:40 <johill> well only ~250, but still
2008-03-18T20:22:51 <ThomasWaldmann> well, if you want to see docbook bugs, search for title:docbook bug
2008-03-18T20:24:03 <johill> but I'd rather see all non-docbook bugs
2008-03-18T20:24:32 <ThomasWaldmann> title:-docbook bug? :P
2008-03-18T20:24:51 <johill> sort of
2008-03-18T20:41:33 * dreimark -> home bbl
2008-03-18T20:46:18 <grzywacz> johill, regarding http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinBugs/ErrorSavingPage
2008-03-18T20:46:28 <grzywacz> johill, the SandBox url is no longer valid
2008-03-18T20:47:26 <johill> grzywacz: yeah
2008-03-18T20:49:30 <johill> grzywacz: maybe just close it
2008-03-18T20:49:50 <johill> grzywacz: I've seen lots of email errors and no bugs in moin due to it
2008-03-18T20:49:59 <CIA-39> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 2567:35ff7a9b1546 1.6/ (MoinMoin/parser/text_rst.py docs/CHANGES): security fix: check the ACL of the included page when using the rst parser's include directive
2008-03-18T20:50:01 <grzywacz> johill, agreed
2008-03-18T20:51:20 <johill> want me to add that?
2008-03-18T20:51:41 <johill> grzywacz: I'll just close it
2008-03-18T20:52:17 <grzywacz> johill, sure, go ahead. :
2008-03-18T20:55:37 <johill> done
2008-03-18T20:57:56 <johill> now moinmo.in is stuck
2008-03-18T20:58:16 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: can you see what's wrong?
2008-03-18T20:58:36 <johill> oh it came back
2008-03-18T20:59:12 <johill> wow I closed 56 bugs
2008-03-18T20:59:13 <CIA-39> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 3308:6eb96b8664b0 1.7/MoinMoin/parser/text_rst.py: security fix: check the ACL of the included page when using the rst parser's include directive
2008-03-18T20:59:18 <johill> thats over 20%
2008-03-18T20:59:41 <ThomasWaldmann> :)
2008-03-18T21:01:26 <johill> you can close the include one now :)
2008-03-18T21:01:50 <ThomasWaldmann> yeah
2008-03-18T21:05:01 <johill> and the one about cracklib?
2008-03-18T21:44:48 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3309:4c14c613e275 1.7/MoinMoin/parser/text_csv.py: new csv parser, uses data browser widget and supports much more, is backward compatible
2008-03-18T21:51:42 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: cracklib / python-crack alone does not segfault for you, does it?
2008-03-18T21:52:28 <johill> no
2008-03-18T21:52:33 <johill> but I haven't tried with threads
2008-03-18T21:52:43 <johill> (and cracklib is definitely not thread safe)
2008-03-18T22:08:06 <dreimark> johill: extensions = ['.csvdata'] ?
2008-03-18T22:08:24 <dreimark> isn't that not to long?
2008-03-18T22:09:47 <dreimark> application/octet-stream needs then be added to the mimetypes we support
2008-03-18T22:13:16 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3310:d67113dc5a89 1.7/MoinMoin/widget/browser.py: data browser widget: allow not showing header
2008-03-18T22:13:46 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3311:fbcd580085de 1.7/MoinMoin/parser/text_csv.py: make new csv parser compatible with empty header line as in old
2008-03-18T22:14:36 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3312:25c223e1b6e4 1.7/MoinMoin/parser/text_csv.py: change extension back to .csv (as was the case with the old csv parser)
2008-03-18T22:14:38 <johill> dreimark: good point
2008-03-18T22:14:47 <dreimark> and I have a traceback
2008-03-18T22:16:18 <johill> huh
2008-03-18T22:16:53 <johill> or was that with an empty header line?
2008-03-18T22:17:50 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann can you delete the Attachment from MoinMoinWiki
2008-03-18T22:17:59 <dreimark> johill: http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinWiki?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=traceback.html
2008-03-18T22:18:08 <dreimark> sorry I thought I was on my page
2008-03-18T22:18:36 <dreimark> and have recognized that I can't delete attachments on that page
2008-03-18T22:18:49 <dreimark> nor move
2008-03-18T22:20:03 <johill> dreimark: is that python 2.5?
2008-03-18T22:20:43 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3313:79b954f62d9c 1.7/MoinMoin/widget/browser.py: remove print statement that I had for debugging
2008-03-18T22:21:06 <dreimark> johill: 2.5.1
2008-03-18T22:21:41 <johill> hm ok I can reproduce
2008-03-18T22:21:56 <johill> in 2.4, the csv thing simply uses the quote character \x00
2008-03-18T22:23:33 <dreimark> I am not happy with the delimiter of ';' csv delimiters could be different. often our files have ,
2008-03-18T22:24:55 <johill> dreimark: fixed
2008-03-18T22:24:58 <johill> you can change the delimiter
2008-03-18T22:25:00 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3314:55841be09a2f 1.7/MoinMoin/parser/text_csv.py: csv reader: properly set quoting keyword
2008-03-18T22:25:13 <johill> ah only with a parser
2008-03-18T22:25:42 <johill> thing is I wanted to keep it fully backward compatible
2008-03-18T22:26:09 <dreimark> it's ok, I try to figure out if i can guess the delimiter
2008-03-18T22:26:39 <johill> hm
2008-03-18T22:26:41 <dreimark> otherwise it is difficult to use with the attachment view
2008-03-18T22:26:42 <johill> might be doable
2008-03-18T22:26:52 <johill> yeah, I wasn't much concerned about attachments
2008-03-18T22:27:40 <CIA-39> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 2568:49db7eb1d421 1.6/ (MoinMoin/config/multiconfig.py docs/CHANGES): security fix: remove cracklib support from password_checker (details see CHANGES)
2008-03-18T22:29:45 <dreimark> is it only my configuration or do one else see e.g. [[Verbatim(attachment:)]]example.csv
2008-03-18T22:30:00 <dreimark> if parsing an attachment
2008-03-18T22:30:05 <johill> let me try
2008-03-18T22:30:45 <johill> same here
2008-03-18T22:32:41 <johill> that's a bug in the po file!
2008-03-18T22:34:22 <ThomasWaldmann> 1.7 i18n is far behing
2008-03-18T22:34:24 <ThomasWaldmann> d
2008-03-18T22:37:08 <johill> uh but how do I fix that?
2008-03-18T22:37:51 <johill> changing the po file doesn't do any good
2008-03-18T22:38:10 <CIA-39> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 3315:e66f55d0076d 1.7/MoinMoin/config/multiconfig.py: security fix: remove cracklib support from password_checker (port from 1.6)
2008-03-18T22:38:14 <CIA-39> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 3316:5f9ed5b4596f 1.7/MoinMoin/ (parser/text_csv.py widget/browser.py): merged main
2008-03-18T22:40:30 <johill> where do the strings come from?
2008-03-18T22:41:26 <johill> ah no
2008-03-18T22:41:29 <johill> I changed the 1.6 files. doh
2008-03-18T22:42:25 <johill> dir confusion
2008-03-18T22:43:55 <CIA-39> Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> default * 3317:a30b322d83fd 1.7/MoinMoin/i18n/ (de.MoinMoin.po en.MoinMoin.po): fix some en/de translations wrt. Verbatim() usage
2008-03-18T22:44:46 <dreimark> :)
2008-03-18T22:46:57 <johill> I only have four patches left then
2008-03-18T22:48:55 <johill> none of those can be applied though
2008-03-18T22:49:49 <dreimark> what did they do?
2008-03-18T22:50:21 <johill> one removes interwiki icon
2008-03-18T22:50:27 <johill> one removes icon size from all icons
2008-03-18T22:50:41 <johill> one is nir's header.py stuff (evaluating right now whether I still need that)
2008-03-18T22:50:51 <johill> and the last adds dashes (-- and ---)) to the wiki parser
2008-03-18T22:52:24 <dreimark> I remember some discussion on the last one in the wiki
2008-03-18T22:52:58 <johill> yeah
2008-03-18T22:53:00 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: http://moinmo.in/4ct10n/diff/MoinMoinBugs/SearchForPagesWithComments the link is hand made and invalid
2008-03-18T22:53:24 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: no it's not hand-made
2008-03-18T22:53:26 <ThomasWaldmann> moin does not generate this link any more, the highlight has to be a valid regex
2008-03-18T22:53:49 <johill> that is a valid regex, no? (/*)
2008-03-18T22:53:58 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: then post the link that generates this link :)
2008-03-18T22:54:29 <johill> anyone remember off hand how the new class stuff works in {{{?
2008-03-18T22:55:09 <ThomasWaldmann> new class stuff?
2008-03-18T22:55:28 <johill> like how you do that green stuff
2008-03-18T22:55:53 <dreimark> #!wiki green
2008-03-18T22:56:36 <johill> ah
2008-03-18T22:56:37 <johill> ok
2008-03-18T22:56:42 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: I updated that page
2008-03-18T23:01:43 <dreimark> johill: have to look if that goes in 2.3 too
2008-03-18T23:01:49 <dreimark> csv.Sniffer().sniff('A,B,c').delimiter
2008-03-18T23:02:04 <dreimark> ','
2008-03-18T23:04:16 <johill> no idea
2008-03-18T23:04:26 <johill> never heard of sniffer :)
2008-03-18T23:07:03 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: strange
2008-03-18T23:07:14 <johill> eek
2008-03-18T23:07:17 <johill> stupid bug
2008-03-18T23:07:22 <johill> that sucks
2008-03-18T23:14:07 <johill> hmm
2008-03-18T23:14:09 <johill> cannot really reproduce
2008-03-18T23:15:36 <johill> that's even worse :(
2008-03-18T23:16:26 <dreimark> no text and my login name is erased blue too
2008-03-18T23:17:26 <dreimark> ?highlight=%28/%2A%29
2008-03-18T23:17:38 <johill> oh. yeah
2008-03-18T23:17:40 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: use more {{{{ for nesting
2008-03-18T23:17:45 <johill> I don't want nesting
2008-03-18T23:17:57 <johill> thing is it appears to nest anyway in my production wiki but I can't reproduce
2008-03-18T23:18:00 <ThomasWaldmann> for the sample
2008-03-18T23:18:25 <johill> ah
2008-03-18T23:20:03 <dreimark> and this behaviour is not limited to pages with the new comment style
2008-03-18T23:20:22 <johill> wow
2008-03-18T23:20:27 <johill> my dashes patch breaks it
2008-03-18T23:22:06 <johill> odd
2008-03-18T23:28:41 <johill> confusing
2008-03-18T23:33:11 <johill> this is inexplicable
2008-03-18T23:37:14 <johill> ahhh
2008-03-18T23:40:44 <johill> ok, got rid of nir's section parser
2008-03-18T23:47:42 <dreimark> johill: ThomasWaldmann has yesterday revoked my changes on http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.7/rev/7f44c25af462
2008-03-18T23:50:43 <ThomasWaldmann> ?
2008-03-18T23:52:01 <dreimark> 2008-03-16T23:20:43 <dreimark>
2008-03-18T23:52:21 <dreimark> 2008-03-16T23:23:27 <ThomasWaldmann> that patch has unwanted changes
2008-03-18T23:53:02 <ThomasWaldmann> yeah, that means that you have to look at hg diff again
2008-03-18T23:53:52 <johill> hm?
2008-03-18T23:56:08 <ThomasWaldmann> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/33902/ see the lower hunk there
2008-03-18T23:56:44 <ThomasWaldmann> you merged 2 lines into a very long one, unwantedly I suppose
2008-03-18T23:56:50 <dreimark> scroll to the right there
2008-03-18T23:57:54 <johill> so yours got reverted because of that
2008-03-18T23:57:58 <johill> what's wrong with mine then?
2008-03-18T23:58:15 * johill is confused
2008-03-18T23:58:20 <ThomasWaldmann> i didnt revert anything, dreimark did not commit it because he misunderstood my words
2008-03-18T23:59:40 <johill> oh
2008-03-18T23:59:42 <johill> ok
MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2008-03-18 (last edited 2008-03-17 23:15:01 by IrcLogImporter)