1 2010-04-08T00:09:57 *** baluchandra
2 2010-04-08T00:10:19 <AshishSharma> ThomasWaldmann: Please see my doubts at http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=ddsnx9m3_3fg4m38ch .
3 2010-04-08T00:10:46 <AshishSharma> GN all, gotta go already around 4 here.
4 2010-04-08T00:11:49 <AshishG> 3:41 AM IST
5 2010-04-08T00:12:31 <AshishSharma> :)
6 2010-04-08T00:12:43 *** AshishSharma
7 2010-04-08T00:14:50 *** baluchandra
8 2010-04-08T00:24:52 *** baluchandra
9 2010-04-08T00:26:09 <AshishG> ronny: for reST -> DOM docutil's rst2xml and XML -> DOM. is that a possibility?
10 2010-04-08T00:27:41 <ronny> AshishG: can you rephase that
11 2010-04-08T00:28:16 <AshishG> reST -> DOM is planned in right?
12 2010-04-08T00:28:34 <AshishG> and rst2xml alredy exists in python
13 2010-04-08T00:29:00 <AshishG> and XML -> DOM should not be a problem
14 2010-04-08T00:29:28 <AshishG> +m2 (first line)
15 2010-04-08T00:30:01 <AshishG> is that feasible?
16 2010-04-08T00:37:11 <ValentinJaniaut> AshishG: what kind of XML ?
17 2010-04-08T00:37:43 <ValentinJaniaut> AshishG: you need a DTD with your XML, or to use one of the numerous DTD already existing like Docbook
18 2010-04-08T00:38:16 <ValentinJaniaut> AshishG: rst2xml produce docutlis XML
19 2010-04-08T00:38:21 <ValentinJaniaut> *docutils
20 2010-04-08T00:39:22 <AshishG> yep
21 2010-04-08T00:39:27 <ValentinJaniaut> docutils is nice, but much less supported than docbook, so it is not really interesting, since it does not provide any interesting feature
22 2010-04-08T00:39:49 <AshishG> i see (interesting?)
23 2010-04-08T00:41:17 <ValentinJaniaut> I mean that there is no reason to use docutils when you can use Docbook, since you will roughly find all the features from Docutils in Docbook
24 2010-04-08T00:41:57 <AshishG> right
25 2010-04-08T00:42:17 <AshishG> and the other possibility would be if we have a working HTML -> DOM
26 2010-04-08T00:42:59 <dreimark> that would make the gui editor happy
27 2010-04-08T00:43:01 <AshishG> then using rst2html would be like reST -> HTML -> DOM for reST -> DOM
28 2010-04-08T00:43:13 <dreimark> or users which want to use it for wiki items
29 2010-04-08T00:43:32 <ValentinJaniaut> AshishG: IMHO the conversion should be direct
30 2010-04-08T00:43:57 <ValentinJaniaut> AshishG: you will always loose some information if you start to do a long chain of conversion
31 2010-04-08T00:44:03 <AshishG> better performance
32 2010-04-08T00:44:15 <AshishG> also for direct
33 2010-04-08T00:44:23 <ValentinJaniaut> dreimark: that would be really nice to add some piece of HTML in a wiki page :)
34 2010-04-08T00:44:36 <ValentinJaniaut> AshishG: depends of the quality of the code ^ ^
35 2010-04-08T00:44:57 <AshishG> provided both are good codes =)
36 2010-04-08T00:45:06 <dreimark> ValentinJaniaut: you can that currently too
37 2010-04-08T00:45:14 <dreimark> {{{#!html }}}
38 2010-04-08T00:52:20 <ValentinJaniaut> dreimark: yep, but it does not work completely
39 2010-04-08T00:52:54 <ValentinJaniaut> dreimark: for example if you add a title with <h1> it will not be added to the Table Of Contents
40 2010-04-08T00:53:18 <dreimark> we are in 1.9
41 2010-04-08T00:53:23 <ValentinJaniaut> dreimark: if the HMTL is convert to the DOM Tree, it will be easier to fix this kind of behavior
42 2010-04-08T00:53:43 <ValentinJaniaut> dreimark: it has been fixed ?
43 2010-04-08T00:53:52 <dreimark> btw. i added you to the trustededitor group
44 2010-04-08T00:54:20 <ValentinJaniaut> dreimark: thanks :) the captcha annoyed me !!
45 2010-04-08T00:54:35 <dreimark> you should have asked
46 2010-04-08T00:54:52 <dreimark> i just have seen the new names and added them
47 2010-04-08T00:55:13 <ValentinJaniaut> dreimark: well I am not a big editor yet :) and I did not you have this group !
48 2010-04-08T00:55:28 <AshishG> dreimark: thanks :)
49 2010-04-08T00:55:48 <dreimark> toc and include were refactored in the dom tree already
50 2010-04-08T00:56:23 <dreimark> ValentinJaniaut: since we have added the textcha we don't have much spam
51 2010-04-08T00:57:09 <dreimark> btw. if you want to try out something the editor has a preview button
52 2010-04-08T00:57:20 <ValentinJaniaut> dreimark: it is fun because, this is very easy to crack the captcha, it means that the spammers does not care about moin moin
53 2010-04-08T00:57:32 <ValentinJaniaut> dreimark: it was to show it :)
54 2010-04-08T00:57:39 <AshishG> dreimark: I guess the textcha has only 4 questions?
55 2010-04-08T00:57:49 <dreimark> ValentinJaniaut: each wiki ha as different question
56 2010-04-08T00:58:21 <dreimark> AshishG: no you setup your own community driven questions
57 2010-04-08T00:59:25 <dreimark> http://moinmo.in/HelpOnSpam
58 2010-04-08T01:03:02 <dreimark> gn
59 2010-04-08T01:03:11 <AshishG> "do not ask too hard questions"
60 2010-04-08T01:03:12 <ValentinJaniaut> yep, going to bed too !
61 2010-04-08T01:03:12 <AshishG> :D
62 2010-04-08T01:03:17 <AshishG> same here
63 2010-04-08T01:03:23 <AshishG> 4.33 in the morning
64 2010-04-08T01:03:24 <AshishG> nite
65 2010-04-08T01:03:25 <AshishG> :)
66 2010-04-08T01:07:34 *** AshishG
67 2010-04-08T03:12:20 *** diofeher
68 2010-04-08T05:00:49 *** vpv
69 2010-04-08T06:08:03 *** ValentinJaniaut_
70 2010-04-08T06:08:03 *** ValentinJaniaut
71 2010-04-08T06:08:04 *** ValentinJaniaut_
72 2010-04-08T07:01:43 *** ValentinJaniaut_
73 2010-04-08T07:01:43 *** ValentinJaniaut
74 2010-04-08T07:01:43 *** ValentinJaniaut_
75 2010-04-08T07:03:51 *** diofeher
76 2010-04-08T07:44:13 *** _buck
77 2010-04-08T07:44:19 <_buck> moin
78 2010-04-08T07:44:51 <_buck> ThomasWaldmann: thr? I wanted to ask some doubts.
79 2010-04-08T07:46:29 *** ValentinJaniaut_
80 2010-04-08T07:46:29 *** ValentinJaniaut
81 2010-04-08T07:46:30 *** ValentinJaniaut_
82 2010-04-08T08:28:49 <ThomasWaldmann> _buck: don't ask to ask :)
83 2010-04-08T08:28:52 <ThomasWaldmann> moin
84 2010-04-08T08:29:51 <_buck> ya ok I have created a document , please take a look at it. https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AaJJMp6wh6PoZGRzbng5bTNfM2ZnNG0zOGNo&hl=en I have listed questions here.
85 2010-04-08T08:34:01 <ThomasWaldmann> _buck: for request see MoinMoin/web/...
86 2010-04-08T08:34:37 <_buck> ok
87 2010-04-08T08:35:16 <ThomasWaldmann> (request object represents the current request being processed and it also is a way to access all sorts of information related to it, like the current user or wiki config)
88 2010-04-08T08:35:55 <_buck> ok
89 2010-04-08T08:36:13 <ThomasWaldmann> for search, see MoinMoin/search/...
90 2010-04-08T08:36:29 <ThomasWaldmann> (not really functional in moin2 yet)
91 2010-04-08T08:37:38 <ThomasWaldmann> metadata indexing should be done for all metadata available in the items
92 2010-04-08T08:39:33 <ThomasWaldmann> some stuff like mimetype: text/wiki is likely present in all or many items, other stuff like foo: bar might be only present in a few items
93 2010-04-08T08:43:06 <_buck> okay so indexing is to be like the indexing that databases do. We need to separate meta data to other tables and then employ indexing and search on them/
94 2010-04-08T08:44:18 <ThomasWaldmann> metadata storage isn't necessarily in a db
95 2010-04-08T08:46:09 <ThomasWaldmann> also, using sqlalchemy is just an idea of how one could maybe solve that (it's not a perfect match, though)
96 2010-04-08T08:48:34 <_buck> okay, so should include work for all back ends in proposal?
97 2010-04-08T08:49:02 <_buck> Also please clear in these terms... index will map [metadata contents] --> [item associated] .Is this right??
98 2010-04-08T08:49:14 <_buck> [metadata contents] --> [item associated] .Is this right??
99 2010-04-08T08:49:24 <ThomasWaldmann> i didn't understand your first question
100 2010-04-08T08:50:22 <ThomasWaldmann> yes, index is to find matching item(s) (revision(s)) quickly
101 2010-04-08T08:50:42 <_buck> In my project proposal should I write working on sqlalchemy backend only? or should I also mention that I'll work on other moinmoin backends too, for metadata indexing.
102 2010-04-08T08:51:09 *** mrht
103 2010-04-08T08:51:22 <ThomasWaldmann> the metadata indexing is not related to the sqla backend
104 2010-04-08T08:51:49 <ThomasWaldmann> it could be used by any backend that doesn't do it itself somehow else
105 2010-04-08T08:51:57 *** mrht
106 2010-04-08T08:52:20 <ThomasWaldmann> or it could be on another layer of implementation
107 2010-04-08T08:52:53 <ThomasWaldmann> (you should think about WHERE and HOW this stuff shall happen to work best)
108 2010-04-08T08:53:15 <_buck> okay
109 2010-04-08T08:54:46 <_buck> it was looking like a riddle. :) .But now I think I get u. I am needed to look at current ways of metadata storing in other backends
110 2010-04-08T08:55:26 <ThomasWaldmann> well, you maybe don't need to care about how they store metadata.
111 2010-04-08T08:58:32 *** _buck
112 2010-04-08T08:58:44 *** _buck
113 2010-04-08T09:01:13 <_buck> So if that's the case then its right. I'll try to index metadata from the Item class itself.
114 2010-04-08T09:24:09 *** ValentinJaniaut_
115 2010-04-08T09:24:09 *** ValentinJaniaut
116 2010-04-08T09:24:10 *** ValentinJaniaut_
117 2010-04-08T09:25:36 *** mrht
118 2010-04-08T09:33:48 *** mrht
119 2010-04-08T10:05:34 <dreimark> moin
120 2010-04-08T10:15:34 *** _buck
121 2010-04-08T11:18:49 *** AshishG
122 2010-04-08T11:18:58 <AshishG> moin
123 2010-04-08T11:50:35 *** vpv
124 2010-04-08T11:55:07 *** _buck
125 2010-04-08T12:44:22 *** eSyr
126 2010-04-08T13:57:59 *** RaphaelBossek
127 2010-04-08T13:58:03 <RaphaelBossek> hi everybodey
128 2010-04-08T13:58:30 <eSyr> moin
129 2010-04-08T13:58:52 <RaphaelBossek> one question; is it possible to {{include:attachment_in_wiki_format}} and let the wiki formatter process this file e.g. csv ?
130 2010-04-08T13:59:35 <RaphaelBossek> we auto generate files in moinmoin wiki format and would like to inline them instead of copy&paste the content to the wiki page
131 2010-04-08T14:00:06 <TheSheep> should work
132 2010-04-08T14:01:00 <RaphaelBossek> no it does not with moinmoin 1.9
133 2010-04-08T14:01:39 <RaphaelBossek> I tried out different extensions for attachment file but no one was processed
134 2010-04-08T14:03:12 <eSyr> {{attachment:my_attach.csv}} should work
135 2010-04-08T14:03:43 <RaphaelBossek> yes, csv works but not an attachment which in moinmoin wiki format
136 2010-04-08T14:03:52 <eSyr> hm.
137 2010-04-08T14:03:57 <eSyr> .moin, i suppose
138 2010-04-08T14:04:06 <RaphaelBossek> no .moin does not
139 2010-04-08T14:04:13 <eSyr> wait, i'll check mime detecting.
140 2010-04-08T14:04:43 <RaphaelBossek> grep the source for extension and you will see that .csv exists but not .moin or any compareable
141 2010-04-08T14:05:14 <eSyr> there should be something for text/min-wiki or so.
142 2010-04-08T14:05:40 <eSyr> yes, in wikiutil.
143 2010-04-08T14:05:50 <eSyr> wikiutil.py:874
144 2010-04-08T14:05:56 <dreimark> bbl
145 2010-04-08T14:06:15 <eSyr> http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.9/file/63016f784d88/MoinMoin/wikiutil.py#l874
146 2010-04-08T14:06:23 <eSyr> RaphaelBossek, ^^^
147 2010-04-08T14:06:25 <dreimark> RaphaelBossek: attachment:example.csv
148 2010-04-08T14:06:48 <dreimark> and you need the mimetype of moin uses
149 2010-04-08T14:06:58 <RaphaelBossek> yes, CSV works but not for attachments with moinmoin wiki format
150 2010-04-08T14:07:01 <dreimark> for moin files its a extenstion
151 2010-04-08T14:07:51 <RaphaelBossek> please give me an example for the filename/attachment ?
152 2010-04-08T14:07:55 <dreimark> .moin
153 2010-04-08T14:08:05 <dreimark> attachment:example.moin
154 2010-04-08T14:08:11 <dreimark> for moinmoin syntax
155 2010-04-08T14:08:19 <dreimark> attachment:example.creole
156 2010-04-08T14:08:22 <dreimark> for creople
157 2010-04-08T14:08:33 <dreimark> see the link eSyr has posted
158 2010-04-08T14:09:13 <dreimark> htg
159 2010-04-08T14:09:22 <eSyr> RaphaelBossek, http://moinmo.in/4ct10n/info/WikiSandBox?action=diff&rev2=1662&rev1=1661
160 2010-04-08T14:09:49 <eSyr> RaphaelBossek, please, check, may be you have additional restrictions on what mimetypes can be ambedded.
161 2010-04-08T14:09:54 <eSyr> (in wiki config)
162 2010-04-08T14:10:06 <eSyr> *which mimetypes
163 2010-04-08T14:10:38 <eSyr> mimetypes_embed config option.
164 2010-04-08T14:10:56 <eSyr> and mimetypes_xss_protect
165 2010-04-08T14:11:03 <eSyr> hm.
166 2010-04-08T14:11:11 <eSyr> looks like them both not so related.
167 2010-04-08T14:12:49 <eSyr> yes, looks like you can transclude only types which allowed in AttachImage for inline viewing
168 2010-04-08T14:13:30 <eSyr> and looks like mimetypes_xss_protect already in action.
169 2010-04-08T14:17:27 <eSyr> or no...
170 2010-04-08T14:18:33 <eSyr> looks like working the following scheme: paraser/text_moin_wiki calls FormatBase.attachment_inlined, which find appropriate parser based on extension and call it.
171 2010-04-08T14:18:48 <RaphaelBossek> eSyr, I check the config right now... I'm running 1.9.0 without any changes regading mime/type
172 2010-04-08T14:20:54 <eSyr> http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.9/rev/5421
173 2010-04-08T14:21:14 <eSyr> yes, looks like it was added after 1.9.0 release.
174 2010-04-08T14:21:49 <eSyr> you can upgrade to 1.9.2 (which is also strongly recommended due to several recently found security issues)
175 2010-04-08T14:22:19 <RaphaelBossek> eSyr, ok I'm able to upgrade to 1.9.2 and hope it will work afterwards
176 2010-04-08T14:22:37 <eSyr> yes, it should.
177 2010-04-08T14:26:04 *** diofeher
178 2010-04-08T14:27:53 <RaphaelBossek> eSyr, thx ;-)
179 2010-04-08T14:29:38 <eSyr> RaphaelBossek, you're welcome.
180 2010-04-08T14:46:32 * AshishG is no longer AFK
181 2010-04-08T15:20:48 *** gwork
182 2010-04-08T16:05:46 *** _buck
183 2010-04-08T16:13:04 *** RaphaelBossek
184 2010-04-08T16:13:27 <AshishG> i have made a draft application
185 2010-04-08T16:14:25 <diofeher> AshishG: gsoc?
186 2010-04-08T16:14:43 <AshishG> yep, on the soc page
187 2010-04-08T16:19:46 <diofeher> nice :>
188 2010-04-08T16:19:47 <AshishG> eSyr, TheSheep, dreimark possible mentors i believe, can anyone of you guys suggest the details you would like
189 2010-04-08T16:19:51 <diofeher> i will try to participate too
190 2010-04-08T16:20:04 <diofeher> AshishG: what idea you take?
191 2010-04-08T16:21:01 <AshishG> DOM transformations
192 2010-04-08T16:24:56 <AshishG> diofeher: what are you thinking about?
193 2010-04-08T16:29:13 <diofeher> AshishG: i will try with templating engine
194 2010-04-08T16:32:44 *** _buck
195 2010-04-08T16:37:57 *** eSyr
196 2010-04-08T16:39:14 *** gwork
197 2010-04-08T17:00:34 *** diofeher
198 2010-04-08T17:36:23 *** ValentinJaniaut_
199 2010-04-08T17:36:23 *** ValentinJaniaut
200 2010-04-08T17:36:24 *** ValentinJaniaut_
201 2010-04-08T19:42:25 <AshishG> if a smile is towards the end inside paran () then it won't be parsed unless you give an extra white-space, correct?
202 2010-04-08T19:43:24 <AshishG> s/smile/smiley
203 2010-04-08T19:44:20 <AshishG> the extra white space can be costly in certain cases
204 2010-04-08T19:50:59 <AshishG> where is everyone :S
205 2010-04-08T19:57:46 *** AshishG
206 2010-04-08T19:59:17 *** AshishG
207 2010-04-08T20:10:55 * AshishG will be back in a sometime
208 2010-04-08T20:11:47 <AshishG> s/a sometime/some time
209 2010-04-08T20:11:56 *** AshishG
210 2010-04-08T20:48:01 *** _buck
211 2010-04-08T20:48:45 *** _buck
212 2010-04-08T20:56:44 <dreimark> re
213 2010-04-08T21:56:35 *** AshishG
214 2010-04-08T21:57:42 <AshishG> Can someone review my application on GSoC app?
215 2010-04-08T21:58:18 <AshishG> TheSheep, dreimark are the potential mentors i gather
216 2010-04-08T22:27:38 *** diofeher
217 2010-04-08T22:30:13 <ThomasWaldmann> re
218 2010-04-08T22:31:09 <AshishG> i need to add details to my application as per MoinMoin requirements
219 2010-04-08T22:31:22 <AshishG> if someone can be kind enough to review it, i'll be able to take the necessary steps
220 2010-04-08T22:34:41 <dreimark> AshishG: do you have subscribed to your proposal?
221 2010-04-08T22:34:55 <AshishG> yes
222 2010-04-08T22:35:08 <dreimark> then there is no need to bug me
223 2010-04-08T22:35:18 <ThomasWaldmann> oh, lots of new stuff
224 2010-04-08T22:35:26 * dreimark is preparing a python unconference currently
225 2010-04-08T22:35:50 * ThomasWaldmann was away today most of the time and just returned from a python talk at the stuttgart library
226 2010-04-08T22:36:18 <AshishG> dreimark: i am sorry for that, i really have a crappy net connection, my IMAP might not have synced, sorry
227 2010-04-08T22:38:16 <ThomasWaldmann> AshishG: m2?
228 2010-04-08T22:38:41 <AshishG> MoinMoin 2
229 2010-04-08T22:39:07 <AshishG> i think i read the shortcode on moinmo.in itself, if not pls don't be rude
230 2010-04-08T22:40:10 <ThomasWaldmann> what does m2 mean exactly?
231 2010-04-08T22:41:32 <AshishG> http://moinmo.in/GoogleSoc2010/InitialProjectIdeas
232 2010-04-08T22:41:42 <AshishG> under MoinMoin versions
233 2010-04-08T22:42:17 <ThomasWaldmann> i know that page, i have written most of it :)
234 2010-04-08T22:42:17 <AshishG> in version 2 instead of line-by-line parsing a DOM is being implemented
235 2010-04-08T22:42:28 <ThomasWaldmann> but it doesn't answer my question
236 2010-04-08T22:42:48 <AshishG> i don't quite understand your question then
237 2010-04-08T22:42:56 <ThomasWaldmann> also, see the hint at the top of that page, your project plan needs much more than the raw idea
238 2010-04-08T22:43:25 <ThomasWaldmann> i guess you mean "moin wiki markup" where you have written "m2"
239 2010-04-08T22:44:07 <AshishG> oh there
240 2010-04-08T22:44:11 <AshishG> on my projects page
241 2010-04-08T22:44:25 <AshishG> that is yes, moin wiki format
242 2010-04-08T22:44:31 <AshishG> markup yes
243 2010-04-08T22:45:04 <AshishG> i guess, like MediaWiki (markup) i should mention M2 (markup)
244 2010-04-08T22:45:51 <ThomasWaldmann> what, how, when - that's what's missing still
245 2010-04-08T22:47:52 <AshishG> how?
246 2010-04-08T22:49:49 <dreimark> AshishG: you hack that you should describe the how
247 2010-04-08T22:54:03 <AshishG> by how it is meant the general schematic idea about the steps involved?
248 2010-04-08T22:59:55 <dreimark> yes
249 2010-04-08T23:05:02 <AshishG> now i get it
250 2010-04-08T23:05:09 <AshishG> thanks and sorry for bothering you
251 2010-04-08T23:05:54 <diofeher> hey guys, sorry if i'm being insistent... i've made my proposal, anyone have read it? :p
252 2010-04-08T23:19:51 * ThomasWaldmann was rather busy today, but tries to catch up right now
253 2010-04-08T23:20:35 <dreimark> AshishG: you need to give a time table too
254 2010-04-08T23:24:35 <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: reading it right now
255 2010-04-08T23:26:03 <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: about those tests, what exactly would they test?
256 2010-04-08T23:26:46 <diofeher> ThomasWaldmann: the behaviour of template
257 2010-04-08T23:27:06 <diofeher> ex, if I add content, it showed in the right way?
258 2010-04-08T23:27:09 <diofeher> things like these
259 2010-04-08T23:28:13 <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: hmm, one has to be careful a bit. jinja2 has own tests, so you maybe don't need to test whether j2 itself works correct
260 2010-04-08T23:28:14 <diofeher> actions (that are already builtin in jinja) have some sort of tests?
261 2010-04-08T23:29:00 <diofeher> ThomasWaldmann: oh, i didn't mean the behaviour of j2, i mean the "controller" behaviour
262 2010-04-08T23:29:15 <diofeher> considering view/controller separation
263 2010-04-08T23:30:13 <ThomasWaldmann> can you give an example?
264 2010-04-08T23:32:18 <diofeher> let me see
265 2010-04-08T23:33:20 <diofeher> a approach like users permissions, if this user have access in determined page, he can edit (test here)
266 2010-04-08T23:33:42 <diofeher> actual jinja code is covered by tests?
267 2010-04-08T23:33:44 <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: UnitTest link is broken, btw. did you mean unittest stdlib module?
268 2010-04-08T23:35:08 <diofeher> ThomasWaldmann: what link?
269 2010-04-08T23:35:19 <ThomasWaldmann> in your app
270 2010-04-08T23:35:50 <ThomasWaldmann> could be accidental, due to camelcase and c&p from wiki?
271 2010-04-08T23:36:03 <diofeher> i didn't understood... what line of my application?
272 2010-04-08T23:36:11 <diofeher> ooh
273 2010-04-08T23:36:13 <diofeher> ok
274 2010-04-08T23:36:15 <diofeher> i found it
275 2010-04-08T23:36:21 <diofeher> yes, i would mean this
276 2010-04-08T23:36:32 <diofeher> thanks for point the typo =)
277 2010-04-08T23:36:52 <ThomasWaldmann> we don't use unittest any more, but py.test is fine (and less work for you :)
278 2010-04-08T23:37:15 <diofeher> yes... i was talking about dreimark about this
279 2010-04-08T23:37:31 <diofeher> he showed me the output of py.test, looks nice
280 2010-04-08T23:37:37 <diofeher> and have less boilerplate code
281 2010-04-08T23:38:00 <diofeher> but well, i never used py.test, i've only used unittest
282 2010-04-08T23:41:49 <ThomasWaldmann> you need to clarify what backend/frontend in that context is
283 2010-04-08T23:44:26 <diofeher> i was talking with thesheep or dreimark, i don't remember now... and he told me that maybe i will need to do a nice UI interface
284 2010-04-08T23:45:05 <diofeher> in that context of my proposal, backend means python code, and frontend means html css and all that stuff
285 2010-04-08T23:45:15 <ThomasWaldmann> ok, add that please
286 2010-04-08T23:45:38 <ThomasWaldmann> about the css stuff, i was also thinking about that when reading your proposal.
287 2010-04-08T23:45:54 <ThomasWaldmann> we have some css, but i think it need structural cleanup
288 2010-04-08T23:46:09 <diofeher> i will need touch html code, of course, because I will change the template stuff, but I don't want to *modify* the code, just structure with jinja template
289 2010-04-08T23:46:15 <diofeher> ok, i will put in my proposal
290 2010-04-08T23:46:20 <ThomasWaldmann> and your templates need to have classes, ids, etc. for css
291 2010-04-08T23:46:30 <diofeher> but you mean a new design?
292 2010-04-08T23:46:45 <ThomasWaldmann> not necessarily, just clean up
293 2010-04-08T23:46:50 <diofeher> html and css aren't a problem for, but design... i don't have the feeling of a design =p
294 2010-04-08T23:46:52 <ThomasWaldmann> old stuff has grown over years
295 2010-04-08T23:47:06 <diofeher> oh, your cleanup means just css code?
296 2010-04-08T23:48:44 <ThomasWaldmann> all, but not design
297 2010-04-08T23:49:27 <diofeher> oh ok
298 2010-04-08T23:49:52 <diofeher> i'm very familiar with these stuff, i work at a local web agency here
299 2010-04-08T23:51:04 <ThomasWaldmann> ok, then you know how it should not look like :D
300 2010-04-08T23:51:49 <xorAxAx> seems like other gsoc projects have more interested students than us
301 2010-04-08T23:51:55 <xorAxAx> hopefully we get enough slots
302 2010-04-08T23:52:16 <ThomasWaldmann> we didn't make it too easy this year
303 2010-04-08T23:52:38 <xorAxAx> and we are not as popular :)
304 2010-04-08T23:52:49 <diofeher> ThomasWaldmann: hehe, exactly
305 2010-04-08T23:52:54 <ThomasWaldmann> php is much more popular :P
306 2010-04-08T23:53:00 <diofeher> django was receiving too many proposals too
307 2010-04-08T23:53:51 <diofeher> moinmoin have how much slots?
308 2010-04-08T23:54:53 <xorAxAx> diofeher: we will know in a few days
309 2010-04-08T23:54:59 <xorAxAx> how many did we get last year?
310 2010-04-08T23:55:04 <ThomasWaldmann> or 2 weeks?
311 2010-04-08T23:55:17 <ThomasWaldmann> 4
312 2010-04-08T23:55:46 <diofeher> without me, i saw only 4 others students interested
313 2010-04-08T23:56:35 <xorAxAx> we already have 4 applications
314 2010-04-08T23:56:49 <xorAxAx> and i didnt see 3 of them on irc
315 2010-04-08T23:57:05 <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: you may want to read through your app and fix some speling/gramar
316 2010-04-08T23:57:31 <diofeher> ThomasWaldmann: ok... i don't have a very good english
317 2010-04-08T23:58:01 <diofeher> i will ask for help of others that speak english well