1 2010-06-15T00:12:17 <TheSheep> ThomasWaldmann: edit was kinda traditional...
2 2010-06-15T00:13:13 <ThomasWaldmann> yes, but if you have a pdf, you can't edit it, but you can modify it by uploading next revision
3 2010-06-15T00:18:17 <TheSheep> Although practicality beats purity.
4 2010-06-15T00:21:04 <TheSheep> I guess we will have to use the Universal Modify Button then ;)
5 2010-06-15T00:23:36 <ThomasWaldmann> yeah :D
6 2010-06-15T00:24:14 <ei-grad> waldi: i don't understand, what did i missed?
7 2010-06-15T00:24:59 <TheSheep> ei-grad: see the last commit message
8 2010-06-15T00:25:25 <TheSheep> ei-grad: ah, sorry, wrong conversation :)
9 2010-06-15T00:25:52 <ei-grad> )
10 2010-06-15T00:36:19 <ei-grad> waldi: the first implementation (without memberOf) will not support nested groups
11 2010-06-15T00:37:38 <ei-grad> and it mostly done now... like a LazyGroupsBackend implementation
12 2010-06-15T00:38:14 *** RogerHaase
13 2010-06-15T00:38:34 <ei-grad> but we want to support nested groups, and i don't know how to implement that having only a 'member' attribute
14 2010-06-15T00:48:51 <ei-grad> the problem is how to find a groups, nested in a specified group, without iteration over all members of that group
15 2010-06-15T01:16:37 <diofeher> TheSheep: what do you think about use property of Theme instance instead of context?
16 2010-06-15T01:23:50 <TheSheep> diofeher: most methods and attributes are going to be used inside the templates anyways, right?
17 2010-06-15T01:24:00 <TheSheep> diofeher: except for the render_template one
18 2010-06-15T01:24:18 <valeuf> well,
19 2010-06-15T01:24:30 <valeuf> enough for today :) I am getting insane with my tables !!
20 2010-06-15T01:24:36 <valeuf> good night everybody
21 2010-06-15T01:26:02 <diofeher> TheSheep: yes
22 2010-06-15T01:26:27 <diofeher> another doubt: is there any equivalent of wikiutil.getLocalizedPage to Item?
23 2010-06-15T01:27:47 <TheSheep> diofeher: we were thinking about just using something like href(_(title))
24 2010-06-15T01:28:02 <TheSheep> diofeher: but that wouldn't check if the translated page exists
25 2010-06-15T01:28:36 <TheSheep> diofeher: we think the best would be something like href(translated_item_name(title))
26 2010-06-15T01:28:57 <TheSheep> but the translated_item_name function needs to be written
27 2010-06-15T01:29:14 <TheSheep> you could define it as identity for now
28 2010-06-15T01:29:27 <diofeher> whats the difference between _ to translated_item_name?
29 2010-06-15T01:29:55 <TheSheep> diofeher: translated_item_name only translates the name if a translated item exists
30 2010-06-15T01:30:10 <TheSheep> diofeher: and uses the fallback, english name if it doesn't
31 2010-06-15T01:32:02 <TheSheep> good night
32 2010-06-15T01:32:20 <diofeher> gn TheSheep
33 2010-06-15T01:41:29 <diofeher> but wait, request.getText works in this way, doesn't?
34 2010-06-15T03:02:37 <CIA-47> Diogenes Augusto <diofeher@gmail.com> default * 8262:8b057aeabb92 2.0-dev-jinja2-plugins-dfeher/MoinMoin/ (templates/base.html templates/head.html theme/jinja.py): [templating] function translated_item_name that return translated item, but if not exists, return item in english
35 2010-06-15T03:24:03 *** grzywacz
36 2010-06-15T04:38:05 <diofeher> gn
37 2010-06-15T07:26:15 *** CIA-47
38 2010-06-15T07:54:21 *** CIA-47
39 2010-06-15T08:09:43 *** DmitryAndreev
40 2010-06-15T08:24:35 *** gwork
41 2010-06-15T08:39:30 <ei-grad> moin
42 2010-06-15T10:12:38 *** DmitryAndreev
43 2010-06-15T10:37:10 <ThomasWaldmann> moin
44 2010-06-15T10:54:38 <ThomasWaldmann> valeuf: http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/rev/e2a296da9853#l1.15 typo "attri"
45 2010-06-15T11:36:32 <valeuf> ThomasWaldmann: oh right, but it is weird, my test are not foiling
46 2010-06-15T11:36:37 <valeuf> *failing
47 2010-06-15T11:36:41 <valeuf> I need to check why
48 2010-06-15T11:47:35 <CIA-47> Andrew Grigorev <andrew@ei-grad.ru> default * 5701:efb6b7102a55 1.9-ldap-kerberos-agrigorev/MoinMoin/util/ldap_connection.py: [LDAP2010] s/search_scope/scope/g
49 2010-06-15T11:47:36 <CIA-47> Andrew Grigorev <andrew@ei-grad.ru> default * 5702:023b03ffcef3 1.9-ldap-kerberos-agrigorev/MoinMoin/util/ldap_connection.py: [LDAP2010] a minor edit
50 2010-06-15T11:47:38 <CIA-47> Andrew Grigorev <andrew@ei-grad.ru> default * 5703:2edcce1468dd 1.9-ldap-kerberos-agrigorev/MoinMoin/datastruct/backends/ldap_groups.py: [LDAP2010] Added support of old-style ldap configs for LDAPGroups
51 2010-06-15T11:47:40 <CIA-47> Andrew Grigorev <andrew@ei-grad.ru> default * 5704:233cfff08d2e 1.9-ldap-kerberos-agrigorev/MoinMoin/util/ldap_connection.py: [LDAP2010] added missed self.protocol_version
52 2010-06-15T11:47:41 <CIA-47> Andrew Grigorev <andrew@ei-grad.ru> default * 5705:33ee7ad50e7d 1.9-ldap-kerberos-agrigorev/MoinMoin/datastruct/backends/ldap_groups.py: [LDAP2010] fixed search_single calls
53 2010-06-15T11:47:42 <CIA-47> Andrew Grigorev <andrew@ei-grad.ru> default * 5706:e62397d39948 1.9-ldap-kerberos-agrigorev/MoinMoin/util/ldap_connection.py: [LDAP2010] base_dn should be required
54 2010-06-15T11:51:51 *** DmitryAndreev
55 2010-06-15T12:02:13 <CIA-47> Andrew Grigorev <andrew@ei-grad.ru> default * 5707:da07162fec88 1.9-ldap-kerberos-agrigorev/MoinMoin/datastruct/backends/ldap_groups.py: [LDAP2010] guest_login removed
56 2010-06-15T12:04:02 <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: your changesets are rather unclean and the commit comments do not match the content of the changeset
57 2010-06-15T12:04:07 <ThomasWaldmann> please stop that
58 2010-06-15T12:04:21 <ThomasWaldmann> http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/2.0-dev-jinja2-plugins-dfeher/rev/76a5c0650b24 < e.g. there
59 2010-06-15T12:06:09 <ThomasWaldmann> (just focus on one topic when changing stuff and commit after you finished working on that, resist from doing other changes unrelated to that topic [but make notes to not forget doing them later])
60 2010-06-15T12:06:28 *** DmitryAndreev
61 2010-06-15T12:08:50 <ThomasWaldmann> DmitryAndreev: it looks like you should commit/push a bit more often
62 2010-06-15T12:09:21 <ThomasWaldmann> http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/2.0-dev-wiki-rest-dandreev/rev/15285a971226 e.g. that looks like a rather big change
63 2010-06-15T12:15:48 <DmitryAndreev> ThomasWaldmann, it was first working version of rst_out, i think it would be strange, if i'll push some strange code, that even doesn't work.) but i'll try to commit small changes separately
64 2010-06-15T12:20:47 <ei-grad> hm. don't understand... How ldap_login performs authentication, in case bind_once == True?
65 2010-06-15T12:23:50 <ei-grad> seems like it doesn't perform it in that case, it just performs a search for a user with a specified login, and didn't even check his password...
66 2010-06-15T12:23:55 <ThomasWaldmann> ei-grad: isn't that the case where the user name is used for binding?
67 2010-06-15T12:24:28 <ThomasWaldmann> it the password is wrong, the bind doesn't succeed
68 2010-06-15T12:26:57 <ei-grad> there will be no bind performed in the login function, and i can't find any place where it checks the password
69 2010-06-15T12:27:54 <ei-grad> oh. sorry, all right
70 2010-06-15T12:47:27 <ThomasWaldmann> if you are unsure, check it practically :)
71 2010-06-15T13:24:10 <ei-grad> but in case if we don't use the form %(username)s/%(password)s for bind_dn/bind_pw and set bind_once, LDAPAuth will not check password for the user) of course, its a configuration issue, but it is bad)
72 2010-06-15T13:26:15 <ei-grad> s/bad/strange feature/
73 2010-06-15T13:34:53 <ThomasWaldmann> if that is not clear from the snippet, please add some warning words
74 2010-06-15T14:34:43 <ei-grad> bbl
75 2010-06-15T15:00:36 <diofeher> moin
76 2010-06-15T15:04:16 <diofeher> TheSheep: hey, i've made a translated_item_name, but it's using Page :P i was looking for a function that return a item, but a found just one, and i think it's not the right (request.storage.get_item)
77 2010-06-15T15:04:43 <TheSheep> diofeher: it can be replaced/improved later
78 2010-06-15T15:21:33 <CIA-47> Diogenes Augusto <diofeher@gmail.com> default * 8263:94ca03770705 2.0-dev-jinja2-plugins-dfeher/MoinMoin/theme/jinja.py: [templating] improved translated_item_name, now checking if page exists in cfg.language_default before return english name
79 2010-06-15T15:32:51 *** DmitryAndreev
80 2010-06-15T15:57:18 <diofeher> ThomasWaldmann: hey, with this: kill current page detection for user links in navibar
81 2010-06-15T15:57:35 <diofeher> you mean userlinks = request.user.getQuickLinks() in ThemeBase.navibar()?
82 2010-06-15T16:06:04 *** RogerHaase
83 2010-06-15T16:18:53 <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: it does special treatment for the current page
84 2010-06-15T16:19:05 <ThomasWaldmann> like giving it a "current" css class
85 2010-06-15T16:19:15 <ThomasWaldmann> like adding it at the end if it is not there
86 2010-06-15T16:19:40 <ThomasWaldmann> as we have now a link to the current page in the "title", we don't need all this any more
87 2010-06-15T16:43:40 <dreimark> moin
88 2010-06-15T16:52:18 *** gwork
89 2010-06-15T16:55:49 <diofeher> ThomasWaldmann: understood :D
90 2010-06-15T17:01:27 *** valeuf
91 2010-06-15T17:01:58 *** valeuf
92 2010-06-15T17:05:21 <diofeher> ThomasWaldmann: i didn't removed 'wikilink current'. this css class looks so nice to be removed :(
93 2010-06-15T17:08:03 <ThomasWaldmann> well, if it is not used, it is pointless to keep it
94 2010-06-15T17:08:17 <ThomasWaldmann> so, check if it is used still
95 2010-06-15T17:08:36 <ThomasWaldmann> (the sisterwiki stuff needs to stay as is I think)
96 2010-06-15T17:09:47 <diofeher> sisterwiki stays ^^ but css class (wikilink current) is used to highlight item in navibar when item is current item... give a nice look to the layout
97 2010-06-15T17:10:25 <ThomasWaldmann> ehrm, didn't you remove the current item check?
98 2010-06-15T17:12:25 <ThomasWaldmann> maybe you don't understand the background: in the past (== up to 1.9), we had no means to get to the current page's show action except some navibar entry for the current page that was rendered with that special css class (blue link), because the last fragment of the pagename in the "title" was linked to backlinks search.
99 2010-06-15T17:13:13 <ThomasWaldmann> but as we have the last fragment now linking to the page itself, we have that link at a nice intuitive place, so there is no need to highlight anything in the navibar for that purpose
100 2010-06-15T17:13:54 <diofeher> hmm, understood
101 2010-06-15T18:06:25 *** DmitryAndreev
102 2010-06-15T19:39:42 *** grzywacz
103 2010-06-15T20:02:40 <ei-grad> moin
104 2010-06-15T20:16:19 <CIA-47> Dmitry Andreev <klieg.polar@gmail.com> default * 8310:f5a874d8fb0c 2.0-dev-wiki-rest-dandreev/MoinMoin/converter2/ (_tests/test_moinwiki_out.py moinwiki_out.py): DOM->Moinwiki: implementation of inline-part conversion
105 2010-06-15T20:16:21 <CIA-47> Dmitry Andreev <klieg.polar@gmail.com> default * 8311:907548a7f503 2.0-dev-wiki-rest-dandreev/MoinMoin/converter2/ (3 files in 2 dirs): DOM->Moinwiki: added '\n' after not inline part (macro)
106 2010-06-15T20:16:25 <CIA-47> Dmitry Andreev <klieg.polar@gmail.com> default * 8312:5eea6bb5f9e3 2.0-dev-wiki-rest-dandreev/MoinMoin/converter2/rst_out.py: DOM->reStructuredText: conversion of <part> (macros), <note> (footnotes), <line-break>.
107 2010-06-15T20:43:11 <ThomasWaldmann> re
108 2010-06-15T20:49:49 <dreimark> re
109 2010-06-15T21:55:56 <valeuf> moin
110 2010-06-15T21:56:15 <valeuf> ok, let's go back to my colored tables ^ ^
111 2010-06-15T21:57:10 <valeuf> DmitryAndreev: are you trying to encode non-ASCII character ?
112 2010-06-15T21:57:49 <valeuf> DmitryAndreev: the error you get means that the parser got some problem with non-ASCII char, which is quite weird
113 2010-06-15T22:07:02 <DmitryAndreev> valeuf, maybe that's because of python 2.6. i've tried to convert http://moinmo.in/MoinAPI/Beispiele to DOM and back to moinwiki, but have an error in emeraldtree.tree.XMLParser. It doesn't like unicode input.
114 2010-06-15T22:07:17 <DmitryAndreev> or maybe i need to update emeraldtree
115 2010-06-15T22:07:42 <valeuf> weird ... ET is supposed to handle unicode (This was one of the main reason for the fork if I remember what I read)
116 2010-06-15T22:08:03 <valeuf> but you confirm that there is non-ASCII char in your input ?
117 2010-06-15T22:09:29 <ThomasWaldmann> DmitryAndreev: traceback?
118 2010-06-15T22:09:31 <DmitryAndreev> yes, maybe i do something wrong, so i'll do more tests later.
119 2010-06-15T22:12:24 <DmitryAndreev> ThomasWaldmann, http://pastebin.com/N3nvtaxW
120 2010-06-15T22:13:56 <valeuf> DmitryAndreev: It seems that the problem is coming from the quote ?
121 2010-06-15T22:15:20 <ThomasWaldmann> DmitryAndreev: that is a bad test because it is hard to see why the assertion is failing
122 2010-06-15T22:16:43 <ThomasWaldmann> also, maybe "output" should be named "expected" or "expected_output" or so
123 2010-06-15T22:17:58 <DmitryAndreev> ThomasWaldmann, ow, "assert" from the next test. http://pastebin.com/EqzhQ7cg MoinMoin/support/emeraldtree/tree.py:1146: UnicodeEncodeError
124 2010-06-15T22:18:00 <ThomasWaldmann> instead of doing conversion twice in 48 and 49, you could rather do:
125 2010-06-15T22:18:43 <ThomasWaldmann> x = self.handle_output(out)
126 2010-06-15T22:18:50 <ThomasWaldmann> assert x == output
127 2010-06-15T22:18:57 <ThomasWaldmann> (using your attr names)
128 2010-06-15T22:21:13 <ThomasWaldmann> #
129 2010-06-15T22:21:14 <ThomasWaldmann> > self._parser.Parse(data, 0)
130 2010-06-15T22:21:25 <ThomasWaldmann> i don't see why this wants to encode
131 2010-06-15T22:21:38 <ThomasWaldmann> and raised UnicodeEncodeError
132 2010-06-15T22:22:24 <ThomasWaldmann> usually this happens when a str is needed, but unicode is given, then it tries to encode with ascii codec
133 2010-06-15T22:25:46 <ThomasWaldmann> # @param data Encoded data.
134 2010-06-15T22:35:32 <DmitryAndreev> ThomasWaldmann, so, what does it mean for me?) i need to use something like encode(utf-8) or.. where i can read about problems like this in python?
135 2010-06-15T22:35:53 <DmitryAndreev> .encode('utf-8') *
136 2010-06-15T22:36:20 <ThomasWaldmann> in case of doubt ask waldi :)
137 2010-06-15T22:38:55 <DmitryAndreev> ha, after ET.XML(i.encode("utf-8")) i have a problem with StringIO() .)
138 2010-06-15T22:40:36 <DmitryAndreev> ok. with ET.XML(i.encode("utf-8")) all things work well
139 2010-06-15T22:43:24 <waldi> yeah, in case of doubt ask waldi ...
140 2010-06-15T22:55:44 <ThomasWaldmann> or read teh source ..
141 2010-06-15T22:56:49 <valeuf> waldi: ah ah ah you are always our last hope ^ ^
142 2010-06-15T23:19:22 <DmitryAndreev> original http://moinmo.in/MoinAPI/Beispiele -> DOM -> http://moinmo.in/DmitryAndreev/GSoC2010/Diary/MoinAPIBeispielePageConversionTest after conversion
143 2010-06-15T23:31:40 <valeuf> sorry for the spam ^ ^
144 2010-06-15T23:31:45 <CIA-47> Valentin Janiaut <valentin.janiaut@utbm.fr> default * 8355:e8cdaf67aa2d 2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/MoinMoin/converter2/html_in.py: Fix Typo in HTML_IN converter
145 2010-06-15T23:31:46 <CIA-47> Valentin Janiaut <valentin.janiaut@utbm.fr> default * 8356:38115d97f900 2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/MoinMoin/converter2/_tests/test_html_in.py: Add test for the <base> tag in the HTML_IN converter
146 2010-06-15T23:31:47 <CIA-47> Valentin Janiaut <valentin.janiaut@utbm.fr> default * 8357:8717c5f94e38 2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/MoinMoin/converter2/html_in.py: Add support for the <base> tag in the HTML_IN converter
147 2010-06-15T23:31:49 <CIA-47> Valentin Janiaut <valentin.janiaut@utbm.fr> default * 8358:1fe48e6fcf5d 2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/MoinMoin/converter2/_tests/test_html_in.py: Add test for the <b> tag in the HTML_IN converter
148 2010-06-15T23:31:50 <CIA-47> Valentin Janiaut <valentin.janiaut@utbm.fr> default * 8359:0dbc2e67074e 2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/MoinMoin/converter2/html_in.py: Add support for the <b> tag in the HTML_IN converter
149 2010-06-15T23:31:51 <CIA-47> Valentin Janiaut <valentin.janiaut@utbm.fr> default * 8360:02d5c4ca427c 2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/MoinMoin/converter2/_tests/test_html_in.py: Add test for <img> tag in the HTML_IN converter
150 2010-06-15T23:31:53 <CIA-47> Valentin Janiaut <valentin.janiaut@utbm.fr> default * 8361:2fb2bd43cf29 2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/MoinMoin/converter2/html_in.py: Force the base_url to be empty when we call the converter
151 2010-06-15T23:31:54 <CIA-47> Valentin Janiaut <valentin.janiaut@utbm.fr> default * 8362:b5eaa438f1e4 2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/MoinMoin/converter2/html_in.py: Add support for the <img> tag in the HTML_IN converter
152 2010-06-15T23:31:58 <CIA-47> Valentin Janiaut <valentin.janiaut@utbm.fr> default * 8363:549273286811 2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/MoinMoin/converter2/_tests/test_html_in.py: Add test for <big> and <small> tags in HTML_IN converter
153 2010-06-15T23:31:58 <CIA-47> Valentin Janiaut <valentin.janiaut@utbm.fr> default * 8364:af6281bd536f 2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/MoinMoin/converter2/html_in.py: Add support for <big> and <small> tags in HTML_IN converter
154 2010-06-15T23:33:14 *** RogerHaase